Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11437: Kill the tiger scorpion

"Huh!" It was too late to say, it was fast, one of the sword souls suddenly turned into a "sword light" form, rushing to the huge scorpion hiding in the corner, the guy heard the bad wind, and was shocked. There was a cold war.

The place to hide is too small, and it takes a lot of effort to twist and dodge. This scorpion has to scream, curl up all his body, and attack.

"Dang!" The next moment, the sword soul Fei Mango was shocked and bounced back in an instant, soaring into the air, the giant scorpion felt that his outer armor's defensive power could hold the attack, and was overjoyed, but in the next moment, this The guy is not happy.


"Chichichichi! Ding ding!" In a short time, several sword soul flying lights repeatedly hit the scorpion armor, although they did not break it for a while, it also made the giant scorpion squeak with pain.

At the end, this guy couldn't bear the pain, and finally shook his body and rushed out of the corner. Guan Heng and others looked carefully at this time and found that this scorpion was not only huge, but also hard armored, but also covered with dark cyan. The pattern is like a tiger's fur pattern.

"Tiger pattern snake?!" "Well, I've seen a similar guy before, but it's only a few feet long, but it's too big."

Guan Heng said at this time: "The mutant species of scorpion really have what they look like."

"Hahaha, it is true."

"It's just that the strength is not enough. In front of us, whatever it looks like will die."

When the girls, Pu Xing and Guan Hengzheng were chatting, the giant tiger scorpion had been troubled by the sword soul flying light, so he had to plunge into the group of the same kind who was killing each other. At this moment, all the scorpions were killing each other. The red eye has been killed, who can recognize who it is?

At the moment, there are several giant scorpions snaking forward, opening their mouths and biting!

Seeing this, the tiger scorpion was so angry that it screamed and tried to deter the other party, but because it angered the other party, it had a counterproductive effect. The crazy scorpions bullied it and bit the tiger's scorpion body with their own blood bowl.

However, the tiger-patterned scorpion armor is indeed one of the strongest among the many variants. No matter how hard this group of guys bites, they can't even shatter a star.

In the next moment, the tiger scorpion triumphantly roared wildly, and the body suddenly swept like a dragon's tail, "Boom boom boom! Ping pong pong!" A few unlucky worms suddenly flew out and squatted. Broken blood.

But other giant scorpions are not easy to provoke. After all, they have lived in the same nest for many years, and they also have a little understanding of the weakness of tiger scorpions.

For example, although the tiger pattern scorpion has a strong and strong body and a strong and hard outer armor, there are still some places that cannot be protected, like-the feet on both sides of the body!



In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen giant scorpions quickly approached, struggling to wrap around the foot of the tiger scorpion, and then continued to bite the joints of the joints, tearing them into blood and blood, and suddenly the tiger scorpion's eyes straightened. Constantly squeaking.

Obviously, these kind of people who know their roots are too vicious. They know very well that without crawling feet, even if they want to run, they have no hope. The mad tiger scorpion slammed his body and tried to smash the opponent. Shake to the ground.

But the crazy many scorpions do not mean to stop at all. They have completely lost their minds and walked away. Not only do they want to destroy the same kind, but also not let go. Now it doesn’t matter whether they die or not. They just want to put more of them. The guy is brought into the abyss of hell, that's enough!

"Squeak, squeak!" Feeling that the wounds on his body are getting more and more painful, the tiger scorpion screams hysterically. There is really no other way, this guy has to roll on the spot, constantly twisting his body, and hitting hard. Those who haunt themselves.

Both sides are testing their stamina crazily. Whoever can't hold on will take his own life!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Two scorpions finally failed to stop. They fell to the ground after being smashed to the ground, and then they were pressed under their bodies by tiger scorpions, and they turned into minced meat, the rest of the scorpions. Even more crazy, they did not hesitate to choose to continue attacking.

Again, if you want me to die, you can! But I must also drag you to hell, everyone suffers together! !

The huge body keeps adding wounds, and even the strong tiger scorpion can't hold it. This guy's movements gradually slowed down, his mouth couldn't help bleeding, and even the meaning of fainting.

Seeing this scene, the many scorpions who continued to attack were also overjoyed, thinking that their attacks were effective! But at the moment when the scorpions were triumphant and slowed down their attack, the fierce-looking tiger scorpions shook their bodies abruptly, rushing towards the nearby rock wall.

"Ping-pong-pong! Boom!" The violent noises kept coming and going. The tiger scorpion hit the wall viciously with its incomplete and **** body, crushing countless bodies of the same kind, turning them into minced meat, and at the same time catching them. It lost half of its body.

No matter how strong the outer armor of this guy is, it still has a limit to withstand it. At this moment, it has been broken for most, overflowing with foul blood, and it is about to die on the spot.

"Huh, do you know how good I am now?" At this moment, the triumphant An Yan stepped forward, and then sneered: "You **** still wants to hide in the dark to pick up a bargain, but I didn't expect to hide by myself. , You still have to take your own life? Deserve it!"


Hearing this, and looking at An Yan who came by, this guy was shuddering with anger, knowing that he was exposed just now because of the enemy in front of him, and the tiger scorpion suddenly suffocated and stood up. It planned to Exhausted the last trace of strength, culled the formidable enemy in front of him.

"Hmph, looking for death!" An Yan said, suddenly raising his hand and beckoning in the air.


"Puff puff!"

The three sword souls that had been waiting in the air suddenly fell down quickly, piercing the back of the head and back of the tiger scorpion, and then stirred frantically, turning their body into minced meat.

"Swish swish!" After strangling the tiger scorpion, the three sword souls flew back into the Great Sword of the Old Soul. An Yan put the sword on his shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother, how did you fight this battle?"

"Let me say something, girl, win beautiful!" Guan Heng raised his thumb, then praised: "You can die in your hands, this tiger scorpion is not wronged!"

"Hahaha, isn't it? I'm so happy!" An Yan looked very proud of being praised by the eldest brother, and then winked at the two sisters and said: "How about you?"

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