Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 426: Fairy Gold Life and Death Curse Plan

Chapter 426 Immortal Gold Life and Death Curse Plan

The Xuanhuang Ancient Land is a closed ancient top cave blessed land. No one can enter it. If outsiders want to enter the Xuanhuang Ancient Land to practice, they have no choice but to participate in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land entry trial.

And if you want to participate in the entry trial of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, you can't just casually. You need a quota for the entry trial. Only the geniuses with the entry trial token have the opportunity to enter the ancient land to participate in the trial.

When Ma Tianling came back from the Kunling Nest Ruins, a big force made a promise to her. As long as Ma Tianling joined their force, she would be given a place to participate in the trial.

To this day, neither Ma Tianling nor Su Yu have ever stepped foot into the Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

On the contrary, he traveled thousands of miles to the northern border of the human race and became a disciple of the Zhenwu Immortal Court.

Su Yu and Ma Tianling looked around, sizing up the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, one of the three top ancient lands of the human race that they had heard for a long time. The ancient land was vast and boundless, as huge as a small world.

Dense clouds and mist shrouded the mountains, with layer after layer of mountain peaks exposed.

The pines are green and slender, with clouds, cranes, and spiritual beasts appearing from time to time.

Xuanhuang Ancient Land is not an Immortal Dynasty structure like the Zhenwu Immortal Court, but a large Immortal Sect governed by the Human Race Elders Council, with one after another Immortal Cultivation Family or Immortal Sect forces under its command.

  It seems relatively loose, but in fact the Human Race Elder Council has the power of life and death over the entire ancient land.

 What’s exciting is that their ancestors from the ancient land actually left them a piece of fairy gold! ?

 This made him a little more doubtful.

A young man with an indifferent expression directed an eighth-level formation master from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land to break the ban. Together with a Half-Immortal Supreme Elder from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land, they spent more than a month and finally brought out the treasure hidden deep in the secret realm. One party's ban was broken.

Su Yu secretly practiced the method taught by Yuexian, but she didn't feel anything was wrong.

 No induction?

There are millions of disciples under his command, and there is also a human fairy army that is like a butcher's knife, suppressing the entire ancient land.

The tone was unusually harmonious, even a conversation between equals.

After being polite, the female cultivator of the Fusion Realm left.

The moment he was born, the world in the secret realm changed in an instant, and the terrifying thunder suddenly gathered. It seemed that a heavenly disaster was about to come, destroying this thing that transcended the rules of the world of immortality.

The young man couldn't help but screamed: "Purple Spirit Fairy Gold!?"

But he didn’t know that at this moment, there was a secret place in Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

What you can see right in front of you is where the core mountain gate of Xuanhuang Ancient Land is located. Spiritual mountains stand tall between heaven and earth, among which there are countless pavilions, pavilions, and jade palaces, which are the residences of the disciples of Xuanhuang Ancient Land.

 A kind of fairy gold that can forge the embryo of fairy weapons!

Follow the female cultivator of the Fusion Realm into the ancient land of Xuanhuang and arrive at a separate Lingshan cave where her inner disciples live: "This Lingshan has only one seventh-level cave. While Daoyou Gu, Daoyou Su, and Daoyou Ma are in the ancient land, they can Feel free to live here.”

Su Yu looked at the core area of ​​the Xuanhuang Ancient Land from a distance. He could vaguely see a heavenly mountain hidden in the clouds and mist: "That place is the Xuanhuang Mountain?"

Seeing this, the half-immortal elders of Xuanhuang Ancient Land quickly stepped forward to cast spells to set up a ban. They even used their own natal Taoist tools to set up a formation, so they could seal and cover that square of immortal gold again.

When the contents of the restriction were revealed, the faces of the young man, the half-immortal Supreme Elder of Xuanhuang Ancient Land, and the eighth-level formation master all changed.

What’s solemn is that this immortal gold seems not to be tolerated by heaven and earth!

 Is something like this really useful to them?

 He looked at the young man and said slowly: "Do you know, fellow Taoist, what is the use of this immortal gold?"

“It is indeed Xuanhuang Mountain, and the Human Elders’ Council of Xuanhuang Ancient Land is on it.” Gu Xianzi said, “When they finish their entrance trial, they should set foot on Xuanhuang Mountain’s Human Elders’ Council.”

  Seeing the terrifying aura of heaven and earth slowly dissipating, the Supreme Elder slowly breathed a sigh of relief. There was both excitement and a little solemnity in his eyes.

 A female Taoist cultivator of the Fusion Realm appeared to greet them: "Fellow Taoist Gu Xianzi, fellow Taoist Su, and fellow Taoist Ma have come from afar. Please come here."

The young man frowned slightly, pondered for a long time, and then said slowly: "This is a pretty good fairy gold material called Purple Spirit Fairy Gold. It is mostly the core material for forging earth-level or even heaven-level fairy weapons."


“Although this is fairy gold, if it falls here to you, without fairy fire, this thing is like a piece of chicken ribs.”

“What’s the use of this fairy gold if it can’t even be melted?”


The young man looked up at the sky, frowned and said, "This world of yours cannot allow immortals or even immortal-level things to come to you. Even if you take this thing out, it won't be of use."

The expressions of the Taishang Elder and the eighth-level formation master became gloomy, looking a little ugly.

"Is there no other way? Or use? For example, smelting a little bit and adding it to our Taoist vessels?"

The young man looked at the eighth-level formation master who spoke like an idiot and said, "Can you smelt this fairy gold? If you can smelt it, then you don't need to blend it into your Taoist weapon and directly cast it into an immortal weapon. Aren’t embryos better?”

The eighth-level formation master was speechless, and the half-immortal Supreme Elder next to him had a dark face.

Looking at the forbidden formation that was re-arranged with his own Taoist weapon, and the suppression covering the piece of fairy gold, he couldn't help but feel a little pain in his balls.


 You didn’t get the treasure, but instead put your own natal Taoist weapon into it?

 Watching a piece of fairy gold appear in front of your eyes, but you can’t use it?

Shortly after.

Luo Shanhe, the great elder of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land Human Tribe Council of Elders, and others arrived. When they learned that the young man had found a piece of fairy gold here, everyone looked at him with unusual eyes.

The young man said calmly: "I have said before that I am a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm, and I am only half a step away from the Earthly Immortal Realm. If you cooperate with me, you will not suffer any loss."

"Even if one day I recover my cultivation and seize the opportunity of this world, you all will have the chance to become immortals!"

At this, Luo Shanhe smiled indifferently. Unlike the Supreme Elder, he was wary of this group of people from the Immortal World. After all, they were not from my race, so they must have different thoughts.

Although these people from the Immortal Realm are no longer as arrogant as before, he knows that in the hearts of these people, the natives of the Immortal Realm are still no different from ants.

If this group of people is really allowed to dominate the world of immortality, it will definitely be a disaster for the world of immortality, and the entire world of cultivation will become a purgatory on earth.

 Later, Luo Shanhe discussed with the Supreme Elder and others what to do with the Purple Spirit Fairy Gold.

 Time passes slowly.

Everyone in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land tried many methods, and even summoned a ninth-level weapon refiner, the Supreme Elder, from the Xuanhuang Ancient Land. However, even though the Supreme Elder of the Tribulation Realm had exhausted all means, he still couldn't. However, that piece of immortal gold is not worth the slightest bit.

 A group of monks in the Tribulation Realm and the Mahayana Realm looked at the piece of immortal gold with hot eyes and helplessness.

But fortunately not long after, the young man found another restriction in the Xuanhuang Ancient Cave. When that restriction was broken, the true legacy of the ancestors of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land was revealed. A half-immortal formation cultivator who originated from the immortal world came to this world. Although his cultivation level has not been restored, the former realm of the formation master has not been lost.

There is no big problem in breaking the formation and breaking the ban with the help of the formation masters from Xuanhuang Ancient Land and the existence of half-immortals.

 Time flies.

Su Yu came to Xuanhuang Ancient Land for a year, and the entrance trial of Xuanhuang Ancient Land was finally over. I heard that Xuanhuang Ancient Land selected 10,000 geniuses to participate in the entry trial, and eventually one-tenth of them could join Xuanhuang Ancient Land, while the remaining people, If the forces in Xuanhuang Ancient Land are willing to recruit, they can also get the opportunity to stay in Xuanhuang Ancient Land to practice.

 Just like that, you are not a member or disciple of the Human Race Presbyterian Church.

On this day, the Tianjiao Trial Competition that Su Yu was still paying attention to finally began. He went out with Gu Xianzi and Ma Tianling and went straight to the Xuanhuang Mountain, the core of the Xuanhuang Ancient Land not far away.

On the way to Xuanhuang Mountain, Su Yu looked at some information collected by Gu Xianzi about the geniuses who emerged in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land's entrance trial.

“Gu Baitong, male, is 371 years old. He has cultivated to the third level of Dongxu Realm. He is suspected to have cultivated the foundation of the Fire Immortal Body, and his fire technique is unrivaled.”

“Cai Yihong, female, currently six hundred and ninety-nine years old, has cultivated to the seventh level of the Cave Void Realm and is a beast master. Not long ago, she subdued a sixth-level peak fire lin beast. It is said that she was once a ninth-level beast master.”

 Looking at the information one by one, Su Yu frowned slightly when he saw the last one.

“Before the entrance test, several people who were suspected to be the geniuses of the immortal world appeared in Xuanhuang Ancient Land?” Su Yu looked at Gu Xianzi.

Gu Xianzi nodded and said: "I heard that they were monsters from the fairy world found in the Xuanhuang Ancient Land. They once had prominent identities or abilities, but they have not shown up since joining the Xuanhuang Ancient Land."

Hearing these words, Su Yu's heart moved slightly.

Since the ancient land of Xuanhuang was like this, is there a talent from the immortal world that has never been seen before in Zhenwu Immortal Court?

Thinking of this, Su Yu suddenly felt a sense of urgency in her heart.

The Immortal Techniques in the Immortal Realm are no better than others. Although the Gengjin Immortal Sword Technique he practiced can be regarded as a superior Earth Immortal Foundation Building Technique, there are no immortal techniques that can compare with or even surpass the Gengjin Immortal Sword Technique.

  If other people have cultivated powerful immortal skills, then myself.

 “The Thousand Waves Immortal Technique must be obtained.”

"There are other Five Elements Immortal Techniques, and I have to find a way to get them myself."

Su Yu’s eyes became deep.

Just a Gengjin Immortal Sword Technique is not safe. If you can cultivate the foundation of the Five Elements Immortal Technique, you may be able to take the lead and develop a Tao foundation that is stronger and more profound than others!

Haunted Xuanhuang Mountain with Gu Xianzi and Ma Tianling.

This is a giant mountain towering into the sky. Together with the geniuses, disciples, and strong men of other forces, they are walking up the mountain. The extremely rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth is like a frenzy.

And it is obvious that there is a magical aura in the aura of heaven and earth, just like the core of Zhenwu Immortal Court.

This world has also experienced great changes and transformations, and opportunities have come.

When Su Yu, Gu Xianzi, and Ma Tianling arrived at a vast dojo in the middle of the mountain, a surprise message came to Su Yu's ears: "Junior brother?"

Su Yu followed the breath and saw the figure of Taoist Master Hongyue suddenly appeared not far away, escorting a Taoist girl from Shangqing Cave.

Ma Tianling also took a look, and when she saw Hongyue Taoist Master, she suddenly shouted in surprise: "Palace Master!?"

However, just when Ma Tianling rushed forward to talk to Hongyue Taoist Master, the Taoist woman stopped and frowned. The next moment, she slapped Hongyue Taoist Master on the face with a backhand, and the terrifying power was instantly Immediately, Hongyue Taoist fan flew out.

“As a dog under my command, does it still have any dignity?” The female voice sounded in Hongyue Dao Master’s ears.

The moment Taoist Master Hongyue landed on the ground, he seemed to be suffering from some terrible torture. He was screaming and wailing in pain on the ground, with a bit of fear in his eyes. He even begged the Taoist woman for mercy: "Your Highness, forgive me, Your Highness, please forgive me!"

Not far away, Su Yu’s expression changed. Just when he was about to take action, Gu Xianzi next to him sent a message to stop him: “Wait!”

 “Do you know this person?”

Su Yu looked at Gu Xianzi with a slightly gloomy look, and said with a little doubt: "He is my senior brother, the former master of the Earthly Immortal Palace. Senior sister, why?"

Gu Xianzi frowned slightly as she watched the woman beckoning, and several people went up to take down Hongyue Taoist Master and take him away.

It was then that she sent a message and said: "The Taoist troops in Shangqing Cave Mansion have all been cursed with life and death."

“If you really take action, your senior brother’s life and death may depend on that person’s thoughts.”

Gu Xianzi elaborated on the details of Shangqing Cave's Taoist army, which made Su Yu's expression suddenly change: "Shangqing Cave's Taoist army is composed of monks who were captured by Shangqing Dongfu. On the surface, it is the majestic Taoist army of Shangqing Cave. In fact, they are all dead soldiers from Shangqing Cave."

Su Yu had a hint of disbelief. He had heard about the reputation of Shangqing Cave Mansion more than once, but it was the ancestor of Shangqing Cave Mansion who was said to be the most powerful person in the world of immortality.

 But he never thought that such a top ancient earth sect force in the human race would have such a dark side?

He has never heard of such a so-called death warrior power, even in Zhenwu Immortal Court.

Xianzi Gu looked at the change in his expression and said with a smile: "Surprised? It seems that the three ancient forces of the human race are very harmonious, but in fact, I will not be surprised at all if one day the three ancient lands overthrow each other and fight."

“If you want to save your senior brother, it’s best to let Xianting come forward. If you can save him, that’s naturally the best.”

"Others, if you have any ideas, you should make plans after rescuing the people."

  After a pause, Gu Xianzi added: "Of course, you don't have to think that all forces are like this. Shangqing Cave Mansion. Except for the dead Taoist army, the others are also fine."

Su Yu frowned as she watched the woman leading the people away.

 A life and death curse?

 Shangqing Dongfu

He took a deep breath. He didn’t know much about Shangqing Cave, but today he found out that this force still has such a side.

Shangqing Cave Mansion is like this, then there is Zhenwu Immortal Court in Xuanhuang Ancient Land?

Just when Su Yu and others ascended Xuanhuang Mountain, in a place deep in the void, figures gathered together, and among them was the figure of Second Senior Sister Su Yu, Tun Sheng Lian.

However, among these people, Tunnel Lotus is not the leader, but only comes according to orders.

In the crowd, a person wearing a ghost mask said quietly: "Xuanhuang Ancient Land found a piece of fairy gold. This time, let these ancient lands see how terrible the ancient land heritage they are proud of is. hit."

 “Let’s do it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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