Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11572: Sludge Tentacle

"Where is the monster?" The girls looked very excited when they heard the words of the earth palace toad, all vying to see what the guy looks like.

Earth Palace Toad raised his claws and pointed to the pit in front of him, and said, "The other party escaped from the bottom of the pit. I interrupted one of its tentacles with a mud bomb, but the thing shook on the ground for a few times, and then it shrank into the ground and disappeared. ."

"Listening to you, this guy seems to have the ability to use earth spirits, right?" Guan Heng said casually at this time. "Yes, you are right, Lord Guan."

Hearing this, the earth palace toad nodded again and again, and said: "This area should be its activity area, so if we want to catch this guy, we have to let the companions who are also good at earth aura control do it."

"Yeah." Guan Heng nodded when he heard this, and then waved his hand: "Sand carp, dry catfish, you two come here."


"Huff!" Hearing this, the two earth beasts immediately agreed, and flew to Guan Heng's feet. Guan Heng said at this time: "Now we are about to catch the guy who sneaked on the little earth toad, you two Work hard, try to catch each other in one go, go."

The two beasts looked at each other, then immediately nodded in agreement, and slid into the soil. There is no doubt that the area around this is the territory of the monster that controls the soil. It can even move freely underground, but when it encounters the underground sand carp and the pure land dry catfish, this guy has nothing to hide.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ping pong pong!"


Between the lightning and the fire, there was a series of violent noises from the ground, which shook everyone almost unsteady. Ruotao smiled at this time: "Hahaha, it seems that both sides have been pinched."

"Well, and it was quite lively." At this time, Gu Sangnv listened, and said casually: "Sand carp and dry catfish are two to one. There should be no problem, right?"

"Anyway, I'm still very confident in dry catfish and sand carp." Coriander said leisurely: "All in all, they will definitely win, right, Guan Heng?"

"If you win, you will definitely win." Guan Heng replied slowly at this moment: "But I think the soil-controlling monster with tentacles should also have a killer. It couldn't be better."

"Oh, it turned out to be like this." Upon hearing this, Qing Huang smiled and said: "I understand what you mean."

"Boom!" Everyone just said here, the ground a few meters away swayed, swelled, and then burst to pieces.

While the earth and rocks were flying in all directions, a huge monster about two feet tall rushed out of the soil. This guy was covered in mud, his body looked like a bear, but there were a lot of tentacles on the top of his head with long and narrow hair braids. Crackling.

The sludge tentacles fell to the ground with a bang. This guy was besieged by the sand carp and the pure land dry catfish under the ground. He was beaten to his head. At this moment, he fled out of the ground in a panic, but he was caught by the king of armor and the demon. Mandrill, white-browed old monkey and earth palace toad surrounded.

"Hmm, let's see where you are going to escape this time!" When saying this, the earth palace toad let out a low roar, suddenly released the murderous coercion, and suddenly covered the sludge tentacle monster, scaring this guy into Lingling. There was a cold war.

At the same time, Mandrill also walked forward with a grin, squeezing his fists, and said: "I heard that you are so impatient that you dare to attack Little Earth Toad. Let me teach you a lesson."

"Hey, count me."

"Hey!" As he spoke, King Armor also rushed forward fiercely, followed by an old white-browed monkey who screamed strangely.

"Ping pong pong!"


"Boom boom boom!"

Just in the blink of an eye, the sludge tentacle monster was beaten up and down. The group of beasts attacked very fiercely, but although the blow this guy suffered was not light, it did not cause fatal injuries. After all, Guan Heng had just told him that he must stay. Live, so everyone just punched and kicked, and didn't play black hands.

"Stop it, stop first." Guan Heng said in a loud voice at this time: "If you continue to fight like this, this guy is really going to die."

"Ha ha ha, since Lord Guan told us to stop, let's stop."

As the mandrill said, he had already retracted his fist, and at the same time, the old white-browed monkey kicked fiercely on the waist of the sludge tentacle monster. The opponent suddenly sprayed out a big mouth of blood mist, his expression was once again lost and he flew quickly, and Guan Heng sank his face. : "Dead monkey, you are disobedient again, didn't you tell you to stop?"

"Which, wooch!" Hearing this, the white-browed old monkey yelled twice, arguing for himself, which meant to say: "I really stopped, just kicking this guy with my feet just now. "

"Battle monkey, you really dare to argue, go away." Guan Heng waved his hand anger, and then said: "I won't care about you this time."

Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey ran to the side with a smiley face. At this time, Guan Heng had already strode to the sludge tentacle monster, kicked the guy with his foot, and then said nonchalantly: "Hey, are you dead? If you die, just make a sound."

"Puff......" Guan Heng said, and An Yan next to him suddenly laughed. She said: "Big brother, if you lose your breath, do you think it might make a noise?"

"It shouldn't be there?" Guan Heng smiled slightly, and said casually: "I said that on purpose anyway."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng shot the sludge tentacle monster and said casually: "Beast, you listen to me!"

"The reason you are still alive now is because we haven't found the entrance to that secret mine. If you know, you'd better take us there. I can make your death easier."

Guan Heng sneered at this moment: "Otherwise, I will make you not live like this, do you understand?"

"Ohhhhhhh!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the sludge tentacle monster was so angry that he shuddered like sifting chaff. This guy burst out with a hoarse roar, and wanted to struggle to stand up and bite Guan Heng while shaking his head. The braided tentacles slammed to Guan Heng's body.

"It seems that the mandrill and the old monkey were still light in their hands before, and they couldn't let you, a beast, see their future clearly and be deadly!"



It’s too late to say, then it’s fast, Guan Heng only used one right hand, and he squeezed all the tentacles of the other party’s braided hair like lightning. All these things have been chopped down!"



Hearing this, An Yan swiftly swung the Great Sword of the Last Soul and violently cut it down, "Puff Puff Puff!" After a short while, the mud tentacle monster's head was bald, leaving only the **** and severed roots.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh!" Feeling the pain on the top of the head, the sludge monster knew that he was completely useless. The reason why this guy was able to walk through the ground unimpeded was because these braided tentacles helped. On the road to death!

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