Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 410: Cangzhou will be in chaos again. Danjun swears an oath

Chapter 410: Cangzhou is in chaos again, Danjun swears an oath

Far beyond Xiao Changlin’s expectations.

As for the task, Emperor Zhenwu only looked at the results. The previous contributions owed by Su Yu were written off, but he had one more thing to do, serving as the elder of the formation hall.

It was still arranged by the Great Elder Xiao Changlin: "The Array Hall was originally in charge of the Third Elder, but before that, the Third Elder saved one person from you during the entry trial and was punished by the Emperor to go to the Sea of ​​Immortals and Demons to guard it for a thousand years, so now the Array Hall is in charge of you. The Eleventh Elder, Mr. Li Daojun, is temporarily in charge."

“In addition to the eleven elders, the Formation Hall also has two Dao Lord elders and twenty-four deacons, who are responsible for teaching the Formation Dao inheritance to the disciples of the Formation Hall.”

“By assuming this position, Yu Zhenzhuan can earn 10,000 contribution points a year.”

Su Yu did not resist this matter. It was better to just serve in the Array Hall than to be sent to do other tasks, or even to lead the Immortal Court Army to fight against the Green Prison Immortal Palace.

 The amount of 10,000 contribution points a year is not too small.

 It should be noted that an eighth-level low-grade elixir suitable for early stage cultivation in the Mahayana realm only has a contribution value of 10,000 points.

Accompanied by Xiao Changlin, Su Yu went to the Formation Palace to meet with the Eleventh Elder and other three elders of the True Palace to decide what Su Yu would be responsible for next.

There are currently less than two hundred disciples in the Array Hall, and there are less than thirty sixth-level and above formation mages. The rest are fourth- and fifth-level formation mages.

From now on, Su Yu will be responsible for the five deacons of the array hall and all the formation matters of the fourth-level array master disciples.

With a few deacons assisting him, he is not too busy.

In addition to daily practice, Su Yu slowly adapted to the new position and tasks in the formation hall. She went to work about once a month and showed up for more than an hour at a time.

As for working nine to five, I definitely won’t do it.

time flies.

The turmoil in the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty quickly subsided, and both the Green Prison Immortal Palace and the Little Immortal Lord suffered unintentionally. It ended with the Green Prison Immortal Palace quickly withdrawing from the scene to temporarily avoid the edge of the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

 Go back to the ancient land of Zhenwu Immortal, the Arctic Immortal Realm.

 Luo Tianjia.

Jun Wuyi looked at the five forces gathered in front of him with a slightly gloomy look. At the same time as the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty was in trouble, the Luo Tian family, Cheng family, and Zhan family also had troubles. The descendants of the clan who were gifted with evil spirits were abducted and their whereabouts are unknown.

A Taoist Lord from the Luo Tian Family gritted his teeth and lowered his head and said: "Little Immortal Lord, this thing was done by a Buddha. If your guess is correct, it must be the person who wanted to attack the Thunder Dragon Immortal Dynasty before."

Daojun, who came from the Cheng family, took a deep breath and lowered his voice: "One of my heirs was also kidnapped. During this time, her mother was crying like hell. Little Xianjun, the fairy court can't find out who that person is." ?”

The same is true for Taojun from the Zhan family.

On the other hand, a white-haired old man on the edge looked calm, and said leisurely at this moment: "This matter is obviously aimed at the old lineage of the Black Dragon Emperor's Court."

“Not long after the establishment of Xiao Xianjun’s Xianjun Palace, I think you encountered such an accident. If it weren’t for the fact that my family was not prominent, I might have suffered this disaster as well.”

“Tell me, who would touch the old pulse of Black Dragon Emperor Court like me?”

 Many people's expressions changed slightly when they heard this, but they all fell silent and remained silent. They did not answer the question, or they dared not answer the question.

  After a while.

Xiaoxian Junjun Wuxin glanced around the crowd and said calmly: "I will find out about this matter. No matter who is behind it or the Buddha who did it, I will make them pay the price they deserve." .”

 With Jun Wuyi's promise, the Taoist masters from the Luo Tian family and other five families looked better.

 More than a month later.

Jun had no intention of returning to the Immortal Court, so he summoned the second elder Ji Qianyu, the ninth elder Mihe Fairy and others to discuss the matter.

Jun Yiyi looked at Ji Qianyu calmly and asked, "How do the second elders think this matter should be handled?"

Ji Qianyu frowned lightly, but looked directly at Jun Yiyi and said: "Appease, reuse, and compensate, but this matter cannot be investigated! Also, I have said long ago, Little Immortal Lord, the Immortal Lord Palace cannot use the old lineage of the Black Dragon Emperor Court. The power is the main one, and in my opinion, it’s just right to reshape the power of the Immortal Lord Palace.”

“The Immortal Lord’s Palace must be the Immortal Lord’s own Palace!”

 These words, Jun Yiyi can hear, are indeed the words from the heart of the second elder.

The Immortal King's Palace must be his own Immortal King's Palace, and he cannot allow others to become guests!

Jun Wuyi thought about it for a long time, and asked what other people meant, and finally made up his mind. After seeing off the second elder Ji Qianyu and others, he narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured in his heart.

 ‘Can’t we check? ’ Jun Wuyi’s eyes were filled with murderous intent and anger was building up.

How could he go back on the promise he made?

He will kill that Buddha.

 No matter who is behind it, they must pay a price.

Otherwise, how can he have the dignity to walk in the world of immortality, and how can he be the little fairy king of the fairy court? Where is his majesty?

But what Ji Qianyu said makes sense. If the Immortal Lord Palace is his own, even people from the Black Dragon Emperor's old lineage can only become his own pawns and use them for his own use.

 Otherwise—a cold light flashed across the depths of Jun Wuyi's eyes.

 Because of the great changes in the world, external forces are in constant turmoil. There are countless conflicts and killings in order to compete for opportunities and resources.

 Every moment, new forces and geniuses rise or disappear.

 With each passing day, the changes are too great.

Perhaps because of the previous beatings, the forces from the Black Dragon Emperor's old lineage in the Immortal Lord Palace have become much lower-key in the following days, but Jun Wuyi's Immortal Lord Palace is still rampant in the Immortal Court.

Jun Wuyi led his people to fight frantically against the Qingjing Immortal Palace, recruiting disciples, deacons, and elders to join his Immortal Lord Palace.

This matter has affected even the formation hall.

 Some disciples of the Formation Hall were discussing whether they should join the Immortal Lord Hall.

Su Yu didn't have any objections to this, but quietly watched his third senior brother, watching the Immortal Lord Palace develop and grow little by little, almost suppressing the limelight of all other factions in the Immortal Court.

And he just practiced quietly, comprehended the Three Lights Divine Water Immortal Sutra little by little, and integrated its sixth level into the Five Elements Jue.

In addition, we found several superior Jinxing Taoist traditions from the Immortal Courtyard and Yuexian Mansion Wanshulou, practiced them one by one step by step, understood their mysteries, and then integrated them into the Five Elements Secrets to enhance the Golden Elements foundation of the Five Elements Secrets and stabilize the balance of the Five Elements. .

In addition to this daily practice, he is the elder of the formation hall, managing the practice of a few disciples of the formation hall in a semi-hidden capacity.

In this way, when Su Yu integrated into the formation hall, her life was still peaceful and peaceful.

 Ten years later.



Su Yu watched as the black dragon egg erupted into a strange phenomenon that reached the sky. The roar of the dragon was astonishing. It finally broke the outer egg shell, stretched out a claw from the shell, scratched his own egg bit by bit, and crawled out from the inside. .

A creature that looks about one foot long, is completely black, and is filled with a strong aura of darkness and destruction. It has two claws under its body and a single horn on its head—

 A small black dragon that looks a bit like a snake.

As soon as he was born, the little guy immediately rushed to the sky above the cave in excitement, roaring with great excitement: "Aow, ow, ow."

 Listening to that childish roar, black lines appeared on Su Yu's forehead. Why did he look like a silly dragon?

Turning back to her retreat room, and setting up a ban to prevent the little black dragon from disturbing her, Su Yu began her own practice today. With a thought, she called out the small void cauldron, and gently stroked the lines on the small void cauldron with one hand, feeling The terrifying space avenue aura on the small void cauldron.

 He has integrated the Five Elements Technique into a new sixth-level method, which has even slightly improved the imbalance of the metal element.

Because he was distracted by the Wutong Taoist body, not long ago, he successfully realized the mark of the Great Path of Time to a perfect state.

Before breaking through to the Dao Master of Dongxu Realm, Su Yu only wanted to raise the mark of the Space Dao to the perfect state.

 Half a day later.

Su Yu felt the progress of comprehending the Avenue of Space this time, sighed softly and murmured: "I'm afraid I can't make it in time." He felt that the Avenue of Space was much more difficult to comprehend than the Avenue of Time.

  【Kung Fu: Five Elements Technique (ninth level of distraction realm, proficiency 68.42%). 】

[Spells: Ten Thousand Gods Technique (Perfection). Void Escape Technique (Perfection), Destiny Tong (Introduction, Proficiency 11.56%), Vajra Dharma (Introduction, Proficiency 7.59%), Thunder Sound Vase Seal (Small Success, Proficiency) Proficiency: 32.11%), Diamond Subduing Demon Sword Technique (small success, proficiency: 3.43%). 】

 Ten years of retreat.

In addition to the true body, the years of distracted enlightenment, and the avenue of space, several spells and magical powers practiced by the Taoist puppet have also been improved and their power has been greatly increased.

 This increase in proficiency and experience can be seen as an increase in strength and combat power in actual combat.

When he went out again, the little black dragon fell from the sky and struck at Su Yu with one claw.

 But the next moment.

Su Yu's figure disappeared, but the little black dragon was kicked **** the back: "Bang!"


The little black dragon fell into the ground, and this kick seemed to make the little guy become fierce. He bared his teeth and glared, and let out a cry at Su Yu: "Ouch."

When he rushed towards Su Yu again, Su Yu grabbed his tail and swung it directly to the ground.

Finally, Su Yu pressed his head and said angrily: "If you dare to move your hands or feet again, your food rations will be cut off for ten days!"

 “Ouch?” The little black dragon was so frightened that his body trembled. He looked at Su Yu’s milky voice and shouted aggrievedly, “Ouch!”

  "From now on, if you speak human words, ghosts will make a fuss." Su Yu taught him a lesson.

 “Oh.” The little black dragon lowered his head and muttered softly.

He was a little unconvinced. His aura was obviously no weaker than his master's, so why couldn't he defeat him?

After throwing the little black dragon to Taixu and Fuhai Xuangui for training, Su Yu went out to walk around the formation hall. Just when he was about to return to the cave, Gu Xianzi's summons token suddenly came with news.

“Another ancient spiritual formation was opened in the Celestial Realm, and an eighth-level ferocious beast and countless seven-level and below ferocious beasts ran out of it, wreaking havoc in all directions.”

“The Xuanhuang Ancient Land, the Demon Sect, and the Buddhist Sect have all lost a member of the Fusion Realm, and his forces and disciples have suffered numerous casualties.”

“That place will be reduced to ruins and purgatory.”

Hearing the news, Su Yu's expression suddenly changed and she stood there for a long time -

 The Tianxian Territory, also known as the Cangzhou Territory.

It is going to be reduced to ruins and purgatory! ?

The human race living among them, aren’t they

At this moment, Su Yu even had an impulse to return to the Cangzhou region and take away as many people as possible from the original Xianfu region.

But in the end, Su Yu restrained this impulse.

 He is not a saint who can save countless lives with a wave of his hand.

He is just a small distraction in the world of immortality, and he does not yet have the ability to turn things around.

And instead of worrying about the safety of others, it is better to think about yourself.

The drastic changes in Cangzhou Territory were beyond his imagination. If this continues, will it really recreate the scene he once dreamed of in ancient times? Countless abandoned immortals and monsters were wreaking havoc across the world, and almost all the monks in the ancient Yuexian Mansion fell into their hands.

This was true in ancient times, let alone today!

Before Fairy Gu could finish speaking, her tone became more solemn in the following words: "The rumored ancient immortal formation in the Celestial Immortal Realm may really exist, or maybe it will be born soon!"

Shortly after Gu Xianzi sent the news to Su Yu, there was also movement in the Zhenwu Immortal Court. Emperor Zhenwu mobilized a Zhenwu Immortal Army commander to go to the Tianxian Domain to investigate.

And joined forces with Xuanhuang Ancient Land and Shangqing Cave Mansion to suppress the crazy 'monster beasts' raging inside.

Su Yu went back to continue practicing in seclusion.

However, the Tao Shen puppets in Ji Zang City in the Changtian Region could not help but return to the Cangzhou Region and take away people from the Su Family, Dayue Mansion and other areas.

In ancient times, the Celestial Immortal Mansion did indeed set up an immortal array, with eighteen half-immortals as the base to set up an array to hunt immortals.

However, Su Yu didn’t know what the final result would be.

Nowadays, spiritual formations are being opened in the Cangzhou region. If the ancient immortal formation is really activated, what will happen in the end is equally unpredictable.

 If there really was a hunt for immortals in ancient times, then

 Has that ancient immortal ever fallen?

Then, what remains in the immortal formation?

  One month later.

When Su Yu walked towards the formation hall again, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere in the Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard had become much more solemn. Some disciples were privately discussing the Cangzhou Domain and the ancient immortal formation.

 Some people are looking forward to the opportunities brought by that ancient immortal formation.

There are also people who are afraid of the disaster that the ancient immortal formation will bring to the world of immortality.

 These alone will certainly not affect the development of the situation in the Cangzhou region.

Spiritual formations are born and opened one after another, which indicates that there must be forces behind it. If the ancient immortal formation really exists, perhaps its birth will become an inevitable thing.

 It’s just a matter of time.

Due to the changes in the Cangzhou Territory, the Great Elder Xiao Changlin seemed to be busy and disappeared. Some of the disciples of the Immortal Courtyard also accepted the mission and went to the Cangzhou Territory, so that the Immortal Courtyard became a little empty.

Although Su Yu was also paying attention to the changes in the Cangzhou Territory, he was not affected by this incident. He still hid in the Immortal Palace and practiced peacefully, preparing to break through to the Taoist Master of Dongxu Realm.

 Six years later.

Su Yu Cave Mansion welcomes a rare visitor.

Looking at Lin Danjun, the eighth-level high-grade alchemist who came to visit him in person, Su Yu was surprised and quickly welcomed him into the cave: "Senior Lin Danjun, if you have instructions, just send a message to this junior to come and see him. There is no need to come in person."

Lin Danjun got straight to the point. He looked at him and bowed solemnly with the Taoist seals, and solemnly said: "I came here this time because I have something to ask for."

“I want to pass on the Alchemy Sutra of Yan Gong Banxian in the hands of little friend Yu. From now on, no matter when, where or what happens, I owe you three favors.”

 “I would like to swear by my own path and fruit.”

The inheritance of the Alchemy Sutra of Yan Gong Half Immortal was due to a Taoist bone that Ma Tianling obtained from Kun Lingchao and fell into Su Yu's hands.

Su Yu had actually expected and prepared for Lin Danjun's arrival.

 So seeing that Lord Lin Dan was willing to treat him with courtesy and ask for the inheritance of the Alchemy Sutra, Su Yu did not hesitate, waved his hand and called out a high-grade jade stone and handed it to Lord Lin Dan.

 Among them are the inheritance of half-immortal cultivation and Taoism left by the ancient Yan Palace half-immortals, as well as the inheritance of alchemists.

Except for the Dao Bone Cultivation Method, which Yan Gong Half Immortal had high hopes for, Su Yu did not hide the other inheritances and gave them to Lin Danjun.

"The inheritance of the Alchemy Sutra I received is here. As for making an oath, senior, there is no need for it." Su Yu handed over the jade and shook his head gently.

Lin Danjun couldn't help but feel a flash of surprise in his eyes when he saw Su Yu's prepared look.

 This is the inheritance of ancient elixirs! How could he give it away so easily?

 A period of time.

Lin Danjun looked at Su Yu deeply, but he did not show any pretense. He took the inherited jade and bowed it towards Su Yu again, saying, "Thank you, little friend, for your kindness in preaching."

“I, Lin Danchen, swear by Taoguo that I owe little friend Su Yu three favors in this life. As long as I can do it, I will never shirk it.”

 After making the oath, Lin Danjun took out his alchemy inheritance and several rare heavenly materials and earthly treasures and handed them to Su Yu.

“Although the alchemist inheritance I summarized is far from comparable to that of senior Yan Gong, it should still be a little unique. You can refer to it.”

“There are also these few treasures of heaven and earth, which may be of some help to my little friend in breaking through the cave realm.”

 (End of this chapter)

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