Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12391: Capture the wolf spirit king alive (the third)

King Jia Yao said to himself at this time: "What the **** is going on here?"

"Want to know what happened? Then I'll tell you."

Guan Henghao said calmly, "The rock that you smashed with your head just now contains something special. As long as it is hit by a strong external force, it will explode, releasing a fierce and unrestrained impact. Watch out, even you can get hurt."

"Then what the **** is in this rock?"

"It's probably something that contains an explosive aura, similar to a fire aura crystal, and it has absorbed aura in the stone for many years, so the explosive power is not bad. I am very interested in this kind of thing."

Guan Heng touched his chin, and then said: "Because the manufacturing principle of this thing is similar to that of the pyrotechnic bead, if I can get it, I can use the ingredients of this thing to enhance the power of the pyrotechnic bead in the future."

"That's great!" Hearing this, Gu Huanghou Cao suddenly lit up his eyes, then raised his voice and shouted, "Master Guan, you must get this thing."

"That's natural, but we must first find the guy who placed the self-exploding rock here." The corner of Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face: "How dare you use this thing to plot against us, the wind evil wolf spirit king, I see that you are impatient!"

"Master Guan is right!"

King Jia Yao stared at a pair of bull's eyes and shouted: "God **** bastard, if it wasn't for Guan Ye's alertness, it would be me who was plotted, and this revenge must be avenged!" With that, King Jia Yao was about to go to Rush through the tunnel ahead.

"Wait, Chubby, you can't go forward yet."

"Uh, Master Guan, why is this?" Hearing what Guan Heng said, King Jia Yao asked a little puzzled.

"It's very simple. The sound of the self-exploding giant rock must have reached the hiding Fengxie Wolf Spirit King. Guess what this guy will think now?"

Guan Heng said casually: "The answer is, this guy thinks that we are very likely to be plotted, and we are all wiped out."

"Uh, is that so?"

Hearing this, King Jia Yao shook his head, and at the same time, Gu Huanghouluo whispered: "I understand, Master Guan, now is a good opportunity to sneak to the other side in secret, we just need to enter the stealth state, It can be done, right?"

"That's right, Hulu, you are quite smart." Guan Heng nodded with a smile, and then continued: "This is my plan, well, it's not too late, let's go with me."

Having said that, Guan Heng took out the Hidden Mist Spider Pill, wrapped it with spiritual energy, and then let everyone enter the invisible state with him, and then he walked forward without any hassle.

At the same time, the area where the Wind Evil Wolf Spirit King is located.

This guy really was the culprit who set up the self-exploding giant rock just now. After hearing the loud noise, the wind evil wolf spirit king was ecstatic. In this guy's opinion, the self-exploding impact force of the giant rock can destroy ten existences equal to himself in one go. No matter how strong the enemy is, it will be wiped out.

But at this moment, when he was not at ease, the wolf spirit king let out a howl, signaling a leader-level wolf spirit beside him to check the situation, and then report back to himself.

To be honest, up to now, the leader-level wolf spirit has not figured out what happened, so this guy is a little scared, but because of the intimidation of the wolf spirit king, it can only fly away with the wind.

After a few breaths, the leader-level wolf spirit flew back in a hurry. It told the wolf spirit king that when he arrived at the area where the accident happened, there was only a pile of ruins left in his eyes, and it was estimated that the enemies had already been smashed to pieces.

"Ow woo-" Hearing this, the Wind Evil Wolf Spirit King was overjoyed, and immediately raised his head and roared, looking extremely excited. At the same time, the few dozen Wind Evil Wolf Spirits around him also cheered.


"Puff puff!" It was too late to say, but it was so fast, more than ten fire beams rushed over from nowhere, nailed a few wind evil wolf spirits, and burned them to ashes.

Because the speed of the opponent's attack was too fast, even if the wolf spirit king saw it with his own eyes, it was too late to rescue him, and he could only watch his little rogue die.

"Kill! Except for the Wolf Spirit King, don't keep the other one." Guan Heng walked towards the other party at this time, and said casually: "Because one of the prisoners is enough."

"Hahaha, die!"


In the flash of lightning, the King Armor and the Mother of Evil Slugs spit out a large stream of original flames, swept away like lightning towards the many wolf spirits, burning the opponent's spirit bodies to sizzle, just in the blink of an eye, the wind evil More than half of the wolf spirits were wiped out.

"Bang!" Seeing that the situation was over, the wolf spirit king who hated these enemies who fell from the sky had no choice but to take the wind and fled.

"If you think it's beautiful, just be honest!" In a flash, the Evil Slug Mother and the Ancient Desolate Shouter who roared in unison appeared in the air, hitting the Wolf Spirit King with a heavy blow.


"Bangdang!" The Fengxie Wolf Spirit King, who was hit hard, fell to the ground and was stomped on by Guan Heng: "I can't run!" Immediately afterwards, large furniture gathered around to watch, planning to see how to deal with this situation. guy.

"Big ghost, search the soul and read the memory!" Without saying a word, Guan Heng immediately called the big ghost out.

"Woo woo!" The big ghost flew to the front of the wind evil wolf spirit, grabbed the other party's spiritual body, and began to search for the soul and read the memory, the wolf spirit king who was forcibly searched for the memory screamed suddenly: "Ow woohoo-"

"Hey, you **** is really self-inflicted, and you dare to plot against us, the sin is unforgivable, and there is more to die for!" King Jia Yao said at this time, gnashing his teeth.

"Hmph, don't worry, I won't let it die easily. This guy will only be refined into soul power by the soul recovery urn. How can it be destroyed directly? That would be a pity." Guan Heng said with a sneer. .

At this time, the big ghost has completed the soul search and memory reading, and it seems that he has found a lot of useful information, and he will transmit all this content to Guan Heng's brain.

"Oh, is that so? Very good, you've worked hard." Guan Heng waved his hand and said, "Go down and rest, I'll handle the other things myself."

Just when the big ghost disappeared, Guan Heng said to the three worms and the king of the armor: "The self-exploding rocks have been found. According to the memory of the wolf spirit king, they are located in the deepest part of the cave. Even the wolf spirit king would not dare to approach that place easily."

"why is that?"

"Because there are beasts in that place that it can't afford to offend."

Guan Heng explained: "So when we look for the self-exploding rock, we also have to pay attention to the other party's dynamics. Of course, if there is any guy who dares to stop us from appearing, it's fine to kill it, and we don't need to think about other things."

"Okay, then listen to you, Master Guan."

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