Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11443: Reach the top (fifth breaks out)

"Look, there are traces of giant snakes here."

"It's really their footprints." Everyone gathered around and took a closer look, and found that the footprints of the scorpion were numerous and messy, and Ruo Tao said: "How many giant scorpions walked past here, and the ground collapsed. ."

"It seems to be the only way for the other party to go to'somewhere'." Guan Heng thought for a while, and then continued: "Maybe it is the path to the top level..."

"Squeak, squeak!"

At this moment, the mutant who was alerting the surrounding situation in the air suddenly screamed. Guan Heng turned his head to see that there was a dark shadow shaking more than ten feet away, and he said: "It's another giant scorpion here, temporarily avoiding the opponent. , Maybe the other party can take us to the upper level."


"Shabu shabu ...... Falling ......" Sure enough, just after the number of interest, four giant Scutiger goes by, they are in a hurry, a look that is hurry hurry, blink of an eye has come to several feet away.

Guan Heng waved his hand, and Mutant Zichu immediately released his invisibility ability, covering all his companions. In this way, everyone followed silently. After a while, somewhere on the top of the Worm Nest.


"Puff puff!"

The giant screaming that broke out screamed and fell to the ground, Puxing’s spear, Anyan’s great sword, Ruotao’s thunder-swallowing blade, and the sharp roots controlled by Gu Sangnu repeatedly entered and exited the body of this guy. The giant scorpion died here!


"Plap!" When he said this, Guan Heng stretched out his palm and gently patted the corpse. "Woohoo!" A large stream of flames swallowed the corpse and burned the corpse into ashes, but there were three fists of water. The aura beads rolled out and were picked up by the girls.

"Haha, as expected, the beads in this giant scorpion are big and round, much more beautiful than the ones derived from the little ones before." Ruo Tao rubbed the beads and said with a smile.

"Not only is it big and round, but the aura contained in this bead is far better than the small beads before." Guan Heng said: "I analyze the reason for this. It should be related to the fact that giant scorpions often break stalagmites and devour those water sources."

"It is true. On the way, we have seen a lot of giant scorpions looking for opportunities to separate from their companions, taking advantage of this to break the stalagmites on the top of the wall and drink water."

Gu Sang Nu touched her chin, and then said: "Don't you think it's a bit weird? It's just a drink of water, and they make me feel like a thief."

"It's true, I also feel that way."

"Hey, maybe these guys are naturally fond of sneaking?" Ruo Tao said nonchalantly after hearing the discussion of the two sisters.

"That's not necessarily." Guan Heng said at this time: "I have been observing this situation and found that the giant scorpions are indeed a little sneaky when they drink water, as if they are forbidden to drink the water in the stalagmites casually."

"I think this thing should be more precious, but the gluttonous giant scorpion can't bear not drinking it, so I do this kind of thing with my partner behind my back."

At this point, Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and then slowly said: "You guys, who would do anything to prohibit the giant scorpion from drinking water?"

"These guys are not afraid, but they are not the strongest scorpion in the nest, brother, if I want to say, it should be the king of scorpion that prohibits them from drinking, is it possible?" An Yan analyzed.


Guan Heng said: "The more precious things are, the more the bosses and dictators of a clan want to own them. After all, those guys are selfish and selfish. I think the original king is no exception. Go and continue to track the giant. Hey, the other party will definitely bring us the correct answer."


In this way, Guan Heng and the others hurriedly tracked the giant scorpion. They did not expect that the number of these guys was very large, and they had been killed by the hands of Guan Heng and others, and there were already more than two hundred.

But they did it silently. Once they killed the giant scorpion, Guan Heng would immediately burn the corpse and take away the water aura beads, so so far, it has not aroused any suspicion of the scorpion.

In this way, everyone finally reached the highest level of the Worm’s Nest. The area here is extremely wide. It does not seem to be just the nests made by the scorpions. These guys even dig through the side close to the rock wall and extend to the mountain wall. In the abdomen, therefore, the area has been infinitely expanded.

"This group of scorpions really has the perseverance to develop their nests into such a big project."

Guan Heng looked at the surrounding environment, where there are many stone pillars supporting the top layer of the entire insect nest. The surface of the stone pillars is full of gnawed traces. It can be seen that it was completely bitten out by the teeth of giant scorpions.

At this moment, more than a dozen giant scorpions saw Guan Heng and others. When these guys noticed the invasion of foreign enemies, they suddenly became angry and burst into flames. Then, the scorpions flew forward like crazy. , Intends to tear the enemy into pieces to vent their anger.

"Looking for death!"

When she said this, Ruotao took a step forward. She didn't even pull out the Thunder-Swallowing Blade, but slammed her fist. "Bang!" Gekong's fist struck sharply, and suddenly smashed the first scorpion. The skull immediately hit the upper body of the second scorpion from the back, abruptly discounting it.

"Pump, bang!" The two scorpion corpses suddenly fell, and the blood was bleeding all over the ground.

"Squeak, chirp!" At this moment, the electric-veined green lizard and the stone demon spirit badger rushed to the front, screaming at the other giant scorpion, provoking each other.

The scorpion dared to play with himself when he saw two humble little things, and he was immediately trembling with anger. This guy opened his blood basin without hesitation and bit directly at the body of the electric pulse green lizard. Unfortunately, underestimating the enemy is often doomed to Being played to death by the opponent, the giant scorpion is no exception.

"Hey hey hey!" There was a sudden piercing sound, and the green lizard released an electric energy toward the opponent's mouth.

"Cracking! Boom! Boom!" A series of violent sounds came out, and the giant scorpion's cheeks and big mouth were suddenly smashed by electric energy. The pain caused this guy to die to death. One did not hold on, and immediately fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood. .


On the other side, the stone demon spirit badger spit out more than ten earth auras, and hit the eyes of the scorpion with the wind, and shattered them. At this time, the giant scorpion with his blind eyes and rotten mouth screamed in a hurry, twisting and hitting his head. On another companion body, and bite with each other regardless.

"Hahaha, little guy, well done." Seeing this, Ruotao laughed with her palms, An Yan and Gu Sangnu also leaned forward and then joined together, and then said in unison: "You two cooperate well."

"Chi Chi Chi!" Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining few scorpions immediately screamed and fled in all directions.

"Want to go? You don't have that chance, wait till you die!"

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