Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11575: Tiny monster

"Yes, master." Upon hearing this, the evil worm mother agreed, and immediately hurried over with the Golden Sting King and Guhuang Roar.

At this moment, the big evil spirit king who was rushing has been more than ten feet away. Suddenly, the golden sting king rushed out of the diagonal stabbing like an arrow from the string, "Whhhhhh!" , The golden sting king's aura filaments suddenly covered the great evil spirit king.

"Wow?!" The Great Evil Spirit King, who was busy escaping for his life, didn't notice this trap at all, and rushed into the big net all at once!

"Hey, this guy has great strength!" Jin Xing Wang suddenly felt his body sank, and then shouted loudly: "The third child, the ape souls just came to help. This guy is so powerful that he can't let it escape. !"

"Yes, little ones, hurry over!"

Ancient Wilderness Roar said and waved his hand, "Swish swish!" Several fire claw ape souls flew over immediately, each of them picked up the edge of the big net easily, and then twisted and entangled it at the fastest speed, turning it away. The screaming Great Evil Spirit King was shrouded in it.

"Bang Dang!" Then, the ape souls rose to their powers, and forcibly fell the Great Evil Spirit King in the spiritual energy net to the ground. This guy snorted and almost lost consciousness.

But shortly afterwards, the demons and other group of beasts have already rushed over, firmly holding on to the Great Evil Spirit King.

"Hurry up, hold it, don't let this guy run away."

"Okay, hold it down!"

"Stupid old monkey, you stepped on my foot."

"Fatty, move your hoof a little bit."

Just when the demons, the old monkeys, and the armored king were clamoring to capture the great evil spirit king, Qing Huang noticed one thing: "Huh, what about A Heng? Why can't I see him?"

"Oh, the eldest brother seems to have discovered something just now, and ran directly to the front." An Yan said, pointing to the front.

"Well, it turned out to be like this."

At the same time, Guan Heng had already flew quickly and rushed to the front more than ten feet away.

"The thing that the Great Evil Spirit King is afraid of should be nearby." Guan Heng looked left and right at this time, thinking in his heart: "It must be nothing ordinary to let the evil spirits of that level be inspired by fear. Role, but what exactly is it?"

While thinking, Guan Heng suddenly noticed a fierce aura rushing toward him.

"Haha, has it already appeared? Okay, let me see what you guys are."

Guan Heng thought of this, and waved his hand suddenly, "Swish!" It was too late, then it was fast, and several mutants appeared in front of him to the left and right, and then, the children released their invisibility abilities, making Guan Hengshun. The shape disappeared in the distance.

"Whistling call - whiz -" The next moment, there is a large share of strange gray atmosphere from the channel to the other side soared, fast and extremely.

"Is it a spirit body? Or a weird thing?" Guan Heng narrowed his eyes at this time and looked at the opponent carefully. Don't look at the speed of these things, but in his opinion, they are just like slow motion.

Those guys, weird creatures as small as grains of rice, because they are thousands of them gathered together, they look like large black clouds, which is not terrifying.

"Never allow these dangerous things to easily approach your companions!" After making up his mind, Guan Heng suddenly appeared behind the group of small monsters, releasing a large amount of original flames in an instant.


Just when Guan Heng thought things would continue smoothly, a sudden change occurred!

"Buzzing-buzzing buzzing -" After a few breaths, the tiny monster that felt the flames were extremely harmful to him suddenly split into two parts.

The other half did not retreat but moved forward. These guys were spinning wildly in the air, abruptly driving the fire toward their side.

Guan Heng observed this at this time, and he knew that this small group of small monsters willingly served as the victims of the cover of their companions, igniting the upper body, and used it to cover the survival of other companions.

"Unexpectedly, these guys are quite clever and know how to survive gecko tail docking." Guan Heng's mouth curled up with a sneer. At this moment, that part of the tiny monster that had escaped the flame encirclement actually roared: "Chijiki." grumble!"

Immediately afterwards, these guys rushed towards Guan Heng. It seemed that they were planning to launch a revenge attack on Guan Heng because their companions had been burned to death innumerable.

"There is a limit if you can't help yourself. It's just a mere bug...Huh?!" Guan Henggang said here, and suddenly found something wrong. In just a few breaths of time, the number of opponents has soared to before being burned by the flames. The number has even grown.

"How is this possible? I have already burned a half of them, so why do I reply to the quantity again?"

Guan Heng frowned slightly and kept thinking in his mind, but the other party had already rushed forward in a thunderous manner, and Guan Heng sneered: "No matter what tricks you are playing, you will all be dead if you meet me. "

"Dang!" At the next moment, Guan Heng flexed his finger at the short sword Xuanbing Guyue on his waist, and said casually: "Bahun, come out for me."

"Ooooooo!" Hearing the master's call, the Ice Evil Tyrant souls all rushed out in a rush, wandering around high in the sky.

"Turn all my surroundings within ten feet of a radius into an area filled with ice profound aura."

Guan Heng gave an understatement, and the Ice Evil Tyrant souls immediately roared and released a violent mysterious spiritual energy, "Wh-sw-sw! Lola-" This chill is so violent, even in the blink of an eye, even the air can be heard. The sound of freezing.

The tiny monsters that had just been swallowed and burned by flames felt the surrounding air drop suddenly, so that their flying speed was so cold that they slowed down quickly. There is no doubt that the cold air directly burned them to death by the original flames. I can't die.

"Boom, boom..." It was too late to say, then soon, the tiny monsters that were frozen to their bodies unexpectedly exploded themselves, and they died into powder and ashes.

Seeing this, Guan Heng knew the other party’s intentions. Since they could not escape the consequences of freezing and tragic death, they would rather blew away without letting the enemy laugh to the end. Guan Heng sneered slightly, instead of paying too much attention to the life and death of those tiny monsters. , Because he has noticed another situation.

"These hundreds of tiny monsters don't seem to be real creatures, but clones derived from something, but there are just a lot of them."

Guan Heng thought to himself: "It is precisely because of the large number of clones that the best area for the body to hide is the core part surrounded by these clones!"

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