Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 304: Distracting traces entering the sea area

Chapter 304: Distraction in the sea

 The land of the Zhao family.

At the moment when Gao Nian'er's immortal power came to suppress him, the expressions of the elders and clan elders who gathered here in the Zhao Family Hall suddenly changed drastically. The immortal power was like a heavy fairy mountain, suppressing them heavily. In their hearts, they all felt a sense of suffocation.

Not long ago, the elder guarding the family soul palace made a horrifying discovery.

Including an ancestor and the head of the family, the soul tablets of all the clan members who went out to deal with the Gao family suddenly shattered.

 This shows that their ancestor, the head of the family, and others all suffered unexpected events and died outside.

This discovery made the elder freeze on the spot, his head was buzzing and his computer was shutting down.

 Shortly afterwards.

The bronze bell of the Zhao family rang loudly, and the nine bells tolled, indicating that the Zhao family was about to suffer the disaster of annihilation, and the whole family needed to be on guard.

 So the remaining true king ancestor of the Zhao family has also left seclusion.

All the elders and clan elders of the Zhao family gathered in the family hall to discuss the matter.

Have you ever thought that

 They haven’t decided yet what the family will do next.

 Someone has already come to the door.

 Furthermore, this divine power—

The remaining true king ancestor of the Zhao family, who was at the first level of the Nascent Soul Realm, had his pupils suddenly shrunk, and the hair on his body exploded. The terrifying immortal power and energy were locked on him, making him feel as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. .

 The previous anger and murderous intention disappeared in an instant like clouds of smoke.

 There is only fear and fear in my eyes and in my heart.


And the other monks in the Zhao family's Foundation Establishment Realm and Qi Refining Realm were almost crushed to the ground at this moment. The terrifying immortal power suppressed them, causing many people to vomit blood instantly and said on the spot: "Boom!"


These people's faces were extremely pale, and their eyes were filled with shock and horror.

 “Gao family!?”

“Is it the Gao family that the head of the family is leading people to deal with?”

"How is it possible, the Gao family? Where did such a powerful immortal cultivator come from?"

 Some members of the Zhao family cried out in horror.

next moment.

The Zhao family's grand formations were activated one after another. In the family hall, the ancestor of the Zhao family stood up, his face changing, and said: "This person's strength is definitely beyond my ability. I am afraid that Xin Zu and the head of the family will fall into the hands of this person." !”

"Now our Zhao family has two options to choose from. The first is to fight to the death with the opponent based on the clan's territory. The second is to bow down and negotiate for peace. Maybe there is still a way for our Zhao family to survive!"

The face of an Elder Jiedan suddenly changed and he continued: "Old Ancestor, Ancestor Xin and the head of the family may all have died in the hands of this person, this blood feud."

Before he could finish speaking, another person beside him suddenly yelled angrily: "What kind of blood feud? Can you stop this man?"

 They are still arguing.

The ancestor of the Zhao family's face suddenly changed. He even looked at the fairy light rising into the sky outside the family's land, and the sharp sword in his hand seemed to be able to split half of the sky of Mulberry Fairy City.

 He shouted in shock: "Friend, wait a minute! I am the Zhao family's wish"


Gao Nian'er made a swipe with the flying sword in his hand, and a green sword light flashed in mid-air. The Zhao family land in front of him, which was covered by a sky barrier, was split in half by the sword in an instant.

 The formation was completely broken, and even the main hall of the Zhao family was cut in half.

 In the family hall.

The ancestor of the Zhao family looked dull, and a streak of blood appeared on his head.

 Following this came his body and the Nascent Soul within him.

That sword—

  Not only did it cut through the large formation barrier of their family, but it also passed through his body and cut him in half, including Nascent Soul.


Green sword light burst out from his Nascent Soul and body.

next moment.

The body of the remaining true king ancestor of the Zhao family is like spring snow after rain, turning into powder and scattering bit by bit across the sky and earth.

 With one sword, the ancestor of the Zhao family fell.

Gao Nian'er's figure came to the Zhao family and drew out another sword. In an instant, the entire Zhao family was enveloped in the green sword light. In an instant, all the elders and clan elders of the Zhao family died.

Looking at the deathly silence of the Zhao family land, Gao Nian'er looked at the flying sword, a top-quality magical weapon in his hand, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

 Has your own strength actually reached such a level?

 Even the true ancestor of the Zhao family couldn't withstand her sword!

Gao Nian'er murmured excitedly: "How far has master's cultivation level reached?"

 The Zhao family is finished.

With the help of her master, the Zhao family, which was about to take down the Gao family, was destroyed by her in the blink of an eye, and the two Nascent Soul Lords fell.

 All the Dan Formation realms have fallen.

 The remaining Zhao family members are no longer anything to worry about.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Gao Nian'er plundered all the Zhao family's resources and treasure house, then ignored the five Nascent Soul Sovereigns in Sangmu Immortal City, returned to Su Yu, and happily presented the loot. .

The five Nascent Soul True Lords in Sangmu Fairy City, including the sixth-level Yuanying Realm True Lord who shouted at Gao Nian'er to stop, were all silent at this moment.

Looking at Gao Nian'er returning to Su Yu, his respectful look made their hearts freeze a bit.

That woman's strength is already so amazing, how strong is the person who even needs to treat her with respect?

As for the other immortal cultivators in Sangmu Immortal City, they also fell silent at this moment.

 My mind is a little confused.

 Zhao family, is this the end of the game?

 Is the strength of the Gao family already so terrifying?

 After a long time.

The five Nascent Soul Sovereigns of Mulberry Immortal City walked out of the fairy city together, came not far in front of Su Yu, and bowed respectfully: "Welcome to the Mulberry Immortal City, senior."

 As night falls, the night wind carries the smell of sea water.

Standing on the top of a three-story commercial building that originally belonged to the Gao family in Sangmu Fairy City, Su Yu looked at the sea in front of her. Under the dark night, there seemed to be an indescribable sense of oppression coming from the sea.

Not long after, a woman's fragrant breath came from behind Su Yu. Gao Nian'er stopped and did not dare to get close. He lowered his head slightly and said softly: "Master."

Su Yu's calm voice came: "To subjugate a fairy city, make people who are usually aloof bow to you, and don't even dare to speak loudly."

 “How does it feel?”

Gao Nian'er looked slightly dazed as she listened. Looking back on today's experience, she still felt a bit like she was dreaming.

 Easily kill enemies with one hand, and even make all the immortal cultivators in Sangmu Fairy City bow their heads.

That feeling—

Gao Nian'er whispered: "It's very subtle."

 She experienced too many things today.

 Strength, status, power, etc., with Su Yu's support, she realized them all one by one.

That was a taste she had never tried before. Now hearing Su Yu mention it again, Gao Nian'er felt like a magic power appeared in her heart. She was fascinated by such strength, such status, and the power that made everyone in Sangmu Fairy City bow their heads.

 She longs to have that kind of strength and status.

Su Yu looked back at her, with a slight smile on her face, and said: "Your ancestor's talent is limited, and it should be difficult for his longevity to exceed the limit."

“But you are different. If you practice hard, you may one day be able to succeed your ancestor and lead the Gao family to glory.”

“At that time, it will not be difficult to take charge of Sangmu Mansion and control Sangmu Fairy City.”

Gao Nian'er possesses the spiritual root of Dipinmu. He is only over forty years old now. He has great talent and is worth cultivating.

 So Su Yu’s words still have a hint of Taoism.

Like the sound of Taoism, it is deeply imprinted in Gao Nian'er's heart, and it can stimulate her inner desire and ambition for strength, status and other things.

 So much so that when Gao Nian'er looked at Su Yu, there was a trace of blurred scorching fire.

However, after Su Yu finished speaking, his figure disappeared in a flash.

 “I’ll take you out to sea tomorrow.”

Gao Nian'er leaned over and said, "Yes, master."

 After a while, Gao Nian'er stood up straight and looked towards the sea. The expression in his eyes changed, but in the end he could not resist the temptation of the magic sound.

Gao Nian'er murmured: "Only by following the master can you do such a thing."

 In the past, she still didn't understand why the ancestors had to set up clan rules and ancestral precepts, so that the Gao family would follow this person and consider him the master.


Gao Nian'er somewhat understood the meaning of her ancestor Gao Yuanyuan.

 Only by closely following their master's side, the Gao family has the hope and possibility of everlasting prosperity.

 Only for her and her family ancestors have the opportunity to pursue higher levels of immortality.

Thinking of this, Gao Nian'er's eyes became a little firmer, and then he withdrew his gaze and looked at the huge fairy city beneath him.

"With the master here, sooner or later, I will be able to take charge of Sangmu Mansion, truly control this fairy city, and become the only person in power here besides the master." Gao Nian'er thought to himself.

This time, Su Yu's purpose of coming out was not to come to Sangmu Mansion or to visit the Gao family.

   I didn’t even come here for Huangling Island.

Rather, he wanted to go deep into the Huiling Sea and head towards the Black Turtle Sea Clan.

The Daqian Immortal Realm does not want to be the leader and wants to be calm for a while, so the best way is to let the Black Turtle Sea Clan take care of themselves.

 I chose to give up attacking the Daqian Immortal Realm, and the two sides coexisted peacefully.

 And want to do this.

In the cave, Su Yu secretly thought about what would happen after entering the sea, and said to himself: "How many fifth-level black turtles are there in the Black Turtle Sea Clan?"

 “Are there ten?”

“Counting ten of them, if five or six of the Black Turtle Sea Clan died at once, they probably wouldn’t have the energy to focus on the Daqian Xiuxian Realm and the Black Sea Turtle.”

In addition to solving the unstable factor of the Black Turtle Sea Clan, Su Yu also wanted to enter the sea and practice the Immortal Transformation Sutra.

If possible, maybe when he returns from the sea, he will already be not far from the state of distraction.

 Breaking through the realm of distraction definitely cannot be done on the sea.

 The most ideal place for a breakthrough should be the ruins of the Yuexian Mansion Fairy City in the wilderness.

At that time, we can also see whether to choose the body left by the powerful spiritual plant in Yuexian Mansion, or whether the half statue in his hand should be divided into Shinto bodies.

 Early the next morning.

A flying boat disappeared from Mulberry Fairy City, facing the rising sun on the sea.

The Nascent Soul Lord of Sangmu Immortal City, who had been paying attention to Su Yu and Gao Nian'er, all breathed a sigh of relief, but they were secretly worried that the Zhao family was gone.

These two people have left Sangmu Fairy City again, and it will be much more difficult for Sangmu Fairy City to resist the waves of sea tribes and sea beasts.

“Who is the person next to the head of the Gao family?”

“It is rumored that the rise of the Gao family is due to a mysterious strong monk who appeared in the Gao family hundreds of years ago. Could it be that the person in the rumors is him?”

“But this guy looks so young, and I can’t even sense his cultivation level.”

Several Nascent Soul Lords in Sangmu Fairy City gathered together secretly to discuss how to deal with the ferocious tide of sea beasts from the sea tribe and how to deal with the Zhao family and the Gao family.

It is conceivable that with that person as a backer, the Gao family's stability will not be a problem for at least a few hundred years.

 In addition, the power and resources of the Gao family before

 Perhaps, they should also cooperate with the Gao family and deepen their ties.

 Several Nascent Soul True Lord forces have their own ideas.

 On the flying boat.

Su Yu passed down to Gao Nian'er a wood spirit root Taoist method called "Wutong Sacred Wood Technique". This Taoist method came from Wan Shu Tower in the ancient Yuexian Mansion. It is a divided Shinto method with five floors.

However, the method passed down by Su Yu only has the first four levels.

"Practice well. If one day you can reach the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm, I will teach you the method of distraction." Su Yu chuckled softly.

 Entering the Wailing sea area, you can clearly feel that the conditions in the sea area are not normal.

 There is a trace of **** smell in the air.

Even though the sea below is calm, there seems to be a sinister atmosphere permeating the sky above the sea, giving people an indescribable sense of depression.

 In the past, there were few traces of sea beasts near the coast of land.

 Originally, it would take at least a year for an ordinary sea-going ship to go to Huangling Island.

However, as Su Yu's space avenue moved from time to time, it only took less than ten days for Su Yu's flying boat to appear above Huangling Island.

On the flying boat, with the help of Su Yu, Gao Nian'er has completed the transformation of Taoism and completed the "Wutong Divine Wood Technique".

 Compared to the method she practiced before, Gao Nian'er's aura was almost 10% stronger.

 In addition, the third-level spiritual liquid given by Su Yu can assist in the practice of the Wood Spirit Root Taoism. Gao Nian'er's practice speed has been greatly improved, and his strength has been greatly increased.

Huangling Island is not small in area. Although it is only a small island on the sea, its actual area is about half the size of Dayue Mansion.

At this moment, traces of sea beasts can be seen everywhere on Huangling Island.

The outer defense line of the island has been breached by the ferocious tide of sea beasts. Several ports on the edge of the coast have now been reduced to ruins. Some sea beasts are lying there lazily sleeping after occupying the ports.

On the flying boat, Su Yu and Gao Nian'er looked down at the island below.

Looking towards the center of the island, you can vaguely feel the violent auras of countless sea tribes or sea beasts there, and there is also a barrier covering one side, which is withstanding the impact of hundreds of thousands of sea beasts.

Gao Nian'er's face changed slightly, and he lowered his voice and said, "Master, there are so many sea beasts and sea tribes!"

Su Yu used his energy to peer into the past and could sense that there were still two familiar auras in the last fourth-level secret area of ​​Huangling Island.

That was exactly the aura of Gao Yuanyuan and Jinfeng Taoist, both of whom were his subordinates.

Just when he was planning to take Gao Nian'er over to rescue Huangling Island, Su Yu suddenly frowned and looked toward the east sea.

With his perception, an aura of early human distraction and a fifth-level sea aura were quickly chasing towards Huangling Island.

 (End of this chapter)

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