Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11386: Kill the group of beetles (third more)

"These are just small ones, the blood crystals in the body are too small." The mandrill and the old monkey searched for the crystals in the corpse of the worm, found out a dozen of them, and looked a little dissatisfied, then turned their heads and said to everyone: "I suggest looking for the area inside."

"That's what I meant." After hearing these words, Guan Heng nodded, and then raised his voice: "Let's go, keep going."

Everyone just walked forward for more than ten feet, and saw a small soil **** in front of them. After listening carefully, there seemed to be a burst of worms on the opposite side of the soil slope, so the Frosty-browed Ancient Donkey immediately seemed to be happy. Like running up the dirt slope.

"This little donkey is too anxious." Guan Heng smiled slightly, but suddenly he suddenly felt something wrong, and immediately said loudly: "Danger, go and get it back!"

"Eh?!" Hearing this, the mandrill closest to the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey was a little surprised, but its body reacted faster. Huo Di reached out his hand and just grabbed the tail of the Frostbrowed Ancient Donkey, this little donkey. Er was running, and Doujue's back was tight, and he subconsciously stopped.

At this moment, the mandrill hugged the waist of the ancient donkey and went backwards several steps. The Frostbrowed ancient donkey was wondering and wanted to ask what was going on. With a "bang", the **** suddenly It burst into pieces, the earth and rocks were flying, and the dust was soaring. Hundreds of huge unicorn beetles were immediately drilled out of the ground!

It turned out that these guys were hiding inside the slope, planning to carry out a surprise attack when everyone walked up to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. It is a pity that the strength is too poor and the hiding method is not fake. Guan Heng saw the flaw at a glance, and the sneak attack failed.

"Squeaky!" Seeing that the plan was unsuccessful, these large and small unicorn beetles had to bite the bullet and scream and rush forward, but with their minimal strength, how could they resist like a wolf like a tiger? The enemy.

"Beast, I think you are looking for death!"


An Yan cursed and swung his sword fiercely, immediately beheading the three evil beasts, and then summoned the soul of the sword in the big sword, "Chichichi!" He only heard the sword spirit screaming in the air. One after another, they greeted the unicorn beetle in an instant, and then turned into a sword shape, crushing and killing their bodies.

"Okay, the sword souls have done a good job."

"Good kill!" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao and Gu Sang Nu and their palms applauded.

"Hey, hey, hey!" At such a time, three tall insect shadows sprang out from the pit on the opposite side. The opponent was a guy with a body much larger than the average evil beetle. It seemed that he should be at the leader level.

"One person, one by one, to see who kills the fastest."



Coriander, Qinghuang, and Ruotao laughed, then shook their bodies and swiftly rushed to meet the three evil beast leaders on the opposite side.


The first shot was Qing Huang. The Ling Ling sword in her palm and the strange lotus blade were slashed and cut down. The huge unicorn evil beetle raised his forelimbs to block outward, trying to fly Qing Huang's blade.

"Hiss!" But it was the time of a flash of cold light. Not only did Qing Huang cut off the forelimbs of this guy, a pair of divine soldiers remained undiminished, and abruptly chopped his body into three pieces.


The other two evil beetle leaders saw the tragic death of their companions and couldn't help but shudder. Of course, they knew that the enemy was not easy to provoke, so they lay in ambush here and planned to attack. The deadly death threatening them!

But at this time, I wanted to run, but it was too late. "Huhuhuhu!" There was a sound of wind on the jacket, and Xiu and Ruotao had blocked the retreat of the two evil beetle leaders, and the weapons in the back palms swept down. Kill and pierce the opponent.

"Mother bug, go." Guan Heng spit out three words, the evil worm lady immediately fluttered her wings, and landed on the surface of the three huge bug corpses, releasing flames to burn the bug corpses, turning them into ashes.

"Master, these three guys have blood congealed crystals in them, look." After speaking, the worm mother handed the things she found to Guan Heng.

"Well, the quality is not bad." Guan Heng weighed a few condensed crystals, then said: "Let's go, let's look inside."


"Little donkey, what's the matter?" Ruotao stepped forward and asked.

"Huh!" Shuangmei Ancient Donkey raised a front hoof and pointed to the northeast. At this moment, the Shui Xuan spirit beast on the back of King Golden Sting said: "Maybe something unexpected happened."

"Ah." Hearing it, Gu Lu nodded.

"Then let's go take a look." Shui Xuan Ling Beast waved its claws at the Frosty Eyed Donkey: "Lead the way, fat, follow it."

"Hey, I'll go too?" Upon hearing this, King Jia Yao was a little surprised, and the Shui Xuan spirit beast said, "Of course, otherwise, what use is there for you?"

"Small things, look at what you said, it really made me angry." King Jia Yao grinned and complained.

"Fatty, just follow what Xiao Shuishui said." Guan Heng said at this time: "You guys will go with the donkey to see the situation first, and I will be there later with you."

"Well, since you even said this to Lord Guan, let's go!" said the king of armor, rushing to the front with his four hooves open, and after a few breaths, he caught up with the ancient donkey with the cream. He ran out seven or eight zhang in one breath, and then turned a corner in the tunnel ahead...


Suddenly, the Frostbrowed Donkey who led the way suddenly stopped, and then looked left and right, not knowing that it was looking for mysterious things. Seeing this scene, the armored king said impatiently, "Hey, little donkey. , What are you looking for, do you need my help?"

"Uuuu..." Hearing this, Gu Lu shook his head, and Shui Xuan Ling Beast also said: "Fat, don't be so impatient, watch it carefully, can't it change?"

"Oh, you and this donkey are the same, and you like to play mystery."

After King Jia Yao had said this, he found a flat stone on his own, sat down there, yawned, and continued: "No matter what, if you want to find it, I will have to rest for a while. , Wait for something to be found, come and wake me up again."

"Hey, fat fat, you can't be lazy, get up and help." At this point, the Shui Xuan spirit beast shook it vigorously a few times, but King Jia Yao didn't wake up, and he snored: " Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Uh, you lazy thing, really fell asleep?"

Seeing the snoring of the armor king, there was a sense of rhythm. The Shui Xuan spirit beast wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh.

After a few breaths, it shook its head, and then flew down on the back of the ancient donkey. He grabbed the ear of the ancient donkey and asked, "Hey, little donkey, what are you looking for? Tell me about it. "


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