Immortals Are Evergreen, My Proficiency Becomes Immortal

Chapter 486: Immortal Court is back in the world! Fight against the immortal!

 In fact, these Buddhist masters originally had some resentment in their hearts. In their view, the Yinhai Xianmen's army of evil spirits sweeping through the Buddhist realm was all caused by Su Yu.

 But today, it is their Buddhist temples and Buddhist cities that are swept away by the army of Yin spirits.


However, after seeing Su Yu's Taoist puppet with a wave of his hand, he eliminated thousands of Yin spirits that almost destroyed their Buddhist temple, including four Mahayana realm and dozens of Fusion realm Yin spirits, these resentments disappeared from their hearts in an instant. disappear.

 What was replaced was fear, awe, and shock at Su Yu's strength!

 As expected of being the direct descendant of Emperor Zhenwu!

 with all with all with me at the top of the world's Green Prison Immortal Rankings in the Fusion Realm!

This strength is so terrifying.

the other side.

Su Yu used the magical power of time and space to sweep away thousands of Yin spirits. Through the light ball in his hand, he could see that there were densely packed small 'rooms' inside.

 In every small room, there is a dark spirit imprisoned.

 Just as these Yin spirits crazily attack the surrounding space-time power, the mana and soul power of Su Yu's Dao body puppet are also rapidly depleted.

 It was a little stressful for him to restrain and imprison so many Yin spirits at once.

So after thinking about it, Su Yu used the magical power of time and space to annihilate and kill all the Yin spirits below the combined realm.

Only dozens of Yin spirits in the combined realm and four Mahayana realms are left.

These Yin spirits are formed by devouring the souls of all living beings in the Buddha Realm. Su Yu once swallowed some of them with his divine body. After refining, the power of his divine soul surged, which was a great tonic.

With all these ghosts in his hands, Su Yu was naturally reluctant to kill them all.

Su Yu’s Taoist puppet went directly to the Great Buddhist Temple. Along the way, he also rescued two Buddhist temples and seven Buddhist cities, and annihilated more than 3,000 Yin spirits.

They also imprisoned and captured seven Mahayana realm Yin spirits and more than 60 Fusion realm Yin spirits alive.

 Come to the area where the Great Buddha Temple is located.

Far away in the void, Su Yu could feel the overwhelming resentment coming from several directions, although the terrifying resentment was hidden under the so-called holy aura.

 But in front of his eyes, the evil aura of these ghosts cannot be hidden.


Su Yu's Taoist puppet came to the Great Buddha Temple. At this moment, four Great Buddha Temple Half-Buddhas including Yu Hua Half-Buddha, as well as four Tribulation-Transcending Realm half-immortals including Lin Danxian and Qingluan Half-Immortal from the Immortal Demon Alliance gathered together.

 It’s just that at this moment, whether it’s Foolish Half Buddha or Lin Danxian and others, their expressions are somewhat solemn.

The foolish half-Buddha said with a headache: "These Yin spirits have been confronting them hundreds of years ago in the Great Buddha Temple. The Silver Sea Immortal Sect, in the name of Buddhism in the immortal world, seduced Buddhist masters such as Baofu Temple and other Buddhist sects to practice evil methods. Become a ghost."

“These Yin spirits are extremely mysterious, and it is difficult to target them based on the magical power of Buddhism.”

“Unless it is done with absolute force, it may be possible to suppress and destroy it.”

 Lin Danxian, Qingluan Banxian, Xianhai Taoist, and Bulao Zun were silent. During this period of time, they have all fought against the Yin Hai Xianmen's Yin spirits.

Even facing the Yinhai Immortal Sect’s Yin spirits who were in the Tribulation Realm, they were still a little embarrassed, and their souls had suffered a little trauma.

The Yinhai Immortal Sect's ghostly spirit is weird and powerful, far beyond their imagination.

Qingluan Half-Immortal is okay. The Yin spirits are still afraid of the Nirvana fireworks she controls. It is precisely because of her existence that the Yin spirits are afraid and dare not attack the Great Buddha Temple directly.

She looked at the foolish half-Buddha and asked curiously: "Then how did you expel the Yinhai Xianmen and the Yin spirits from the Buddhist realm?"

The foolish half-Buddha said: "It's all thanks to Su Xiaoyou. He found the people behind the Silver Sea Immortal Sect, captured them alive, and threatened them to leave with the Buddhist masters who practiced evil practices in Baofu Temple, otherwise they would be killed. them."

“In this way, the Buddhist realm can be preserved.”

 Green Luan Half Immortal: "."

 This is indeed a good idea.

 But they couldn't do it.

 After all, they don’t even know where the people from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect are.

The foolish half-Buddha sighed softly and said: "It's a pity that little friend Su doesn't know where to go for retreat."


Just as he was talking, ripples of space suddenly appeared in the Buddhist hall. The next moment, Su Yu's Taoist puppet appeared and said with a smile: "It's not a retreat, it's just that the master suddenly returned, and I accompanied him back for a while. Go to the Fairy Garden."

“I never thought that something would happen in the Buddha Realm in less than a year.”

At first they noticed the movement, Qingluan Banxian and others were still a little frightened, and they all wanted to take action.

 But after seeing Su Yu arriving and hearing Su Yu's voice, everyone's faces suddenly showed a little joy, especially the foolish half Buddha.

From the perspective of Yu Hua Ban Buddha, if you want to solve the troubles in the Buddha Realm, you may have to rely on Su Yu.

The foolish half-Buddha stood up and said in surprise: "Little friend Su, you are finally back!"

Qingluan Half Immortal also stood up, looked at Su Yu solemnly, and asked: "Little friend Su, do you have any way to deal with these Yinhai Immortal Sect's Yin Spirits?"

Su Yu said: "These Yin spirits are not simple evil spirits or demon souls, so if you want to deal with them, you may have to use powerful magical powers to target the souls. Treat them completely as soul bodies, just like ghosts and immortals." generally."

“Of course, if you are strong and not afraid of these ghosts at all, you can easily deal with them.”

 Qingluan Banxian and others ignored the second sentence.

Those ghost spirits are very difficult to deal with.

Who can deal with it easily?

Qingluan Banxian looked at Su Yu and said, "So, little friend Su, is there any way to find out where the people from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect are?"

Su Yu smiled and said, "There's no rush."

 “Wait a minute.”

What are you waiting for?

Foolish Half Buddha and others had doubts in their minds, but less than half a day later, the sky outside the Great Buddha Temple suddenly trembled, as if the sky was torn apart.

 The faces of Foolish Half-Buddha and others changed, and they hurriedly escaped from the Buddhist hall and looked up.

I saw an extremely huge, as if a piece of land reaching into the sky descended here, and around this piece of land, there were also huge floating fairy cities following and surrounding it.

 With the arrival of the Immortal Court and the fairy cities, Tian Wudi's domineering figure also appeared in the sky.

His cold voice echoed in all directions, saying: "The Immortal Army of Immortal Court obeys the order and destroys the Yinhai Immortal Sect!"

 “Follow the emperor’s order!”

Three millions of immortal armies flew out from the Immortal Courtyard. Under the leadership of the powerful men of the Immortal Courtyard, they each rushed in the direction of the Yin Spirit filled with resentment.

 The faces of Foolish Half-Buddha, Lin Danxian, Qingluan Half-xian and others changed again when they saw this.

 “Zhenwu Xianting!”

 “Hiss, the fairy court reappears!”

“Who was the emperor’s former first direct successor, invincible?”

Looking at the Immortal Court's army coming out, Su Yu's Taoist puppet also said: "Let's do it, all seniors just need to follow the Immortal Court and kill the Yin spirits together."

Yu Hua Half Buddha, Qing Luan Half Immortal and others were all a little overwhelmed and excited.

did not expect!

I didn’t expect that Xianting would reappear in the world!

 Let’s come and suppress the Yinhai Immortal Sect for them!

 “Do it!”

"Amitabha, all the Buddhas in the Great Buddha Temple listen to the order and follow the Immortal Court to slay the evil spirits of the Silver Sea Immortal Sect!"

The foolish half Buddha brought the combat power of the Great Buddha Temple, Qingluan Half Immortal, and Lin Danxian brought the combat power of the Immortal and Demon Alliance. Nearly a million of them rushed up to the sky, joined the Immortal Court Immortal Army, and headed towards the Silver Sea. The army of Yin spirits from the Immortal Sect killed them.


Su Yu Dao body puppet took one step forward and came to the fairy court above. At this moment, Tian Wudi and the old emperor were waiting here.

Tian Wudi looked at the Taoist puppet of his junior brother and asked, "Junior brother, can you figure out where the people from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect are?" If it was before, it would have been a bit difficult to find them.

 But now that Su Yu's time, space, and life have all condensed his own Tao Fruit, it's really not difficult to find a few familiar people in the Silver Sea Immortal Sect.


Su Yu used the power of destiny. For a moment, his mind seemed to be integrated into the way of heaven. The vision of the immortal world in front of him changed drastically. Both people and scenery were all turned into threads of cause and effect connected to the way of heaven.

 What he deduced was the secrets of Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan.

Based on his current strength and cultivation, even if Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yulan were born in the immortal world, they also have mysterious means to conceal the secrets of heaven.

However, at the cost of eighty years of life, Su Yu still managed to break through the mystery concealed by the two men and find their whereabouts.

The moment he found out the secret of the two people's whereabouts, Su Yu suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes seemed to have penetrated the endless barriers of time and space, and spied on the two figures in the Buddhist temple on the top of a snow-capped mountain.

Not just the two of them, there were three other figures in the Buddhist temple.

Su Yu had a cold smile on her face and said, "Found it."

the other side.

 In a Buddhist temple.

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan both serve Immortal Gujue. They are not as ignorant as the natives in the world of immortality. They have a deep understanding of the power and terror of Immortal.

Even before the two of them were in the lower realm, they were already half-immortals at the level of transcending tribulation.

 But after all, he is still just a half-immortal.

 As long as he has not passed through the immortal tribulation and completely transformed into an immortal, he is still just a mortal.

 The gap between mortals and immortals is like a chasm.

Now the Immortal Gujue has come to the lower realm for the Immortal Sect's grand plans and plans, and the price he has paid is not small.

Taoist Haotian frowned slightly at this moment, looked at Immortal Gujue cautiously and said: "Immortal Master, the Taoist body of Su Yu has appeared, and in the past half day, he has killed more than three thousand Yins like us. spirit."

“This person’s methods are extremely weird, and he also controls the power of the space path fruit.”

 “I think we need to get rid of him as soon as possible.”

Gujue Immortal also noticed something.

Through the Yin spirits under his control, he could see Su Yu descending and suppressing the group of Yin spirits with a wave of his hand.

Such strength also made Immortal Gujue feel wary.

This person is indeed a monstrous genius that has never been seen in the lower world in ten thousand years. He is indeed worthy of their attention and vigilance.

 It must be removed as soon as possible.

 Otherwise, it might really become a serious problem for their Silver Sea Immortal Sect.

At this time, the expressions of Immortal Gujue, Taoist Haotian, Taoist Yulan, and others all changed slightly, and they suddenly looked in the direction of the sky at the Great Buddha Temple.

Through the endless space, they can see the scene of the Zhenwu Immortal Court coming into the world with terrifying fairy cities.

The terrifying aura of the Zhenwu Immortal Court and those fairy cities overwhelm the entire Buddhist realm.

Even the Immortal Gujue, who has now recovered to the middle stage of the Tribulation Realm, feels a sense of oppression from the Zhenwu Immortal Court and those floating fairy cities.

It seems that even if he takes action, he may be suppressed by the fairy towns.

Gujue Immortal, Haotian Taoist, Yu Lan Taoist and others were all frightened, but a little confused: "What is this!?"

The moment Wudi's voice sounded throughout the day, the expressions of Immortal Gujue, Taoist Haotian and others changed again.


This is Zhenwu Xianting! ?

Immortal Gujue frowned and felt a little troublesome. He was not afraid of these so-called powerful forces in the lower world. Even if Emperor Zhenwu came in person, he would still only mock them and call them ants.

 But now his strength has only returned to the middle stage of the Tribulation Realm.

Even if we use all our methods, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

  It was already a bit difficult to deal with the Great Buddha Temple and the Immortal and Demon Alliance together before.

Now plus this Zhenwu Immortal Courtyard

When Immortal Gujue looked gloomy and thought about how to deal with it, the expressions of Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yulan in front of him suddenly changed dramatically. They felt a power that made them shudder, as if they were spying on them. generally.

Taoist Haotian and Taoist Yu Lan exclaimed: "No, Immortal Lord, someone is spying on us!"

 At the moment when the two of them screamed.


The space of this Buddhist temple was suddenly torn apart, and the next moment, Tian Wudi's burly and majestic figure had rushed over through the crack in the space.

 He landed in this Buddhist temple, and his eyes instantly looked at the Immortal Gujue in front of him.

Tian Wudi sensed the aura of Immortal Gujue, but his eyes burst out with bright light, full of fighting intent. He grinned, and with a wave of his hand, a giant ax fell on his hand.

 “An immortal from the Silver Sea Immortal Sect?”

 “Hahaha, let’s fight!”


Tian Wudi swung the giant ax in his hand and struck directly. The terrifying aura of power even sent Taoist Haotian, Taoist Yu Lan and others flying out in an instant.

Just when Taoist Haotian, Taoist Yu Lan and others were frightened and wanted to summon the Yin spirits outside to come in and protect them, the Taoist bodies of Old Emperor and Su Yu came and appeared.

The old emperor glanced at Taoist Haotian and others. Su Yu smiled and said, "Old emperor, just leave them to me."

When the old emperor heard this, he nodded slightly and looked at Tian Wudi who was fighting fiercely with Immortal Gu Jue.

After a hard blow with Immortal Gujue, Tian Wudi kept retreating, and even his soul was shaken. Tian Wudi's eyes changed slightly when he looked at Immortal Gujue, and he was a little frightened.

In terms of pure magic power, Dao power and other powers, this person actually outnumbered him.

 Even after a hard blow, the special magic power had already shaken his soul.

Such fighting power—

 “You are truly worthy of being an immortal in the immortal world!”

Tian Wudi's eyes were full of fighting spirit, but he swung his giant ax and started to kill Gujue Immortal again, while the old emperor stared at the battle.

the other side.

Su Yu’s eyes fell on Taoist Haotian, Taoist Yu Lan and the other four people. A smile appeared on his face. When Taoist Haotian and the other four fled out of the Buddhist temple in fear, he waved his hand.

Just when he was about to use the magical power of time and space to confine and suppress Taoist Haotian and others, Immortal Gujue over there flashed a hint of ferocity and impatience, and shouted coldly: "A group of native ants from the lower realm dare to try to provoke the immortal. The majesty of it!"

 “Seeking death!”

A terrifying spiritual aura erupted from Gujue Immortal's body, and the moment he struck out with his palm, Tian Wudi, Old Emperor, and even Su Yu all seemed to see the scene in front of them changing, appearing in the vast world, and in front of them, there was a statue with a full The terrifying existence of ten thousand feet was holding the palm of its hand in the sky and suppressing them.

The figure of this terrifying existence, just the aura on his body, made Tian Wudi, Lao Dadi, and Su Yu tremble in their souls.

Even though Immortal Gujue’s cultivation has never recovered, he was once an immortal after all! (End of chapter)

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