Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 318: Blood debts are paid with blood (1)

Chapter 318: Blood debt must be paid with blood (1)

Taoist Tianyu's expression was normal, but there was a slight smile on his lips. When his apprentice came back again, he still sat cross-legged on the futon and looked at Su Yu up and down.

Taoist Tianyu looked a little abnormally pale, and said calmly: "This time I came back after more than a hundred years. Is it broken?"

Su Yu stepped forward, waved his hand, and a jade bottle appeared in his hand.

 The jade bottle also contains nine drops of the Heavenly Essence Soul Liquid that he had stored.

Su Yu handed the jade bottle to the master and said: "It's a small breakthrough, but it's not important. Fortunately, master, you didn't push it on blindly, and you also knew that if you were injured, you should retreat and heal."

Taoist Tianyu looked at the jade bottle of Heavenly Marrow Soul Liquid in his hand, and sighed in his heart: "In recent years, the Fantasy Beast Secret Realm has also produced some Heavenly Marrow Soul Liquid, but after this battle, when it is needed, it is not enough."

 After speaking for a while, he said: "The palace master should have already planned to evacuate Daqian, but he hasn't decided where to evacuate yet."

Su Yu frowned slightly and said, "I'll go see the master of the palace later, and we'll talk about it then."

Taoist Tianyu was a little surprised. Did he not want to retreat?

However, he had no intention of continuing to ask Su Yu what he thought. He just nodded lightly and said, "Then you should know something about the situation of the Immortal Sect."

"Your senior brother Hongyue took people to the Kunling Nest ruins in the Feiling Sea before. According to the investigation, it seemed that when he was dealing with a demon lord, he was attacked by some human Taoist master, so he had to escape into the deep void. Now, although the soul The monument is still intact, but its whereabouts are unknown.”

"in addition."

Taoist Tianyu glanced at Su Yu and whispered: "Qianyu and Tianling also disappeared over the Kunling Nest. I don't know if they entered the Kunling Nest or something."

“Oh, there is another one named Shuhai who seems to be your friend too? He is also missing.”

“Their soul monument is fine, but the specific condition is unknown.”

Su Yu’s face changed slightly.

 Qianyu, Tianling, and Shuhai are all missing?

He knew that his senior fellow Taoist Master Hongyue was missing, but there was no record of the disappearance of Taoist Luo Qianyu, Ma Tianling, and Shuhai in Yuexian Tower's information.

He frowned and said, "Isn't the Kunling Nest ruins over yet?"

Taoist Tianyu said: "It should not be possible. Judging from the little information I know, the Kunling Nest Heaven and Earth seems to have not been opened yet. It can only be entered but not exited."

“Outside the Kunling Nest, the blood of the human race, sea race, and demon race has dyed the entire sea area red.”

“I am afraid that more than ten great monks at the Tao Master level have died.”

Taoist Tianyu shook his head slightly and said: "It is impossible to count the people who have died under the Taoist Master."

Su Yu took out several more bottles of fifth-level lower-grade elixirs, all of which were perfect-quality fifth-level lower-grade elixirs. There were elixirs for restoring the physical body, as well as elixirs for restoring the soul and mana.

 In terms of spiritual liquid, he still has about 3,000 drops of fifth-level drops in the Qi Refining Pot in his hand.

 He divided out a thousand drops and handed them to Taoist Tianyu.

“Master, please heal your wounds first, and I’ll go see the master of the palace.”

Without staying in the secret realm of the underground palace for long, Su Yu gave the healing resources to Taoist Tianyu. In the blink of an eye, as ripples appeared in the space, he disappeared from Taoist Tianyu’s eyes.

Taoist Tianyu was thinking secretly, his eyes flashed, and he murmured in his heart: "What kind of cultivation does this brat have after he has been out for more than a hundred years?"

“At the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm? Or are you already distracted?”

the other side.

 On the main peak.

 The main hall of the Immortal Palace.

Fan Xiao, the master of the palace, had already known the news of the return of his junior uncle Su Yu. His heart, which was originally a little anxious, could not help but feel a little more rippled at this moment, and he felt a little more at ease.

 Over the past hundred years, she and the Earthly Immortal Mansion have experienced too many things.

She almost forgot about her junior uncle who had not shown up for more than a hundred years!

Thinking of this, Fan Xiao couldn't help but feel a little emotion in his heart. When the space in the main hall rippled like water, and a young figure in green robe walked out of it and appeared in front of him, Fan Xiao's face showed a trace of a little girl. With a look of resentment, his eyes were fixed on the person in front of him.

Fan Xiao snorted and said: "Little Master Uncle, forget it without me in your heart, now you can't even hold the Immortal Sect?"

 “How long have you been out? More than a hundred years!”

 “More than a hundred years!”

 “The Immortal Gate, the Immortal Gate is almost gone!”

As he spoke, Fan Xiao's frustration and depression over the years seemed to burst out, and he looked at Su Yu with an extremely aggrieved expression.

Over the past 100 years, no matter what pressure he experienced, Fan Xiao has never shown his weak side in front of others.

Even in front of Taoist Tianyu and other immortal sect elders, she maintained the majesty and coldness of the palace master.

 In the entire Immortal Sect, anyone can express their emotions at any time.

 But she can't!

It was at this moment, after seeing his junior uncle back, that the emotion in Fan Xiao's heart couldn't be suppressed and burst out all of a sudden.

 There seemed to be tears in his eyes.

Su Yu was also startled when she saw Fan Xiao like this.

It has been a long time since he saw anyone around him complaining and crying.

Looking at Fan Xiao's aggrieved look, his heart twitched for a moment.

However, he did not step forward, but waited for Fan Xiao to adjust and release the emotion.

  After a long time.

Fan Xiao used her magic power to wipe away the tears on her face. She snorted coldly and wanted to turn around and return to the seat of the master of the palace to sit down and see what explanation the man in front of her had.

 Why did you abandon the Immortal Sect and ignore it for more than a hundred years?

 But the next moment, the force of the space avenue fixed her on the ground.

Su Yu calmly said: "The Immortal Sect suffered such a disaster, and I am also responsible."

“Master, I will let the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty, Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, and Green Hell Immortal Palace repay the blood debt of my Earthly Immortal Palace a hundred times or a thousand times.”

Fan Xiao’s expression condensed, and the power of the great avenue mark at the first level of the distraction realm gathered on her body.

However, he still cannot shake the power of the space avenue that anchors him.

Fan Xiao was shocked.

Even though I have broken through the state of distraction, I still can't shake my junior uncle's space power?

Then how strong must the young master's uncle be!

Fan Xiao looked at Su Yu with a slightly condensed expression, frowning and said: "How to let them return it? Now the Xianmen has been fighting with them for hundreds of years, the treasure house resources have been almost exhausted, and the internal government's combat power has been reduced by more than half."

"Even the Earthly Immortal Army has very few left and is on the verge of being wiped out. How can we fight now?"

Su Yu pondered for a while, without saying much, and said, "I'll think of a way."

 The resources in the hands of Dao Shen Puppet are not many.

 Most of the resources he had accumulated before were in the hands of the original Yun Cangjie.

At present, the Taoist puppet has only more than a thousand fifth-level low-grade talismans and more than 3,000 fourth-order talismans in his hands.

 Material no.

 So if you want to get the Earthly Immortal Mansion out of trouble, you have to find other forces to raise some resources.

Now that he has returned to the Earthly Immortal Mansion, with the trump cards and means in his hands, it is wishful thinking for the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty to have the Earthly Immortal Mansion wipe out their families.

 Next, it was time for him to make the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty pay their debts with blood.

He did not let Fan Xiao and others spread the news of Su Yu's return, nor did he go to see anyone else.

Instead, he took the remaining materials from the Immortal Sect, including alchemy, weapon refining, talismans and other materials, entered the secret realm of the underground palace, and began to turn them into usable resources. He did not intend to confront the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty head-on as Su Yu, the elder of the Earth Immortal Mansion.

 So the Dao Shen Puppet only needs to hide in the dark and provide strong back-up support to the Immortal Sect.

As long as the main body can get a lot of resources back, with his accomplishments in the Dao of Time, he will be able to draw a large number of talismans in a year!

 At that time, even the number and strength of the Immortal Cultivators in the Earthly Immortal Palace will be inferior to those of the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty and the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

Then you can also use talismans to smash them to death!

With his nearly 100% production rate, coupled with the power of the Great Way of Time, he alone can rival ten or twenty fifth-level Talisman Masters.

 He is not afraid of consumption at all!

 After solving the problems of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty and the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty, he will have to go to the sea again.

Luo Qianyu, Ma Tianling, and Shuhai Taoist all disappeared at the Kunling Nest, even if he did not enter the Kunling Nest in danger.

Then you have to go and see if they will come out of the Kunling Nest.

If he really came out of it, then with his attainments in the Avenue of Space and the Avenue of Time, and the presence of the Little Void Cauldron, he might be able to cope with the three of them.

the other side.

 Desolate territory.

Su Yu traveled across the endless wilderness. If he were an ordinary Nascent Soul Lord, it would have taken him three to four years to control the flying boat. It only took him less than a month to arrive at the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty in the wilderness. territory in.

 The Great Yan Immortal Dynasty is extremely powerful, equivalent to the entire unified Daqian Immortal Realm.

Although in terms of the number of Dao masters in the Dongxu Realm, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty should not be as numerous as the Daqian Immortal Realm combined.

 But the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty is a unified Immortal Dynasty!

The power gathered together is not comparable to that of the Immortal Cultivation World, which is like a plate of loose sand.

 In the wilderness, the area and resources occupied by the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty far exceeded the power of the Earthly Immortal Palace in the wilderness in the past.

In terms of the number of fairy cities alone, the Great Yan Immortal Dynasty has a total of sixteen in the wilderness.

Each fairy city in the wilderness has five thousand troops guarding, clearing wasteland, and plundering cultivation resources.


More than fifty miles away from a fairy city in the wilderness of the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty, Su Yu's body appeared quietly. His eyes gathered golden light, and he used his pupil magic to look at the fairy city in front of him.

After taking a general look, there is no figure of Venerable Distracting God in this fairy city.

 The strongest one is only a true king in the late Yuanying realm.

 Several Nascent Soul Lords and an army of more than 2,000 monks patrolled and guarded the area.

Peering into this fairy city, Su Yu's goal was not these Nascent Soul Lords and the army of monks, but the treasure house in the fairy city.

Jin Chan used his magic eye to see through the world and easily discovered the treasure house in the fairy city.

 I saw large formations guarding each other, containing mountains of spiritual stones, spiritual ores, elixirs, monster furs and other materials.

 Some of these materials may not be of high quality, only second or third grade.

 But the quantity cannot be resisted. Transporting it back to the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty is also a resource that many low-level monks are scrambling for.

 These resources are also in urgent need of the current Dixian Mansion.

So after taking a look, the space around Su Yu once again rippled. When he reappeared, he had quietly entered the treasure house of the fairy city.


 The power of the great avenue of space around him gathered, and the next moment it swept through the entire treasure house like a frenzy.

All the formations guarding the various resource platforms of the treasure house were broken open by Su Yu with the brute force of the space avenue.

next moment.

With the roll of Space Avenue Power, all the resources in the treasure house were collected by Su Yu into the space world of the nine-story Tao Tower in Dantian.

Although the Yun Cang Ring is a mid-grade magic weapon and has a large space inside, it is mainly filled with his own resources.

These resources for plundering the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty should be placed in the nine-story Taoist Tower with a larger space.

I don’t know how many resources I can get from the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty in the end.


In the blink of an eye, this treasure house had been plundered by Su Yu. The next moment, his figure disappeared without a trace along with the ripples in space, and he left directly from this fairy city.

In this fairy city, the few Nascent Soul Lords and the army of monks are just minions in his opinion.

 There is no need to spend energy and time on them.

 Unless you are a Venerable Master of the Distracting God Realm.

 Otherwise, it would be better to save your time for collecting resources.


 “What thief dares to steal the treasure trove of my Great Flame Immortal Dynasty!”

The Nascent Soul Lord and the army of monks in the fairy city were alerted by the movement. When they rushed into the treasure house and saw the empty scene inside, several Nascent Soul Lords were so angry that they almost vomited blood.

 The roar resounded throughout the heaven and earth.

next moment.

Several Yuanying True Monarchs led the army of monks in the fairy city and chased them out like crazy, plundering the land with a radius of hundreds or thousands of miles.

 However, at this time, Su Yu had already arrived at the second fairy city.

 Time passed in a flash.

Su Yu spent less than half a year searching for the treasure troves of more than a dozen fairy cities in the wasteland of the Great Yanxian Dynasty. When he came to the first fairy city in the wasteland of the Great Yanxian Dynasty.

 He spied the three auras of the Venerables in the Divine Realm hidden in the fairy city ahead.

There are also several extremely powerful fifth-level formations in this first fairy city, and there seems to be a fifth-level high-grade killing formation.

 More than twenty Nascent Soul Lords and an army of 10,000 monks are hidden inside.

It seems like a big net has been set, waiting for the prey to come.

More than a hundred miles away from Fairy City.

Su Yu used the golden cicada magic pupil technique and saw the three Fenshen Venerables of the Great Flame Immortal Dynasty hidden in the First Immortal City. One of them seemed to be in the late stage of the Fenshen Realm.

 The remaining two people are venerables in the early stage of the distraction realm, and they are also Taoists.

  Not a single Venerable in the state of distraction appears.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu had a thought in his mind, and the Huoluan Sky Bow in his hand turned into a wisp of fire and emerged, condensing into a fire bow in his hand.

 In an instant.

 A supreme evil power filled the surrounding world.

Even the mountains at Su Yu's feet seemed to be melted into magma by the fire breath of Huoluan Tiangong.

“It doesn’t matter whether you are distracted by your mind or your body. Now that you are here, I will let you never come back!”

Su Yu whispered and pulled the Huo Luan Heavenly Bow in his hand, which had been used by Huo Luan Ninth, the archery magical power he had comprehended in the fifth life. In an instant, nearly 50% of his mana and soul power were swallowed by the Fire Luan Heavenly Bow.

  唳! !

 A flash of fire shot out and instantly submerged into the space in front of him.

 (End of this chapter)

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