Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 342: Distraction Awakens Kunling Nest Ruins Ends

Chapter 342 The Distraction Awakens and the Kunling Nest Ruins Ends

Although the shogunate was shocked by Ksitigarbha Buddha's practices and methods, they did not interfere in the establishment of Ksitigarbha City. They only sent people to pay close attention to the activities of Ksitigarbha City and the Buddhist pagoda.

But on the other side, the Buddha Sect was startled by Su Yu's arrival.

 The Immortal Mountain Cave House.

Lord Pheasant Buddha's face changed slightly and he looked at the Buddha's men in front of him and said in shock: "What did you say? The Buddhist people are here?"

The Buddha lowered his head and said in a trembling voice: "What those two performed were pure Buddhist Dharma. Neither Zhinan nor I can exert even 60% of our 100% Taoist strength."

“He was severely beaten and killed after just one encounter.”

“Lord Buddha, although those two are just Buddha cultivators, we have to be careful. What if they are just spies of the Buddhist sect and the Buddhist sect plans to attack us?”

These words made Lord Pheasant Buddha's hands tremble a few times instinctively, and he was so frightened.

That’s Buddhism!

He is not afraid of people from the immortal sect, but he is as afraid of the Buddhist sect as a tiger!

Even though he was repelled by other forces in the Changtian Territory before, he was not panicked or frustrated at all.

 But at this moment, when he heard the news that Buddhism had appeared in the Changtian Domain, Lord Pheasant Buddha instantly felt inexplicably flustered and a little unable to sit still.

How to break it?

Is it really the Buddhists who plan to take action against themselves?

  ‘Do it yourself and take down those two little Buddhist guys? ’ Lord Pheasant Buddha had murderous intentions in his heart, but he suppressed it the next moment.


What if killing them two actually attracts Buddhists?

 But if we don’t take action, won’t Buddhism come?

At this time, Lord Pheasant Buddha suddenly remembered something, looked at the Buddha in front of him and asked: "What kind of Buddhism do they practice? Which Buddhism is it?"

The Buddha recalled the moment before the death of his Dharma body, the power of Ksitigarbha's Immortal Sutra that he felt, and the fierce power of the Maharaja Sutra that killed him.

Although he didn’t know what the specific Buddha Dharma was, he could still sense something of the mysteries of Vajra Dharma and the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra.

“One person practices Vajra Buddhism, and the other person is a bit like the Heart Sutra. With just one palm, he broke the secret method that Zhi Nan and I control everyone in that fairy city.” The Buddha said with some lingering fear.


That fairy city is just a Taoist body he cultivated with the help of distractions and Buddhist statues.

 Otherwise, they would really be planted there.

 Vajra Dharma and the Heart Sutra.

Lord Pheasant Buddha thought for a long time. The Buddhist Heart Sutra here refers to the Buddhist Dharma of the soul, and such Dharma is the inheritance of top Dharma. It is impossible for non-top Buddhism to have such a inheritance.

Vajra Buddha Dharma is more common, but if the two lineages are combined, then such a Vajra Buddha Dharma inheritance will be terrible.

It is definitely the top lineage in Vajra Dharma, and its power is unimaginable.

 That is to say—

There is no doubt that those two Buddhas came from top Buddhist lineages.

Lord Pheasant Buddha took a deep breath and was immediately wary of the so-called Ksitigarbha Buddha, and he did not even dare to think of attacking those two people.

How can they, the top Buddhist sect, afford to offend them?

 Think about it for a while.

A ruthless look flashed in Lord Pheasant Buddha's eyes, and he took a deep breath and said secretly: "I just hope to quickly break through the ruins of the Golden Jade Immortal Sect and Immortal City, and obtain the inheritance of the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma."

As long as you can get that inheritance, then you don’t have to give up the incense of the Infinite Immortal Alliance region.

 Otherwise, facing the counterattack from the forces in the Changtian Region and the coercion of the Buddhist sect, it would be really difficult for them and the Buddhist sect to hold on.

There may still be hope for abandoning the Immortal Mountain and returning to the home of Buddha Sect.


 According to rumors, the ancient Golden Jade Immortal Sect was not an orthodox Buddhist sect, but followed an evil sect.

 But the Golden Jade Immortal Sect is not considered an evil force.

Just because the Golden Jade Immortal Sect has a top-level Buddhist inheritance: the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Dharma!

It can eliminate the influence of all evil ways and demonic ways, and will not sink into them and become the devil that destroys the world. Good and evil all come from the heart, and the golden cicada is free from the law.

 And there are rumors—

If the Eighth Life Golden Cicada practices the reincarnation method to great perfection, you may be able to get a glimpse of the mystery of reincarnation.

 Let yourself step into reincarnation and live a new life.

This is equivalent to starting over again and living for so many more years. Who wouldn’t want that?

But these are just rumors. Does the ancient Golden Jade Immortal Sect have the so-called Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method? Can this inheritance really enable people to get rid of the influence of evil ways and demonic methods, and can also make people reincarnate? All of this It's all unknown.

"Twenty years, no, within ten years, we must break through the ruins of the fairy city and enter it!" Master Pheasant Buddha's eyes flashed with fierceness, and several thoughts came to his mind.

Shortly after.

The forces in the Changtian Territory received information that the Buddha Sect wanted to use blood sacrifice in order to break open the ruins of the ancient Golden Jade Immortal Sect Immortal City.

 Shortly afterwards, Ksitigarbha City received an invitation letter from Tianmuxian City.

Invite Ksitigarbha City to join the Changtian Territory Alliance of Forces and go to Changtian Xianmen to discuss counterattack against the Buddha Sect, or even kill the Buddhist Sect.

 Dixian Mansion.

“I wonder what chance remains of the Golden Jade Immortal Sect ruins?” Su Yu didn’t expect that Dao Shen Puppet would make such an unexpected discovery when he went out.

However, this matter does not require his body to be involved. How much gain can be achieved depends on the Dao body puppet himself.

 He continued to practice in the secret realm of the underground palace.

Refining the spirit liquid of the Qi Refining Pot every day to practice the Five Elements Technique and the Golden Cicada Technique, swallowing the Dragon Body Treasure Pill and other techniques to practice the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique, and refining the middle-grade magic treasure to improve the Heavenly Refining Divine Technique.

 The speed of improvement of one's own cultivation level has greatly increased, and the proficiency level is almost increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

 A few years later.

The Golden Cicada method has been transformed and improved, and the proficiency level has reached 30%.

Su Yu’s soul has grown stronger again, and his soul has reached a level comparable to the third level of Bishen Realm.

At the same time that the Golden Cicada method broke through,

In the Immortal City of Yuexian Mansion in the Desolate Realm, Su Yu's sleeping aura suddenly became stronger. Affected by the improvement of the main soul, the power that the Taoist Avatar had previously lost due to controlling the Wutong Taoist body was rapidly increasing at this moment. recover.

 A few days later, Wutongdao's distracted body slowly opened his eyes. The distracted body he was originally staring at had become somewhat illusory at this moment.

That feeling of weakness made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But fortunately, the improvement of the Golden Cicada Technique and the breakthrough of the body and soul allowed him to wake up.


Slow down, he closed his eyes again when he was distracted, and actively started to use the Golden Cicada Technique to recover himself, recovering bit by bit with the power of his soul.

Wutong Dao thought secretly: "I wonder if the improvement of the Golden Cicada Technique and the power of the soul can help me deepen my control over this body?"

While thinking about the Golden Cicada Technique, Wutong Daoshen looked at the magical seed in his body that was being nurtured by his own supreme life breath.

 As the breath of life in the magical seeds gradually revived, he had noticed a trace of extraordinary energy condensation.

 And this trace of Qi is slightly related to his Wutong Taoist body.


Regarding this magical seed, Su Yu, apart from paying attention to whether it would transform, was also thinking about the possibility of letting Wutong Dao Shen completely refine the seed.

 And then replace it?

If this magical seed is really an immortal seed, and the Wutong Taoist body can replace it.

Su Yu's thoughts paused for a moment: "If this is really the case, will this person still be able to survive after he recovers his distraction and breaks through the cave realm?"

Unless, like the Tao Body Puppet Technique, there is some other method of self-transformation that can incarnate thousands of times.

 Ten years later. When Wutong Dao's identity spirit gradually recovered, and in the secret realm of the Underground Palace of Earthly Immortal Mansion, Su Yu made another breakthrough in the Heavenly Immortal Body Refining Technique and the Heavenly Immortal Divine Refining Technique, reaching a cultivation level comparable to the fifth level of Bishen Realm.

On the other side of the sea area of ​​Fuling, news finally came from the Kunling Nest ruins. The geniuses of the human race, demon race, and sea race who had entered it in the past had withdrawn one after another.

The ancient Kunling Nest Cave Mansion, which was born nearly 150 years ago, once again escaped into the depths of the void and disappeared.

The moment the news came, Su Yu immediately went to the Feiling Sea with the Jinling Demon Master, Jiuling Taoist Master, Daqianxian Alliance Taoist Masters, and the two Taoist Masters from Shangxingxian Island.

The sea area of ​​the Kunlingchao ruins once again broke out in a battle between powerful men who surpassed the Dao Master of the Cave Void Realm.

 But soon, this battle ended hastily.

 The strong men and geniuses from the human race, demon race, and sea race left each other.

 Thousands of miles of void outside Shangxingxian Island.

A figure lurking in the void watched Ma Tianling successfully return to the area where the human cultivators were cultivating immortals. With an expressionless face, he turned around and escaped deeper into the void, sensing a breath in the dark and following it.

  ‘You are not allowed to get involved in those things from the Longjuan tribe. ’

 Go to Xingxian Island.

Ma Tianling mingled with a group of human geniuses and came back here with the elder guardians of these geniuses. The moment she stepped into Shangxingxian City, Ma Tianling suddenly exhaled a deep breath, feeling deeply tired.

This group of geniuses from the human race is relatively complex. There are geniuses from the five major families in Cangzhou Ancient Immortal City, as well as geniuses from other human regions such as the Changtian Territory.

 There are more than twenty immortal sect forces, large and small.

Although there are no characters who were born in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land and other three ancient ancient lands of the Immortal Sect, the forces of these geniuses should not be underestimated.

For example, the Xinghuang Realm Zhenxing Xianmen is several large regions away from the Cangzhou Region.

Another example is the northern part of the Cangzhou region. It is said that it is close to the White Dragon Immortal City of the Great Region of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

Or it is the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, which is known as one of the five major business alliances in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

 These forces, without exception, all have peak Taoist masters coming to protect their prodigies into the Kunling Nest ruins.

It is said that behind these forces, they are all inextricably connected with the Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

 Obviously, these forces are stronger than the Earthly Immortal Mansion.

Therefore, when he just returned to Shangxingxian City, a young genius who was traveling with him turned to look at Ma Tianling and invited: "Fellow Taoist Tianling, you have extraordinary talent. If you can get a place for the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial, you will even have Opportunity to enter the ancient land to practice."

"As long as you are willing, you can follow me to the Star King Realm. Master has promised that as long as you are willing to join the Star-Suppressing Immortal Sect, he will fight for a place in the trial for you."

A girl wearing a white dress snorted coldly: "Fellow Taoist Mingzun is really generous. Is the Xuanhuang Ancient Land a trial quota once every three hundred years?"

“I’m afraid your Star-Suppressing Immortal Sect may not even be able to have one at a time!”

“And the trial quota can only be obtained by geniuses who are under a thousand years old. Could it be said that you are going to give up that trial quota to fellow Taoist Tianling?”

The young man's expression darkened and he said: "Our Zhenxing Immortal Sect has received several trial quotas before. How do you know that we cannot get more than two this time?"

The girl chuckled lightly, looked at Ma Tianling and said: "Tianling, your talent is absolutely extraordinary. If you are willing to join our Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, my master can vouch for you and find connections for you to participate in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land trial."

The face of Huang Mingzun, the Zhenxing Immortal Sect next to him, suddenly changed slightly when he heard this, and he was extremely frightened.

Huangquan Chamber of Commerce actually promised such a huge price! ?

 This is a huge opportunity!

Even if you want to do this with the power of the Huangquan Chamber of Commerce, you will definitely have to shed a lot of money to do it.

Ma Tianling saw that some Tianjiao came over and wanted to recruit her to join her own Immortal Sect. She quickly declined and said: "I'm sorry fellow Taoists, I am not a casual cultivator, I also have a Master Immortal Sect."


Huang Mingzun sneered and interrupted: "Earth Immortal Palace? Fellow Taoist Tianling, I'm just telling the truth. If you stay in such a small immortal sect, you will only waste your talent."

“Only I can control the Star Immortal Sect”


At this time, auras descended from the sky, and the Taoist masters who were protecting these talented people raised their heads and frowned slightly.

 The lineup of twelve Tao masters and one demon master including Jin Ling Demon Master, Jiu Ling Dao Master, and Mo Long Dao Master arrived, and they were also accompanied by Su Yu, Venerable Tai Xi, Taoist Tian Yu, and others.

 Seeing Venerable Tai Xi, Taoist Tianyu and others, Ma Tianling's face suddenly became happy and she hurriedly stepped forward to greet them.

 “Uncle Yu!”

 “Master! Master Tianyu!”

Su Yu looked at Ma Tianling and felt the aura of cultivation on Ma Tianling who had reached the fourth level of distraction state. Her eyes changed slightly and she was horrified.

It has only been more than a hundred years, but Tianling's cultivation has improved so quickly! ?

However, Su Yu didn't pay too much attention to the changes in Ma Tianling's cultivation. Seeing that she came back safely, Su Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's right, it'll be good as long as she comes back safely."

 He looked at the crowd of geniuses in front of him, but he didn't recognize any of them.

However, he felt the auras of several of these geniuses whose cultivation had reached the peak of the distraction realm, and there were also several Taoist masters nearby who had extremely powerful auras.

Obviously, these geniuses are of extraordinary status.

Su Yu chuckled and said: "Thank you fellow Taoists for taking care of Tianling, and welcome all fellow Taoists to visit Dixian Mansion."

 “It’s just that we have something else to do, so we’ll say goodbye for now.”

 Su Yu and others then left with Ma Tianling.

Huang Mingzun from Zhenxing Immortal Sect and the girl in white skirt from Huangquan Chamber of Commerce looked at the backs of the people from Dixian Mansion, feeling surprised and uncertain.

 So many Taoist masters and demon lords came just to take Ma Tianling back?

They looked at a talented person next to them who came from the Gongsun family in Canggu Immortal City. They had learned about the power situation of the Earthly Immortal Palace from this person.

It is just a small fairy sect force with a few small Taoist masters.

Far inferior to Canggu Fairy City.

 Why do more than a dozen Taoist masters and demon masters suddenly appear to pick people up now?

This is the small fairy sect force you are talking about?

the other side.

Su Yu and others took Ma Tianling back to Shangxingxian Sect. Ma Tianling saw her group of people passing through Shangxingxian Sect unobstructed and asked in shock: "Uncle Yu, we have a good relationship with Shangxingxian Sect. ?"

Lord Tai Xi next to him glanced at Su Yu with a slightly complicated look, and said through a message: "Shangxing Xianmen was merged into the Dixian Mansion some time ago and became the Immortal Sect under the Dixian Mansion. power."

“Among the Taoist masters who appeared with senior Jin Ling before, there were two senior Taoist masters from the Shangxingxian Sect, the Xingsi Taoist, and the Xianling Taoist. They are the two ancestors of the Taoist masters from the Shangxingxian Sect.”

Ma Tianling's expression was suddenly shocked, and she suddenly turned her head to look at her master in disbelief.

She came back to her senses only after looking at her master's serious expression that didn't look like he was joking.

 For a while.

Su Yu brought Ma Tianling to his cave in Shangxingxianmen. Accompanying him were Venerable Taixi and Taoist Tianyu. Jinling Demon Master and Jiuling Taoist were still staying at Shangxingxianmen. Waiting for Luo Qianyu to return or Hongyue Dao Master to appear.

As soon as Ma Tianling sat down, she couldn't wait to ask Su Yu: "Uncle Yu, what's going on with the Xingxian Sect?"

Su Yu sighed softly and gave Ma Tianling a general description of what happened in the Immortal Mansion during this period: "Fortunately, the Immortal Mansion has now been out of danger and everything is safe."

Ma Tianling looked frightened, and it took a while for her to recover.

At this time, she suddenly remembered something, took out something from the storage ring, handed it to Su Yu and said, "By the way, Uncle Yu, this is something I found in the Kunling Nest. It's so strange."

“I always feel that there is something hidden in this thing, which can make my spiritual body throb, but after studying it for a long time, I still don’t know what the use of this thing is.”

Ma Tianling, Venerable Taixi, and Taoist Tianyu couldn't help but look at the words, and all three of them let out a light sigh.

What Ma Tianling took out turned out to be a bone the size of a finger bone, all golden in color.

 But when the three of them felt the bone, they found no aura or anything strange at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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