Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 407: The Great Emperor's Dao Ling walks out of the Immortal Courtyard

“Tianling has met Senior Nan.” Ma Tianling was a little restrained, and she was especially cautious when facing Gu Xianzi: “I have been practicing with Uncle Yu since I was a child, so I am not a Taoist monk.”

Xianzi Gu was a little surprised when she heard this and looked at Ma Tianling's small body and the charming aura of the spirit body.

That boy has been hiding his beauty in a small golden house, but he can still endure it after so many years?

 Think about it for a while.

Gu Xianzi suddenly smiled and said: "In that case, you can follow me to practice."

“That kid went to the Immortal Courtyard and stayed in seclusion all day long. He hasn’t seen anyone for a hundred years. You might as well follow me!”

Fan Xiao, Venerable Taixi, Taoist Tianyu and others who had been silent next to them were overjoyed when they heard this. This person in front of them was a powerful person in the Fusion Realm.

And it is said that she is now Su Yu's senior sister in Immortal Court and is trustworthy.

Venerable Taixi continued: "That's very good, Tianling. Why don't you pay homage to your master as soon as possible?"

Gu Xianzi waved her hand and said: "She is not the master, but I will take her with me to practice, so you can rest assured."

Immediately, Gu Xianzi's eyes fell on Taoist Tianyu again. After thinking for a while, she called Taoist Tianyu away and took him aside. He waved his hand and set up a barrier to block the situation.

Taoist Tianyu was shocked and confused when he saw this, and even cautiously asked: "Senior, what happened to Xiaoyu?"

Gu Xianzi smiled sweetly and said: "No."

As she flipped her hands, the fine spirit-casting elixir she had previously obtained from Su Yu appeared in her hand. Gu Xianzi handed it to Taoist Tianyu and said, "This is the sixth-level high-grade spirit-casting pill that the boy specially ordered me to pass on to you." Panacea.”

“This is an ancient magical elixir that has the power to transform into immortals.”

"As long as you survive the transformation, you can have a 'pseudo-spiritual body' physique. Except for the lack of innate magical powers, it is not much different from the spiritual monster."

“This is the time of great change in the world. If fellow Taoists can swallow it and refine it, it may not be a bad idea to become a Taoist Lord in the Fusion Realm.”

Taoist Tian Yu’s face changed when he heard this. How about casting a spiritual elixir? Ancient Qidan?

The first thing he asked was why Su Yu didn't keep it for himself. When he learned that Su Yu had found someone to refine it, Taoist Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Xianzi said again: "This pill is of no use to me, so I'd better take it, fellow Taoist."

More than ten years have passed in a flash.

 Zhenwu Xianting Cave Mansion.

Su Yu's aura quietly changed. Since the last breakthrough, his cultivation level has once again broken through from the eighth level to the ninth level of the distraction realm. With the assistance of the avenue of years, his cultivation speed cannot be compared to that of a true spiritual talent. .

More than half a month later, Su Yu's breath was completely stable. He slowly opened his eyes and exhaled.

 The light in his eyes is as deep as a starry abyss, and there is no wave in an ancient well.

Feeling that the five elements of mana in his body were more than ten times more powerful than those at the ninth level of the ordinary distraction realm, Su Yu whispered in his heart: 'With this mana alone, I'm afraid it can overwhelm the Taoist master at the third level of the Hollow Void Realm. ’

 Use other trump cards, such as Explosive Dao Gu.

Perhaps now that he is facing Xiao Shuiyue who is on the sixth level of the Dongxu Realm, he no longer needs to use the Void Cauldron to take him by surprise.

 You can fight it directly!

As for whether he can be defeated or even be able to kill Su Yu forcefully, there is no question. After all, Xiao Shuiyue is the eighth member of the Zhenwu Immortal Court—oh, now it is the seventh.

He is one of the only seven true successors of Zhenwu Xianting.

He practices top-notch Taoism, and his talent is terrifying, and he is not an ordinary person.

 Before there was a real hearty battle, Su Yu would not be too confident in facing such a monster.

 His mind fell on the proficiency panel.

  【Cultivation level: ninth level of distraction realm. 】

  【Shouyuan: 646/9301. 】

[Skills: Five Elements Technique (ninth level of distraction realm, proficiency 0.91%), Immortal Body Refining Technique (sixth level, proficiency 18.64%), Blood Whale Swallowing Moon Technique (fifth level, proficiency 100%), Shangqing Taiyi Taoism (Perfection). The Eighth Generation Golden Cicada Reincarnation Technique (sixth level, proficiency 16.98%), Heavenly Refining Divine Art (sixth level, proficiency 19.47%), Immortal Transformation Sutra (fifth level, proficiency 83.99%). 】

 Shouyuan has been improved again, and it has already reached more than nine thousand.

In addition to the proficiency of these techniques, there is also the black dragon fighting technique that Su Yu has been trying to practice for some time.

 Just completed the basic course more than a year ago.

This method of warfare focuses on physical training, and it also contains the power of the Avenue of Power, the Avenue of Darkness, and the Avenue of Gold. The threshold for entry is extremely high.

In addition to the blood of the black dragon, I am afraid that only the most evil person in the world with the highest level of understanding can achieve great success and perfection.

In addition to the methods of cultivation, there are countless magical powers and tactics in the inheritance of the Black Dragon War Technique, which are almost omnipotent. They are all tactics that can greatly enhance combat power.

Ever since he started learning more than a year ago, Su Yu has occasionally used the power of the Great Way of Time to cultivate the black dragon fighting technique.

 At present, it can only be repaired to the second level.

 Because he pursues perfection in everything, he has many inheritances at the first level of the Black Dragon Warfare, and he raised his proficiency to perfection, and then he broke through to the second level.

Su Yu had a hunch that if he could really perfect the Black Dragon War Technique layer by layer, he would reach the sixth level together with the Five Elements Technique.

At that time, even Xiao Shuiyue who was on the sixth level of Dongxu Realm, he could tear it to pieces with his bare hands and blast his body and soul!

 Invincible method combined with invincible combat method, it really becomes a humanoid tyrannosaurus!

"Eight years ago, the Three Lights Divine Water Immortal Sutra had been integrated into the fifth level. Three years ago, the Three Lights Divine Water Immortal Sutra, the Phoenix Immortal Sutra, and the Eight Desolate Supreme Earth Dao Techniques all replaced the original techniques and were successfully integrated into the Five Elements Technique. The foundation and power of the magic power are more than twice as strong as before." Su Yu whispered, but frowned slightly.

 Because after integrating the Sanguang Shenshui Xian Sutra, Phoenix Immortal Sutra, and Bahuang Supreme Earth Taoism, the Five Elements Jue seems to be a bit unbalanced.

 As for the gold industry, there is a tendency to be suppressed by the other four industries.

 Therefore, he will have to practice more of the Golden Walking Technique and integrate it into the Five Elements Technique to enhance the Golden Walking Magic Power.

Perhaps we should find another top-notch Jinxing Dao method and integrate it into the Five Elements Art.

 Otherwise, if this continues, the Five Elements Jue will definitely become completely unbalanced.

 So, he still has a lot of time to do before he can cultivate and break through the Dongxu Realm.

Integrate the Sanguang Shenshui Xian Sutra into the sixth level, and integrate it with the Phoenix Immortal Sutra, Dadi Dao Dharma, etc. into the Sixth Level Five Elements Jue to complete the foundation of the 'self-created' Sixth Level Five Elements Jue.

The black dragon fighting method also needs to be practiced, and the shortcomings of the Five Elements and the Golden Element must be made up for.

Just when he had a headache, Su Yu's heart moved slightly. He took out a communication token and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness. The voice of the great elder Xiao Changlin came: "Yu Zhenzhuan, is there any way to return your contribution?"

“According to the records, during this period, you have withdrawn a total of more than 790,000 contribution points in advance, and the double return is more than 1.58 million points.”

 At the beginning, Su Yu was withdrawing money in advance while earning contribution points to pay off old debts.

 Pay off what you owe in advance.

 But the materials for casting spiritual elixirs continued to appear later, and there were also some ancient elixir materials, or materials for talismans, formations, and puppets that made him extremely excited.

From that moment on, Su Yu fell into a trap.

 It’s no wonder that the hole he dug got bigger and bigger. It was because after the sudden change in the world, there were too many good things.

 He is still preparing materials for his own natal Taoist tools.

 Except for the main core embryo material, which can be offset by the gift from his master in the past, the other materials are not cheap and are all top-notch spiritual items.

 He has only temporarily raised three top spiritual gold materials of the Five Elements

Hearing Xiao Changlin's debt call, Su Yu coughed lightly and replied in a low voice: "Great Elder, can you be accommodating for another hundred or two hundred years?" On the other side, Xiao Changlin rolled his eyes when he heard this. I have been accommodating so many times, you can't count. .

   I, the great elder, can’t do it anymore?

Xiao Changlin sternly refused this time and said: "No, there is no way to be accommodating."

“If Yu Zhenzhuan cannot repay the contribution value, then we can only follow the orders of the Immortal Court and pay off the debt with work until it is repaid.”

The most important thing is that Xiao Changlin glanced at the imperial order in his hand, which contained the latest instructions from Emperor Zhenwu.

 This is not Xiao Changlin making things difficult for him.

Su Yu even said: "I can continue to draw talismans for Xianting's alchemy until the contribution value is fully paid."

 “I want to eat shit.”

Xiao Changlin sneered and said: "The Emperor has ordered you to dig into the old veins of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court. If you complete this task, your contribution will be written off in one go. In addition, you will be given another 210,000 contribution points."

“This contribution can be withdrawn in advance and written off once the task is completed.”

Su Yu's expression changed slightly when he heard this, Master's imperial order?

 Tap the old veins of the Black Dragon Emperor’s court?

This task—

Su Yulian asked clearly what was going on and why Emperor Zhenwu wanted to attack the old bloodline of the Black Dragon Emperor's court.

Xiao Changlin seemed to lower his voice and said: "You may not be clear about the retreat during this period, but if you pay attention to your senior brother, maybe you can understand."

 Senior brother?

Su Yu had a thought in her mind and understood that the elder should be talking about her third senior brother, ‘Little Immortal Lord’ Jun Wuyi.

 Xiao Changlin did not mention the more detailed matters. After assigning the task, he stopped the communication.

Su Yu quickly left the seclusion and asked Nan Zhanxian to go out and check on the situation of his third senior brother.

 Not long after, Nan Zhanxian came back with pieces of information.

The most eye-catching part is undoubtedly the fact that the 'Little Immortal Lord' has no intention of forming the Immortal Lord Palace and attracting all the forces and geniuses in the ancient land of Zhenwu Immortal Court, and even the disciples and elders of the Immortal Court to join.

You may not be able to tell anything just by looking at this information.

At this time, Nan Zhanxian whispered in Su Yu's ear: "According to the information collected by our Nan family, the establishment of the Immortal Lord Palace by the little immortal is mainly driven by the forces of the old lineage of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court."

“They gathered around Little Immortal Lord, assisted Little Immortal Lord in the battle against the Green Prison Immortal Palace, and made great achievements in battle, making the name of Zhenwu Immortal Court’s ‘Little Immortal Lord’ resound throughout the world of immortality.”

“Sir, the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor’s Court may have big plans.”

 Hearing what Nan Zhanxian said and looking at the pieces of information in his hand, Su Yu suddenly felt enlightened.

It turns out that the old bloodline of the Black Dragon Emperor's court was causing trouble.

Then Master Zhenwu the Great asked him to tap the old veins of the Black Dragon Emperor Court

How to beat this?

 What is Master’s original intention?

 It’s not like he’s a little dissatisfied because the third senior brother established the Immortal Lord Palace.

Su Yu thought for a long time and did not feel that Emperor Zhenwu was so narrow-minded. After all, the intention of the third senior brother was nothing to Emperor Zhenwu.

 Maybe it’s because the Black Dragon Emperor Court is too out of touch with its old roots, and some have forgotten that this is the era of Zhenwu Immortal Court, not the era of the ancient Black Dragon Emperor Court.

 That’s why Master wanted to beat them and make them stop jumping.


Su Yu's eyes moved slightly, and he had some ideas. He looked at Nanzhan Immortal and said, "Go and check what the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court are."

“Who are the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor’s Court that have gathered behind the third senior brother? Go back as soon as possible.”

Su Yu was originally worried about the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor Court. Is this something he can defeat now?

However, when Nan Zhanxian found out the forces of the old Black Dragon Emperor Court and gave him a list of the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor Court behind the third senior brother, he breathed a sigh of relief.

“The North Pole Immortal Army leads the Luotian family, the Xiji secluded alchemy family Cheng family, and the Zhan family, the natal family of a Taoist monk who is backed by the Lord of Xiji.”

“These are the three major forces in the ancient land, and there are two forces outside in the northern border, one is the Gan family of the Earth Master family, and the other is the Lei family of the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.”

“Among them, the Luotian family is the most powerful, and there is an ancestor of the Mahayana Heavenly Lord in the family.”

“Both the Cheng family and the Zhan family have the background of several Taoists.”

“The Dishi Qian family is mysterious and unpredictable, their clan location is unknown, their number of clan members is unknown, and their power and strength are unknown.”

"The Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty mainly relies on its ancestor Lei Chen. Lei Chen led the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty to worship the Little Immortal Lord decades ago. He still follows the Little Immortal Lord. According to reports, his cultivation level has broken through to the Fusion Realm a few years ago. The fourth floor is the Dao Lord in the middle stage of the Fusion Realm."

The Immortal Lord Palace established under Jun Wuyi has more than these five powers, but these are the five that were found to be from the old lineage of the Black Dragon Emperor Court.

 Just these five forces united together, their strength cannot be underestimated.

 There is a Mahayana realm heavenly king existing!

With the Tao Lords from other forces added together, the number of Tao Lords in the Immortal Lord Palace may have exceeded ten!

‘Master just asked me to attack the old forces of the Black Dragon Emperor Court, but did not ask me to destroy them all. ’ After Su Yu found out, his eyes fell directly on Lei Long Xianchao.

 Pinch the persimmon if it is soft!

Among these forces, there is no doubt that the best to deal with is the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty!

Then just deal with the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty.

This time he acted on the orders of Emperor Zhenwu, and it was not a personal grudge.

Su Yu prepared in Zhenwu Immortal Court for a month, and even threw the golden dragon fish meat that Emperor Zhenwu gave him a long time ago to the seventh-level low-grade sea dragon in the nine-story Taoist tower to be swallowed.

After the sea dragon swallowed the arowana meat, it really transformed. The filthy smell on its body was washed out of the body at the moment of its blood transformation.

Su Yu spent 100,000 contribution points to ask the Great Elder Xiao Changlin to ask a seventh-level beast master from the Immortal Courtyard to subdue the sea dragon and use the beast control magic weapon to control it.

Having done this, he quietly left the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard and used the exquisite magic weapon, the Small Void Cauldron, to escape into the depths of the void and disappear without a trace.

There are two other people paying attention to Su Yu's whereabouts in the Immortal Courtyard. One is the First Elder Xiao Changlin, and the other is the Second Elder Ji Qianyu.

The moment Su Yu disappeared into the depths of the void, Xiao Changlin smiled hoarsely, while the second elder Ji Qianyu frowned. This kid was actually so cautious.

at the same time.

In the Changtian Realm, Master Ksitigarbha arranged everything and disappeared without a trace. (End of chapter)

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