Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 406: Experience of cultivating evildoers at the eighth level of the distraction realm

When it comes to cultivating the realm of integration, the most important thing is actually one’s own path and fruit, or the relics of Buddhism and the source of demons of the devil. These are the foundation of a monk’s own life and path.

 If the Daoguo is intact, then even if the body dies, the body can still be raised back.

However, Dufo was very careless and directly revealed his own Taoist fruit and integrated it into his body. Although the demonic corpse was extremely powerful, the moment it was integrated, Dufo's strength greatly increased.

 But this also exposed his own lifeline.

Under the Diamond Burying Demon Sword, the demonic energy on Dufo's body was suppressed in an instant, melting and annihilating like spring snow under the scorching sun. The thick-skinned demonic body became extremely fragile, like tofu. Beheaded.

Seeing that the breath of life of the Buddha was completely extinguished, Su Yu's eyes showed a little surprise, and she couldn't help but look down at the Buddhist knife in her hand.

 This knife

How can you restrain the devil so much?

 ‘The Diamond Burial Demon Sword is worthy of its name. ’ Su Yu withdrew her gaze, feeling secretly shocked.

 The abbot is dead!

The Buddha was destroyed by Su Yu's sword. Seeing this result, the faces of several guardians, chiefs, and protectors of the Buddha Sect, as well as all the Buddhists, changed drastically, with incredible looks in their eyes. They looked at the statue standing in the temple from a distance. That figure holding a knife made his heart tremble and fear instinctively.

The abbot has already achieved great power, but the Ksitigarbha in front of him has just broken through and become a Buddha.

 How come you can kill the abbot!

The three guardians’ eyes fell on the knife in Su Yu’s hand. They felt the murderous intent intertwined with the demonic energy, and their scalps instantly felt numb.

 It was as if he had seen some kind of nemesis, and the demonic energy in his body was resisting and fearing him.

 This knife—it’s not normal!

 “Run away!”

With a scream, everyone in the Buddha Sect fled in all directions, but when Su Yu put away the Diamond Burial Demon Sword and clasped his hands together, the sound rang in everyone's ears for a moment, and all the people in the Buddha Sect stopped and could not move.


“From now on, the Buddhist pagoda will no longer exist.”

 “The Vajra Temple was rebuilt in the place where demons were buried.”

“Everyone, are you willing to put down your butcher’s knife and follow this Buddha to purify the place where demons are buried?”

Su Yu used the power of the Space Avenue and the spiritual power of the Ksitigarbha Immortal Sutra to forcibly frighten the hearts and minds of all Buddhist monks. Although Taoist Master Zijun, Wu Chengzhi and others were shocked and shocked, they were not surprised.

 After all, in their hearts, the gap between the powerful ones in the Fusion Realm and the Dao Masters in the Dongxu Realm is like this, like a chasm in the sky that makes people despair.

After getting rid of the abbot of the Buddha Sect, how can the remaining people of the Buddha Sect compete with the might of the mighty God?

Looking at Su Yu in awe, Taoist Master Zijun and others started to move, restraining and suppressing everyone in the Buddha Sect, and suppressed them together.

People like the Buddha Sect practice demonic or evil practices. If you let them put down their butcher knives and turn to Buddhism again, it will be a dead end.

It is impossible to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

 So, apart from some people who have not practiced evil methods or demonic skills, the rest of the group of Buddhists in the Buddha Sect must be useless, and there will be no second result.

Su Yu will not leave them to continue practicing magic and evil methods.

  Came to a relatively intact Buddhist temple.

Wu Chengzhi, Taoist Master Zijun, Taoist Master Qingjianxian and others stood respectfully. Wu Chengzhi was a little confused and asked cautiously: "Master, did you just say that you want to re-establish the Diamond Temple in the place where demons are buried?"

Su Yu pondered for a while and said: "The sword I used just now is called the Diamond Burial Demon Sword. It was made by a Buddhist disciple in the ancient Diamond Temple."

 He sighed softly and said: "That Buddhist disciple left a last wish that the Vajra Temple needs to be rebuilt."

Su Yu said, he glanced at Wu Chengzhi and said: "From now on, Mingzhi, you will be the abbot of Jingang Temple and take charge of all matters including Dizang City."

As he said that, he looked at Taoist Master Zijun and others, and said: "Although the Buddha Temple has been captured, the other Buddhist cities in the Buddha Temple have not yet been fully controlled. Next, you need to go with me to rescue the Buried Demon. All living beings in the land.”

 Vajra Temple, Vajra Burial Demon Sword

 Taoist Master Zijun and others understood clearly, that’s why.

Recalling Su Yu's sword attack that killed the Buddhist abbot of the Buddha and turned him into a monster, Taoist Master Zijun and others were shocked and secretly swallowed their saliva.

That knife is absolutely extraordinary!

No wonder Ksitigarbha Buddha was willing to take over the great wish of the Buddha of the ancient Vajra Temple and rebuild the Vajra Temple.

 If they were given a choice, they would be willing to do it.

It’s just that they don’t know that this sword is more than just an ambition to rebuild the Vajra Temple.

Wu Chengzhi and others were arranged to search the entire Pagoda Buddhist Temple. Su Yu looked back at the shadow of the Qingtian Mountain and the tower behind the Pagoda Buddhist Temple, as well as the black mist covering the sky and the sun. He did not feel much joy in his heart, but on the contrary, there was more A hint of haze.

This shocking change in the Demon Burial Plateau—

He feels that it is far beyond what he can control now.

“After we resolve the matter with the Buddha Sect and transform the believers who captured many Buddhist cities under the control of the Buddha Sect, we will return to Ksitigarbha City.”

“Don’t come in again until you find out what’s going on in the Demon Burial Plateau.”

 Su Yu thought to himself, and then went out, planning to convert the people of the Buddha Sect in the Buddha Sect first, to accumulate some merit and luck for himself, and then conquer the many Buddhist cities in the Demon Burial Plateau one by one.

As long as there are no accidents, the amount of incense and desire he can control in the near future may increase more than ten times.

At that time, the puppet guards of Yuxian Mansion and Immortal City will be revived.

Although their puppet bodies are not powerful, the enlightenment magic of the Puppet Book revives them, but what is stronger is not the power of their own puppets.

But a **** who is nourished by the power of incense and vows!

 The puppet body is just a container for their ‘god’.

As long as the incense has enough power and strong enough quality, you may be able to experience the horror of the Puppet Book.

one year later.

 Taoist Master Zijun and others evacuated from the Demon Burial Plateau.

The original owner of the Demon Buried Plateau, the Buddha Sect, was replaced by the Vajra Temple. Although it was not the ancient Vajra Temple that reappeared in the world, when the news spread to the Demon Buried Plateau, many surrounding forces were still in an uproar.

According to statistics from Wu Chengzhi and others, there are nearly 200 large and small Buddhist cities in the entire Demon Burial Plateau, with hundreds of millions of believers practicing Buddhism.

 The scale is ten times that of the previous Dizang City.

 When these Buddhist cities were first conquered and their believers were transformed, it was not known whether it was due to the changes in aura, formations, etc., that the frequency of attacks by magical beasts and demonic corpses on the Buddhist cities in various places increased greatly, causing a lot of damage.

It wasn't until Su Yu erected Buddha statues in various places, using the power of his own Ksitigarbha's Immortal Sutra to cover the world and protect each Buddhist city, that the traces of the demonic beasts and demonic corpses that attacked the Buddhist cities disappeared, and the place where demons were buried was once again peaceful. Come down.

After taking control of the Demon Burial Ground, Wu Chengzhi came to Su Yu and asked for instructions: "Master, now that the Demon Burial Ground is like this, where should our Diamond Temple go?"

Su Yu thought about it for a long time. He initially wanted to take action against the Buddha Sect, but he only took a fancy to the huge number of followers and incense and vows of the Buddhist Sect.

 The purpose has now been achieved. As for purifying the place where demons are buried and restoring the pagoda where demons are buried.

 He tried to find the Demon Burial Pagoda, but could not find it.

In this case, he will naturally not force it anymore.

 Then next.

"Practice hard and strengthen the Vajra Temple." Su Yu said calmly, "If there is a sudden change in the Demon Burial Land that threatens the safety of the Vajra Temple, then there is no need to hesitate and directly lead people to withdraw from the Demon Burial Plateau and return to the Demon Burial Plateau. Ksitigarbha City.”

The moment he left the Demon Burial Plateau, Su Yu looked back at the Demon Burial Plateau, which was shrouded in thick black mist.

With the clouds rolling and relaxing between the sky and the earth, it seems that the thick black mist of the Demon Burial Plateau is also changing.

The spiritual energy from the four directions was also absorbed and converged towards the Demon Burial Plateau.

 This picture

The more Su Yu snooped, the more uneasy he felt. There was an inexplicable sense of uneasiness that made his hair stand on end.

What exactly happened in the Demon Burial Plateau!

He turned around and returned to Ksitigarbha City, worried: 'I don't know if Master Zhenwu the Great comes, will he be able to see some of the secrets of the Demon Burial Plateau! ’

Su Yu led his people to take down the Buddhist pagoda and rebuild the Vajra Temple. The matter also reached the hands of the Great Buddhist Temple in Foyu.

Abbot Wumo of the Great Buddha Temple looked at the information in his hand and couldn't help but be a little surprised. He frowned slightly and whispered: "This man actually got involved in the matter of the Demon Burial Ground and rebuilt the Vajra Temple."

 Such a shocking change occurred in the Demon Burial Land, and the entire Buddhist realm was particularly concerned about it, and it was impossible to ignore it.

But Wumo and others knew that the Ksitigarbha Buddhist master in Ksitigarbha City was just a puppet of the Taoist body of Emperor Zhenwu of the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

Now that he has intervened in the affairs of the Demon Burial Plateau and rebuilt the Vajra Temple, this makes Momodo think about it.

 Is this just the idea of ​​the great emperor himself, or is it the instruction of the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

In front of Wumo, Kuya looked pale and coughed a few times, as if he had suffered a heavy injury and never recovered.

Kuya smiled bitterly and said: "This is a good time for me. Our Buddhist sect cleared out the demonic remains and monsters born on the Demon Burial Plateau, so he rushed in and slaughtered the Buddhist pagoda, occupied the magpie's nest, and rebuilt the Vajra Temple. in the name of.”

“Even if other Buddhist temples have some objections, it’s hard to say it out loud.”

 Ancient Vajra Temple.

This name is established on the Demon Burial Plateau, and it can be said to be justifiable.

Who can expel them?

Wuma shook his head slightly, looked in the direction of the Demon Burial Plateau, frowned deeply and said: "These are not important, the most important thing is, does the Zhenwu Immortal Court know what changes have taken place in the Demon Burial Plateau?"

 Thinking of the secret conversation with the ancestor of the Buddhist temple a few days ago, the hair on Wuma's body stood up.

If those shocking speculations were to spread, I'm afraid the entire world of immortality would be shaken. It would be too scary.

 He didn’t quite believe that those speculations were true.

 Thought about it for a long time.

Wuma said: "Pay close attention to the situation of the Vajra Temple. If the Demon Burial Pagoda appears, be sure to tell me as soon as possible."

Now the Demon Burial Plateau has just begun to change. No one knows what will happen.

 Zhenwu Xianting.

 Deep in the palace, in the cave.

Su Yu looked at the fully formed sixth-level low-grade Mirror Moon Talisman and Waning Moon Talisman in his hands, and couldn't help but show a satisfied smile on his face. The creation of these sixth-level space talismans was completely completed by him trying again and again.

 The inheritance of the Mirror Moon Talisman obtained in the early years was only the fourth level.

Now that he has been promoted to the sixth level step by step, Su Yu feels a sense of accomplishment.

The creation of these sixth-level low-grade Mirror Moon Talisman and Waning Moon Talisman is not easy.

After all, his current understanding of the Space Avenue is only the Mahayana realm marked by the Distraction Avenue, which is still far from the sixth level.

If it weren't for the small void cauldron with a top-grade magic weapon, the chance of Su Yu trying to create this sixth-grade low-grade space talisman might be really slim.

Putting away the two talismans in his hands, Su Yu sat down cross-legged, recovering his mind and mana while sorting out what he had gained during this period.

Although the outside world is in constant turmoil due to the sudden changes in the world, with geniuses emerging in large numbers and monsters constantly competing with each other, Su Yu has never left the cave.

Basically, they stay in the cave for seclusion. In addition to daily practice, they refine elixirs, draw talismans, study formations, or try to forge puppets.

 The life was ordinary and prosperous.

 For the sixth-level low-grade elixirs, talismans, formations, puppets and other immortal cultivation skills, it can be said that he is getting better and better and has benefited greatly.

 Proficiency is visible and increases every day, which is extremely satisfying.

Now that Su Yu is refining sixth-level low-grade elixirs, there is a certain chance that he can refine them to perfect quality, and he can also draw high-quality talismans.

The five-level high-grade talismans that were originally on his body have all been replaced by sixth-grade low-grade talismans at this moment, and his foundation has been improved.

 The most important thing is that since refining the spirit-casting pill and obtaining the pseudo-spirit body, Su Yu's cultivation speed has been greatly improved.

 Even if he did not use the Immortal Transformation Sutra to improve his cultivation level.

 After these years of practice, his cultivation level has quietly broken through to the eighth level of the distraction realm.

  【Kung Fu: Five Elements Technique (eighth level of distraction realm, proficiency 12.55%). 】

Looking at the proficiency panel and the increase in practice proficiency today, Su Yu made some calculations in his mind, with the help of the Great Way of Time.

Even if he doesn’t need to practice the Immortal Sutra, it may only take him more than ten years to break through the ninth level of the distraction realm.

 Breaking through the Dongxu Realm may be within these twenty or thirty years!

“A pseudo-spiritual body is like this, I can’t imagine that it was a natural Taoist body.” Su Yu marveled inwardly. To this day, he has experienced the comfort of being a real monster.

This cultivation speed—

 It’s so cool.

 Sentiment for a moment.

Su Yu’s mind is once again immersed in enlightenment. He has already integrated the second level of the Three Lights Divine Water Immortal Sutra. Perhaps he can successfully integrate the sixth level of the Three Lights Divine Waters Immortal Sutra into the Five Elements Art before he can break through the cave realm.

By then, with the Three Light Divine Water Immortal Sutra, Cangmu Year Lun Gong, Phoenix Immortal Sutra, and the Five Elements Jue of the Eight Desolate Supreme Earth Dao Dharma, it may not be impossible to become the first hole in the void!


The conflict between Zhenwu Immortal Court and other forces and Qingjing Immortal Palace is still going on, and no one comes to disturb Su Yu's practice. This makes Su Yu feel that it is good to have Zhenwu Immortal Court as his back.

Just at this moment, far away from the Antarctic Fairyland and the Antarctic Fairy City.

In a sixth-level spiritual vein, Gu Xianzi expelled a group of forces who wanted to rush into the Earthly Immortal Mansion to seize the opportunity of the spiritual vein. Immediately, her eyes fell on Ma Tianling.

Perceiving the unique spiritual aura on Ma Tianling's body, Gu Xianzi's eyes flashed and asked: "Girl, what is your relationship with that boy Su Yu?" (End of this chapter)

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