Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 403: The strange black fog of the Demon Burial Plateau

Other Taoist masters were startled one after another, and a Buddha power that surpassed the Taoist masters in the cave-xu realm filled the entire Buddhist temple and pressed on their hearts, making their bodies tremble and their hearts filled with horror and fear.

 The expressions of the middle-aged woman and the white-haired old man changed with shock. When the middle-aged man knelt down, they both felt frightened and their scalps went numb!

At this moment, they finally understood why Taoist Master Zijun was so respectful and humble when he came in -

 Because of this person’s cultivation level, he has reached the state of integration.

 Became a powerful Buddhist being comparable to a Taoist king!

Such a powerful person is naturally qualified to command the heavens.

It is impossible for them to disobey, and they dare not disobey.

The middle-aged woman and the white-haired old man lowered their heads and said in a trembling voice: "Buddha, forgive me, we are willing to obey the Buddha's orders!"

The two thunder vase seals in Su Yu's hands dispersed, and he walked inside with a calm expression. The middle-aged man in green robes, the middle-aged woman, the white-haired old man and others quickly retreated to make way.

Su Yu said calmly: "In half a month, we will gather in Ksitigarbha City and bring with us those who have cultivated the Nascent Soul and above."

“The Plateau of the Demon Burial Ground where the Buddha Sect is located is close to the Buddha Realm and far away from the turmoil in the Cangzhou Region. If we can capture the Demon Burial Ground, you will have an alternative retreat in the future.”

Joining forces with the entire Changtian Domain Immortal Sect, we can gather at least forty or fifty Dongxu Realm Dao Masters.

  If the monks at Nascent Soul realm and above gather together, there may be tens of thousands of people.

Such a force is enough to deal with the Buddha Sect.

After sending away the Taoist masters from all the forces, Su Yu retreated again to comprehend the Thunder Sound Vase Seal Technique, the Vajra Demon Subduing Sword Technique, and the Vajra Dharma Appearance supernatural power.

 Time passed by.

 Half a month later.

Su Yu came out of the game again and glanced at the proficiency panel.

  【Spells: Thunder Sound Aquarius Seal Technique (entry level, proficiency level 48.61%), Diamond Conquering Demon Knife Technique (entry level, proficiency rate 30.34%), Diamond Dharma Appearance (entry level, proficiency level 4.71%). 】

Thunder Sound Vase Seal has the greatest improvement.

The power of the Vajra Demon Subduing Sword Technique is endless, far beyond the ability of the Thunder Sound Aquarius Seal Technique. The further he goes, the more terrifying this sword technique becomes, and Su Yu's proficiency has slowed down a bit.

The most difficult thing was the magical power of the Vajra Dharma. Su Yu consumed a lot of resources in Ksitigarbha City and swallowed a lot of treasure pills, and then he managed to make the Dharma a little stronger again.

This Vajra Dharma-like magical power consumes too many resources.

 It is not yet known how many resources will be needed.

Of course, the power of this magical power is worthy of such a huge investment of resources.

Even the newly acquired Vajra Dharma-Phase supernatural power can barely make Su Yu, the Taoist puppet Ksitigarbha, more than double the power of Buddha.

 This is already terrible!

Looking at the Thunder Sound Vase Seal and the Diamond Burial Demon Sword that were being cultivated in the body, Su Yu gently exhaled, walked out of the cave, looked at Wu Qingping who came forward and said, "Let's go."

When they came to the Buddhist temple, Wu Chengzhi, Taoist Zijun, and the ancestors of the Qingluo Xianmen, the middle-aged man in Qingjianxian, the white-haired old Taoist Master Shenqiao, and the middle-aged woman of the Qijia ancestors Renqi Caiyun 'Caiyun Taoist' and others have been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Su Yu’s arrival, Wu Chengzhi and other high-level officials from Ksitigarbha City bowed respectfully and said, “I have met Lord Buddha (Master).”

 “Senior Ksitigarbha.”

Taoist Master Qingjianxian and others respectfully bowed with Taoist seals, but no one dared to show off anymore.

Su Yu came in and took a look. The main thing was that the three Taoist masters at the top of the Cave Void Realm, Qingjianxian Taoist Master, were here. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "Are they all here?"

Taoist Master Zijun said: "Master Buddha, all the immortal sects that should come are here. We are just waiting for Master Buddha's order."

Su Yu waved his hand: "Let's set off then."

Outside Jizo City, battleships and flying boats appeared one after another.

At the beginning, Su Yu searched the fairy city of the ancient power Golden Jade Immortal Sect and found a lot of resources there, including a large number of magical weapons, magic weapons, and more than thirty fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-order battleships and flying boats.

At this moment, Su Yu took out all these battleships and flying boats, and asked Wu Chengzhi to take the Vajra Buddha Master from Ksitigarbha City to board the battleships and flying boats.

Taoist Master Zijun and others looked at this scene with different expressions on their faces.

 It is not difficult to guess the origin of these battleships and flying boats.

 Because of this, they felt a little uncomfortable.

At the beginning, Su Yu relied on the power of the Space Avenue to break into the ruins of the Golden Jade Immortal Gate Immortal City alone to search for treasures. However, they all worked together for half a year and failed to enter the ruins of the Golden Jade Immortal Gate Immortal City.

 This point makes Qingluo Xianmen and other forces full of resentment.

 Just now—

After Su Yu’s previous intimidation, Master Qingjianxian and others now did not dare to utter even a single word.

They remained silent and ordered the monks under the Immortal Sect to take out battleships and flying boats and take people aboard.

Su Yu glanced around and saw that all the forces in the Changtian Territory had gathered together. There were probably more than 60,000 Yuan Ying realm and above monks. This number could not be said to be too much, but it could be said that it was a lot less.

 After all, this is the accumulation of countless years in a region.

"Set off."

Su Yu boarded a sixth-level flying boat, followed by Wu Qingping, Wu Fengxian, Wu Qianhua, Wu Zhi, Taoist Master Zijun and others.

Led by his flying boat, everyone teleported across domains through one ancient teleportation array after another, heading directly to the lair of the Demon Burial Ground where the Buddha Gate is located.

 Depths in the Demonic Burial Ground.

 Pagoda Buddhism.

 The extremely dense black fog shrouded the entire Buddhist temple, like a curtain wall, 'imprisoning' the entire Buddhist temple and isolating it from the outside world.

Through the curtain wall, the terrifying black mist seems to stretch out one ghost face after another from time to time, overlooking the entire Buddhist temple, and the evil energy is overwhelming.

Standing in the Buddhist temple, the bright golden light shines on the heaven and earth and turns into a majestic bell, covering the entire temple. It is also isolated from the darkness of the outside world and barely maintains a trace of light.

Through the thick black fog, a towering mountain seemed to appear vaguely behind the Buddhist temple.

There is a shadow of a tower on the high mountain.

The Demon Buried Land itself is a plateau, and the Buddha Temple is built on the highest point of the Demon Buried Land, almost in the center.

It is rumored that this is the location of the Vajra Temple, a powerful Buddhist power in ancient times.

Having occupied this place for many years, the Buddha Sect has not actually seen any more Vajra temple ruins except for a few Vajra temple ruins found here.

For example, the legendary Demon Burial Pagoda!

More than ten years ago, when the great changes in heaven and earth began, endless black mist poured out from everywhere in the Demon Burial Land. Everyone in the Buddha Sect was shocked to discover that there was another spiritual mountain reaching the sky behind the temple.

At the top of Naling Mountain, there seems to be a tower holding up the sky.

 Since then.

The news of the birth of the Demon Burial Pagoda in the ancient Buddhist Vajra Temple spread throughout the entire Buddhist sect.


The black fog shrouding the temple outside has lightened up a bit. This is the only time in a year when the black fog lightens up. The Buddha Sect once again sent some people out of the Buddhist temple to explore the shadow of Lingshan Mountain in the black mist behind.

 Just one month comes in the blink of an eye.

 The people who left were the same as before for more than ten years. Until the thick black fog enveloped the Buddhist temple again, no one could return to the temple.

This time there was even a Dharma Protector Buddha who went out but failed to come back from the back mountain.

 In the Buddhist temple.

Two guardians, three chiefs, and eleven guardians gathered together. Everyone looked gloomy and not very good-looking. Since the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, there has been a shocking change in the Demon Burial Ground.

The thick black mist that first appeared was extremely strange, capable of swallowing up spiritual consciousness, and it was very easy to get lost in the thick mist.

Even in some places in the Demon Burial Ground, there are terrifying monsters that are bloodthirsty and murderous. They are better at hiding in thick fog. They are insidious and cunning, killing people invisible, which has caused great damage to the Buddha Sect.

In addition, there are some skeletons that have emerged from strange places, like demonic shadows, with extremely strong strength.

 You can also continuously improve your own strength through magic means.

In order to cope with the various surprises in the Demon Burial Land, the Buddha Sect originally had 18 guardians, but now only 11 are left.

 Two of the six chiefs were also lost.

Of the original four guardians, one was seriously injured and is still recovering in seclusion, and one has also died.


Although the disaster that Buddha suffered at that time was terrible, the harvest was also great.

Those monsters and the monster corpses that came out of the strange place are all treasures to them.

Although the sudden change in the Demon Burial Land was a disaster, they also understood that this was definitely an opportunity for their Buddha Sect to reach heaven!

As long as we can grasp it, maybe the Buddha Sect will be able to transform into the Vajra Temple, the top power of ancient Buddhism in the past!

Oh, of course, it’s the blackened Vajra Temple.

“Shisan didn’t come back, so he must be dead.” A chief said quietly.

A chief next to him frowned and said: "What exactly is this black mist? Why can it isolate the souls? Even the soul monument cannot sense the life and death of the thirteenth class."

 Everyone deliberated for a long time and looked at the protector sitting at the end.

"We have to train a puppet this month, and we must not stop exploring the King Kong Spirit Mountain and the Demon Burying Pagoda." A guardian sitting at the top said indifferently, with a concentration of Buddha power at the peak of the Cave Void Realm on his body, making him Everyone present was heartbroken.

 Especially the Eleven Guardians who were watched by him.

 Apologetics: "If you can't cultivate it, then you are the only one who can do it."

The eleventh Protector's scalp was numb, and he continued: "Don't worry, Protector, I have already selected someone, and I will definitely not delay the Abbot's plan."

The crowd was about to disperse when suddenly a disciple rushed in in a panic.

"Guardian, chief uncles, protectors, and masters, something serious has happened." The disciple exclaimed in shock, "There is news from the Changtian Territory that the Ksitigarbha Buddha Master in Ksitigarbha City in the Changtian Territory has become a relic. Buddha, now everyone from the Immortal Sect in the Changtian Domain has gathered together and is heading towards the Buddha Sect to kill him."

 Sari Buddha, this is the name given to the Buddha in the combined realm.

 When the Great Way of the Combined Realm is first achieved, just like a cultivator of immortality has first achieved the fruit of the Combined Realm, the Buddhist master will condense a relic.

This title is derived from this.

 Sari Buddha!

 The expressions of the two guardians, the three chiefs, and the Buddhist guardians all changed, and the Changtian Territory Ksitigarbha City

 They will naturally not forget this force.

The main reason why the Buddha Sect failed in its attack on the Changtian Territory was because of the Ksitigarbha Buddhist Master in Ksitigarbha City.

To this day, Ksitigarbha Buddha still has a place on the list of Buddhist salvations.

Had it not been rumored that the Buddha Realm Buddhist Monastery was standing behind Master Ksitigarbha, they would have gone to Changtian Region to kill him as a warning to others.

But they never expected—

How long has it been since then?

 With the sudden change in the Demon Burial Land, a little person that I forgot about during this period has actually become Relic Buddha! ?

“Is it really the Buddha Relic!? How is that possible! Didn’t he just break through the Cave Realm before!? How could he have achieved enlightenment with the Relic!” One of the guardians was startled and shouted in shock and anger.

That is the supreme realm that he has been pursuing for nearly three thousand years and failed to achieve!

Now, a young man who had just emerged had become Relic Buddha one step ahead of him. This news made him very sad.

The jealous hatred in his heart made his face become more twisted and ferocious, his eyes glowed red, and he gritted his teeth.

The way of heaven, how unfair it is!

 I have been practicing hard for nearly three thousand years, but I have not been able to cultivate the relics. How virtuous and capable is that kid Ksitigarbha!

Before others could speak, a breath of air suddenly came from behind the Buddhist temple. In the blink of an eye, everyone felt that a figure wearing a crimson embroidered gold cassock had appeared in the Buddhist temple.

This man has white eyebrows and a very long beard. He has his hands clasped together and has a compassionate and kind expression on his face. His peaceful aura makes people feel good about him when they see him.

 “Why are you panicking?” the visitor scolded softly.

 A wave of Buddha power filled the heaven and earth, making the hearts of the people present tremble and their expressions change greatly.

But the next moment, everyone looked overjoyed and stood up one after another and exclaimed: "Abbot!"

"Abbott, you have completed the relic cultivation!?" A guardian couldn't help but trembled.

The abbot of the Buddha Sect, Du Buddha, came to his throne with a calm expression, sat cross-legged on the futon, turned around to face the crowd, and said calmly: "The devil's corpse that was born that day was not an extraordinary thing. I learned something from that devil's corpse. The realization finally condensed into a relic."

“This sudden change in the Demon Burial Ground is an unparalleled opportunity for us. From now on, Buddhism should focus on hunting demon beasts and demon corpses until we have complete control over the foundation of the ancient Vajra Buddhism.”

After the abbot of the Buddha Sect finished speaking, one of the Dharma protectors couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Abbott, how do you deal with the Ksitigarbha city in the Changtian domain and the group of immortal cultivators?"

Dufo glanced at him and said calmly: "The changes in the Demon Burial Land are a bit strange now. Buddhism just lacks manpower to explore opportunities."

“Isn’t it just right that they are here?”

 Outside the place where demons are buried.

 A small fairy city on the edge.

 Su Yu arrived with Taoist Master Zijun, Taoist Master Qingjianxian and others. The only Taoist master in the early stage of Dongxu Realm in this small fairy city was immediately frightened and came out of the gate to greet them.

"Senior, are you going to the place where demons are buried?" When he heard Su Yu's question, the Taoist master's expression changed drastically.

“Senior, you should think twice. In recent years, the Demon Burial Land has undergone dramatic changes. The black mist has shrouded the entire Demon Burial Plateau, and in the black mist, monsters and demonic corpses appear from time to time. They are extremely ferocious and frightening in strength.”

“The black mist can swallow up people’s consciousness, and it is easy to get lost in it.”

 “Senior wants to go in”

Before he finished speaking, Su Yu suddenly flicked his finger, and a small thunder sound bottle seal condensed. Accompanied by a terrifying thunderbolt, this thunder seal broke through the air for hundreds of miles and sank into the black fog of the Demon Burial Plateau ahead. among.


 A huge ferocious beast hiding in the black mist was annihilated by the thunder seal.

Upon noticing this, the Taoist Master of Xiaoxian City immediately fell silent and looked at Su Yu in horror. (End of chapter)

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