Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 387: Personally passed down by the Great Emperor of Immortal Court!

Chapter 387: Personally passed down by the Immortal Emperor!

This seems to be a Taoism with dual cultivation of law and body, but it is a Taoism created by the ancient Black Dragon Emperor according to his own conditions. The most suitable person is himself, followed by his descendants.

 For other people’s practice, it is half the result with half the effort and a waste of effort.

However, for Su Yu who has a proficiency panel, no conditions matter. If he wants to practice, he will definitely be able to perfect the black dragon fighting method.

 ‘If you practice the black dragon fighting method, and then go to deal with the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.’ It is not difficult for Su Yu to imagine what the people of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty would look like at that time.

He withdrew his gaze from the phantom of the black-red giant sword and turned to look at the last phantom of what seemed to be a ten-story Taoist tower.

 A message came to mind again.

  【True Spirit Heavenly Immortal Law】.

The immortal method created by the ancestor of Tianxian Mansion in ancient times is said to be based on the true foundation of immortal method. It contains the real mystery of becoming an immortal. It can be seen that true immortality is achieved when it is completed. However, even the ancestor of Tianxian Mansion in ancient times could not To achieve perfection, take the final step.

"It contains the secret of becoming an immortal." Su Yu's pupils narrowed slightly. This was the first Taoist lineage to say that he could become an immortal.

Moreover, it was made by the famous ancestor of Tianxian Mansion in ancient times.


In ancient times, the ancestors of Tianxian Mansion created this Taoist method, but failed to achieve perfection?

 How could he know that this method would definitely lead to a glimpse of the true immortal if he could not achieve consummation?

Su Yu pondered deeply. There was no doubt that he wanted all of these five half-immortal Taoisms, but he didn't know if his own soul could bear it.

"No matter what, let's try it first and then talk about it." Su Yu put the Zhenwu trial behind him and didn't care what trial it was and what time it was.

Let’s get hold of these five Taoist inheritances first.

 This is the real benefit.

 He thought for a while, and his soul rushed directly towards the first human fairy figure.


A terrifying surge of immortal power came, causing Su Yu's heart to tremble and his mind to ache. Outside the Zhenwu Immortal Monument, Su Yu's seven orifices suddenly overflowed with blood. His breath was somewhat disordered, and his skin seemed to be about to burst. It seemed that he was suffering from something terrible. Disaster.

Su Yu’s soul roared low, and without hesitation he activated the Heavenly Phoenix Nirvana Sutra. In an instant, his soul seemed to turn into a divine fire phoenix: “Bah!”

With a cry that shook the sky, Su Yu's soul rushed into the first sky-lifting shadow.


next moment.

The majestic inheritance information poured into Su Yu's soul, and the overwhelming Heavenly Phoenix Divine Fire manifested. At this moment, they all poured into Su Yu's soul, and seemed to be refining Su Yu's soul.

The unbearable pain came, and Su Yu couldn't help but scream.

The Phoenix Immortal Sutra inheritance contains the indescribable and terrifying power of heavenly fire, which is constantly burning and tempering his soul, and seems to be burning him out.

If the soul were weaker, I'm afraid Su Yu really wouldn't be able to withstand the inheritance of the Phoenix Immortal Sutra.

 I don’t know how much time has passed.

When Su Yu gradually adapted, his soul was filled with a layer of faint golden flames. The golden flames spread like a phantom of a celestial phoenix, covering Su Yu's soul.

 A noble, majestic, and inviolable aura of immortal power emerges.

And the majestic Taoist inheritance of Fengxian Sutra has been deeply imprinted in Su Yu’s soul.

Su Yu woke up and looked at the front part of the Fengxian Sutra that came to mind. He took a deep breath. The Fengxian Sutra's Taoist inheritance is extremely majestic. It is not just a Taoist practice, but a Taoist scripture.

 It is the orthodoxy that can establish a new power of Tianfeng Palace!

  Taoist methods, supernatural powers, ancient elixirs, special divine soul methods, etc.

He rubbed his swollen brows and temporarily sealed all inheritance except Taoism.

With the operation of the Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method and the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra, Su Yu’s soul gradually recovered, becoming clear and ethereal.

His eyes were shining, and his gaze fell on the second Taoist inheritance next to him, and he rushed in without any hesitation.


  【Bahuang Supreme Earth Immortal Sutra】!

The first cultivation method of earth spirit root in ancient times, and the first lineage of fighting immortals in ancient Tianxian Mansion.

If this inheritance can be integrated into the Five Elements Technique, it will definitely greatly improve Su Yu's own Five Elements Technique.

With it and the Phoenix Immortal Sutra, the inheritance of the earth spiritual root and the fire spiritual root in the Five Elements Jue is enough to achieve the realm of overcoming the tribulation, and the only remaining ones are the wood spiritual root, the golden spiritual root, and the water spiritual root.

Mu Linggen Taoist methods must still look for the Cangmu Year Lun Gong, while Shui Linggen should look for the sunlight and moonlight divine water methods.

 Golden Spiritual Root can be determined.


Su Yu's head and body were instantly shattered, but no blood spilled out. The bright five-element fairy light filled the air, constantly resisting the terrible catastrophe of fairy power and restoring Su Yu's body.

Su Yu's inheritance time was obviously longer this time. He had been sitting in front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument for three days.

 The outside world.

 Gu Xianzi, Qianfeng Daojun, the elders of Zhenwu Immortal Palace, Xiao Shuiyue, Jin Xiandu and others were all looking at Su Yu's figure sitting cross-legged in front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument in the trial star platform.

 Seeing that Su Yu still hadn't moved for three days, Gu Xianzi, Qianfeng Daojun and others frowned slightly.

Xiao Shuiyue and Jin Xiandu felt much more comfortable, and said to themselves: "Originally, I thought that his talent could possibly break the Great Emperor's record, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that. It has been three days and he is still there." Sitting in front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument. ’

Taojun Qianfeng sent a message to Fairy Gu, and said worriedly: "Xianzi Gu, why hasn't Little Friend Su woke up for so long? Could it be..."

Gu Xianzi thought to herself without saying a word. Judging from the speed at which Su Yu passed the first two levels of the Zhenwu Trial, Su Yu had great hope of breaking the time record set by Emperor Zhenwu.

 But Su Yu actually stayed in front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument for such a long time without waking up, which was a bit abnormal.

She doesn’t believe that a monster who can achieve the perfect Taoist foundation and can comprehend the power of so many Taoisms will have very poor understanding.

 This is obviously impossible.

 There must be another reason why Su Yu stayed in front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument for so long.

While thinking about it, Gu Xianzi's expression changed, her eyes became a little weirder, and she secretly said: "Could it be that he is eyeing the inheritance of the five and a half-immortal Taoism in the immortal stele?"

Thinking about this time again, Gu Xianzi felt angry and laughed. She guessed that Su Yu must be eyeing the inheritance of the half-immortal Taoism in the immortal monument.

 And there’s more than one!

This little guy is really greedy!

But think about it, Su Yu is the genius of Perfect Dao. Although it takes some time and energy to cultivate other Dao traditions, it is not impossible to cultivate.

Xianzi Gu thought about it and stopped worrying about the time of Su Yu's trial.

She turned around and walked towards her cave, saying: "When the trial is over, Master Qianfeng will inform me again."

 On the fourth day.

Su Yu began to attack the third half-immortal Taoist lineage. This time he chose the [True Spirit Celestial Immortal Technique]. This immortal method has no spiritual root attributes and can be practiced with any spiritual root.

 The magic of becoming an immortal contained in it attracted Su Yu and made him feel that it was more important than the black dragon's fighting method.

 At this moment. In front of the Zhenwu Immortal Monument at the third level.

Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianxu appeared one after another. Seeing that Su Yu was still here, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment: "He hasn't cleared the customs yet?"

 This is unlikely!


At this time, a terrifying immortal power came and impacted Su Yu's body. Under the impact of this immortal power, Su Yu's body seemed to be broken, and his soul was revealed.

Feeling this immortal power, Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianaxu's expressions changed dramatically, and their hearts trembled and feared.

 As the information about the third level emerged in their minds, their hearts trembled.

“He, what kind of inheritance has he accepted!?” Shan Tianaxu said with a trembling voice.

Zhang Tianyi's expression changed. He looked at Su Yu with a look of awe and reluctance, but then there was a hint of relief and admiration.

For such a talented person, his talent has indeed surpassed his own.

Zhang Tianyi whispered: "It is rumored that the Zhenwu Immortal Monument contains the inheritance of the five half-immortal Taoist traditions. I am afraid that Fellow Taoist Su Su has obtained the inheritance of the half-immortal Taoist lineage."

 Half Immortal!

Shan Tianaxu’s eyes were wide and round, in disbelief.

This is a level of existence that he has never thought of. Fellow Daoist Su actually received the inheritance of the semi-immortal Taoism.

“No wonder, no wonder Fellow Daoist Su is still here. If I can get the inheritance of the Half-Immortal Dao Lineage, then I can stay here forever.” Shan Tianaxe looked at Su Yu with envy.

 In the third stage of the Immortal Enlightenment Platform, you are not allowed to interfere with others, otherwise you will be expelled from the Trial Star Platform.

 So after Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianxu looked at it for a while, they picked a place and prepared to find a suitable way for them to understand the inheritance of Taoism.

 As time passes slowly.

 Two days later.

Xian Changsheng, Nangong Miao, Niu Er, Baili Qinglong and others all came to the Zhenwu Immortal Monument, and they were all racing against time to understand their own inheritance from the Zhenwu Immortal Monument.

Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianxu woke up slowly, with a hint of joy on their faces, as if they had gained a lot.

However, when the two of them turned to look at Su Yu, and when they sensed a terrifying dark aura of fierce fighting spirit from Su Yu, their expressions were stagnant and they felt numb.

 Again, another half-immortal Taoist lineage?

Shan Tianxu rolled his eyes and looked at Zhang Tianyi and said: "Fellow Daoist Tianyi, Daoist Su hasn't gone out yet. If you go out, you will be the first in the Zhenwu Trial."

“I’m not as strong as you, so I won’t fight with you.”

 Zhang Tianyi glanced at him and said, "I'm not in a hurry."


Zhang Tianyi sat cross-legged and began to recover his mind and soul. Seeing Zhang Tianyi like this, Shan Tianaxu cursed in his heart, and also began to recover his mind and soul, planning to try to attack the Zhenwu Immortal Monument again.

after one day.

Xian Changsheng, Nangong Miao, Niu Er and others woke up and saw that Su Yu, Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianxu were still there, and they couldn't help but frown slightly.

After a moment of thought and hesitation, he made the same choice as Zhang Tianyi and Shan Tianaxe, and continued to stay here to attack the Zhenwu Immortal Monument.


 The faces of some Immortal Palace disciples and outer palace elders gradually became a little strange.

What the hell, this time’s Zhenwu Trial seems to be a little different!

 In the past true martial arts trials, it was all about racing against time. Even in the third level, people would walk out of the trial star platform after realizing their suitable inheritance.

 But this time in the True Martial Arts Trial, why are all the outstanding geniuses unwilling to come out?

 Inside the Zhenwuxian Monument.

After Su Yu passed on the fourth Black Dragon War Technique and Half-Immortal Dao Lineage, he already felt as if his brain was filled with something, and he was extremely tired and reached the limit.

 He looked at the remaining door [Liantian Shen Dao Canon], feeling a little regretful.

It seems that after all, I still can’t get all these five inheritances into my pocket.

"never mind."

“The harvest is already pretty good. Let’s look for opportunities in the future to inherit this tradition.”

 He left the Zhenwu Immortal Monument with a thought in his mind.

After waiting for a long time, he sealed all the information of the four Taoist traditions except Taoism, and used the Eighth Life Golden Cicada Reincarnation Method and the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra to restore his mind, and his spirit was slightly boosted.

Su Yu opened her eyes and looked at the celestial beings in front of her who were still comprehending the Taoism of the Immortal Monument.

Some people have happy faces, while others have frowned faces and full of sadness.

 There are also people like him who seem to have suffered some kind of physical disaster.

Just like Shan Tianaxu, Shantianaxu looked ferocious at this moment, seeming to be suffering unbearable pain, and it was not known whether he would succeed in the end.

Su Yu glanced at Zhang Tianyi, Niu Er, Nangong Miao, Xian Changsheng and others, then with a thought in his mind, he directly chose to leave the trial star platform.

At this moment, in the square in front of the Immortal Palace outside, more than twenty geniuses and immortal seedlings have come out.

 Their faces were all filled with joy, especially the first few who came out. They felt as if their bodies were floating as they were hit by the surprise.

 Although time is not the only criterion for selecting Immortal Palace disciples, it is also a bonus.

 When Su Yu came out, they all couldn't help but look over, with different expressions on their faces, including some surprise, suspicion, joy and a little bit of fear.

 At the first level, Su Yu was halfway up the ladder and was able to kill a genius at the peak of the distraction realm with one palm, which left a deep impression on them.

In addition, Su Yu single-handedly beat Xian Changsheng and other monsters until they were unable to fight back. They either retreated, begged for mercy or bowed their heads.

Who dares to provoke such a murderer?

Originally, Su Yu thought that she still had to wait here, waiting for the Immortal Palace to announce the result.

However, the next moment, a Fairy Taoist Lord wearing a white dress appeared. Second Elder Ji Qianyu, Fifth Elder Xu Changan and others saw her appearance, and their eyes changed.

“Fairy Ruojun.” Ji Qianyu, Xu Changan and others all saluted with some respect.

The Fairy Taoist Lord just nodded slightly, his eyes fell on Su Yu, his red lips opened and he smiled sweetly: "Little friend Su, please come with me, the emperor invites you."

Su Yu was startled, and then her heart became tense. Emperor Zhenwu wanted to see him?

Without waiting for Su Yu to reply, Fairy Ruoyun looked at everyone present and said: "From now on, Su Yu is the eighth true successor of the Zhenwu Immortal Court, the direct successor of the emperor, and his status and treatment are the same as those of the elders of the Immortal Palace."

“I will give you a floating immortal palace, a Taoist artifact, and a hundred guards of the Zhenwu Immortal Army, who will be the centurion of the Zhenwu Immortal Army.”

“The true transmission and personal transmission ceremony will be held in a year. People from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, Shangqing Cave, and the Buddhist and Demonic Holy Lands in the Buddhist Realm will be invited to watch the ceremony.”

After announcing the matter, Fairy Ruoyun waved her hand, and a burst of magic power carried Su Yu away. In a moment, the figure had disappeared into the depths of the fairy court.

The faces of the people in the square of the Immortal Palace, including Second Elder Ji Qianyu, Fifth Elder Xu Changan, Xiao Shuiyue, Jin Xiandu and others, all changed.

 (End of this chapter)

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