Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11360: Imitation performance of the stone turtle beast

"It's not too much, but I also know the origin of these Shisuo evil spirits."

Guan Heng said casually: "This group of evil spirits that we and Que'er encountered before live in a nearby mine. Over time, there will be the ability to release Shi Shuo."

Perhaps the ore devoured by the evil spirits is quite special, causing these guys to use evil energy to create the stone shuttle is very hard, and has a certain resistance to the fire spirit.

However, it was limited to ordinary spirit fires and raging flames. If they were slightly stronger, like Burning Heart Tyrant's attacks, it is estimated that the opponent could not stop it even once, and the entire army would have to be wiped out.

Guan Heng explained that, he paused for a while, and then continued: "For us, it is not a problem to solve hundreds of stone shuttle evil spirits. Can you guess what I am thinking now?"

"Hehehe, of course it is the mine where the opponent lives." Xiaoxin said with a grin: "Catch the evil spirits and throw them into the soul-recovering urn, and then harvest a batch of ore. Is this the most important thing?"

"Yes, that's it." Guan Heng nodded, and Qing Huang asked at this moment: "Where is the specific location of that mine?"

"In the middle of the misty area ahead." Guan Heng said casually: "Just walk in and it won't take long to find it."

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Okay, let's go there quickly."

"Walk." The girls followed Guan Heng, and the other companions all flew and ran, hurriedly following.


After more than ten breaths, everyone arrived in a place filled with gray fog. Guan Heng just wanted to recruit the ghosts and use the ghost wind circle to blow away the fog. At this moment, the giant stone turtle beast was silent. Stepped to the front, and then let out a cry: "Woo woo ——"

"It seems that the stone tortoise beast wants to solve the fog, so let's see what it does." Guan Hengyang said: "Hey, the stone tortoise beast, you can do it."


"Swish swish!"

In the flash of lightning, the stone turtle beast opened its mouth and spit out its own thousand-sand fire-preventing cover. The object instantly swirled sharply in the air, turning into a whirlwind, and began to disperse the surrounding dense fog.

Guan Heng observed the scene at this time, nodded and said, "Well, yes, if you pay attention to it carefully, you will realize that the operation of the fire hood controlled by the stone turtle beast is like a ghost wind circle. At least, they are somewhat similar."

"So, the stone turtle beast is smart enough to learn the tricks of the group of ghosts?" Ruotao said with a little surprise. Guan Heng smiled, and then said: "It's not learning, at best, it's just a similar way after imitating it."

"Furthermore, the big ghosts make a lot of ghost wind circles. Yes, they are all in front of the stone turtle beast. It is not surprising that it can learn a little fur by watching it."

After speaking, Guan Heng pointed to the front again and said, "Look, the dense fog has almost been completely dissipated by Qiansha Pihuo."

"Stone Turtle Beast, doing a good job."

The girls unanimously spoke in praise. Upon hearing everyone’s voices, the dull stone turtle beast also made a low cry, as if responding to his appreciation. After a few breaths, the dense fog within a radius of several feet dispersed, the stone turtle The beast opened his mouth and immediately retracted Qianshabihuo.


This group of guys were ambushing nearby under the protection of thick fog, waiting for foreign enemies to approach, so that they could sneak attack, but they never expected that they would not move their arms and they would disperse the fog in the blink of an eye, leaving themselves without It's hidden!

There was no way, and now the evil spirits had to choose a frontal attack, one by one frantically.

"Buzzing!" It was too late, it was fast, the soul-recovering urn on the stone turtle's back trembled a few times, and the blue flower miasma attached to its surface floated out, and then spread and enveloped those attacks. And the evil spirits.

The aura of this blue-flowered miasma soul can confuse the body of evil spirits or all kinds of soul bodies. Once it encounters it, the body of the soul spirit is basically unable to escape.

Sure enough, within a few breaths, the wailing and screaming Shi Shuo evil spirits swayed one by one in the air, and the soul-recovering urn also produced suction at this time, and all the evil spirits were taken into their own urn.

"I said why the stone tortoise beast volunteered to disperse these mists, dare it be the soul-recovering urn that wants to absorb these evil spirits."

Guan Heng smiled slightly at this time and said: "Hey, why not, Stone Turtle Beast, you will open the way ahead, as long as you encounter any evil spirit body, you and the Fuhun Urn are responsible for cleaning them up and removing these obstacles."

"Woo woo-" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the stone turtle beast immediately turned his head and agreed. At the same time, the drunken soul monster bone flower, the ancient baby willow, the white flower monster gum tree and the shield cocoon fern all surrounded the stone turtle beast. The area where the soul recovery urn is placed on the back is waiting there.

These demon plant Lingzhi are very fond of the rich spiritual energy and soul power emitted by the soul recovery urn. Whenever a large number of souls are captured and collected in the urn, the soul recovery urn will always release some unused soul power. Some were absorbed by the stone tortoise beasts, while others were divided by the monsters and spirits.

Therefore, in order to be able to get more benefits, everyone will always gather around the soul-recovering urn at this time and strive for all opportunities to help. In this way, the soul-recovering urn will also feel it and will not treat them badly.

"It seems that the demons and Lingzhi are in high spirits." Seeing this scene, Gu Sangnu smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you absorb more aura, you can grow up vigorously."

"Well, it is estimated that there are a lot of Shishuo evil spirits around the mine in this pile of rocks. If so, they will be dealt with by the Lingzhi and Fuhun urns."

After Guan Heng said this, Lingzhi seemed very happy. At this moment, the ancient Huanghuang who was in charge of investigating the situation in the nearby air called out: "Master Guan, everyone, five feet away from the front left, there are signs of evil spirits running around. ."

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Guan Heng nodded when he heard this, and then raised his voice: "Go, hurry over and take a look."

"Boom, dong, dong, dong, dong!" Hearing this, the giant stone tortoise beast immediately took heavy steps and rushed forward. Anything that is beneficial to the soul recovery urn will always be so positively charged. At the forefront.

Probably because after making a "mobile vehicle" to carry the soul-recovering urn, the stone turtle beast has gained far more benefits than others. After all, in order for the stone tortoise beast to carry itself around, the first thing the soul-recovering urn does is Fill it with "oil".

"Puff, puff, puff!" The sound of rapid and heavy footsteps one after another, the stone turtle beast has rushed to more than ten feet away, and it really saw the traces of four or five evil spirits. Shield Cocoon Demon Fern took the lead!

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