Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1299: Royal Treasury

Ruta told Guan Heng of these principles one by one. He also specifically told a sentence: "Remember, we are thieves, not assassins and killers. We must not do anything but to harm others. You must do it. At this point, I can rest assured that you will be there. "

"Relax, Brother Ruta." Guan Heng skillfully played with the short blade that Ruta had just given himself, and he said lightly, half-jokingly: "I hate killing and killing people the most, but not How good my heart is, because we are dizzy when we see blood. "

"Hahaha, but what you said is true and false, I hope you have the same heart."

Ruta didn't really hate Guan Heng's humorous personality. He immediately spread out a floor plan on the table, and then said, "The place we are going to tonight is the treasure house of the kingdom's palace."

"Oh, did you look at what kind of bizarre treasures in the treasure house?" Guan Heng laughed. "Or, let's just empty that place."

"No, there is only one thing in the treasure house. It is what I want. The other things are just dung dregs, which are not worth mentioning in my eyes."

Ruta said: "I came to the capital of this country before and committed crimes just to hide people's eyes. In fact, my goal is only what is in the treasure house."

"Brother Luta, what exactly are you talking about?" Guan Heng asked casually: "If I accidentally see it first, I'd better put it away for you."

"It's the same as this, a broken stone with a mysterious pattern on it." Ruta said, placing a stone block on the table: "Remember its appearance."

"Broken stone?" Guan Heng glanced at the stone on the table, and he thought suddenly: "Is this the 'Dentian Stone Monument' that Ruta and Sahei looked for in the earth palace? Maybe this thing will be dark The goddess had a connection that later led to the encounter between Ruta and Dalavier. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng pretended to laugh lightly: "Is this kind of stone monument itself a precious treasure or something related to priceless treasures, that's why you are so concerned."

"No, this thing is not worth much. Except for a long time, it has no value at all, but this thing is very significant to me. I can reach the point where I am today, and all of them are looking for it. Support me. "

Suddenly, Ruta meditated suddenly, and seemed to be in some long-term memory, but he quickly shook his head, and then said to Guan Heng, "I know your skill is good, and it must not be the first time. Get in and out of the heavily guarded place, so, as long as I find the stele, the rest of the valuable treasures, as long as you see it, take whatever you want, but don't be too greedy, understand? "

"I understand in my heart that taking too many things is also a burden." Guan Heng replied with a smile: "Small goals, high value, and things that are not easy to damage are the targets that thieves favor."

"Good." After hearing this, Ruta nodded contentedly. He smiled and said, "You are so talented to be a top thief, maybe you will become my right arm in the thieves' guild in the future."

"Then I'll wait for you, the President, to promote me." Guan Heng finished this sentence, and suddenly laughed with Ruta.


After the two went out, the scene turned into night, and Guan Heng was not surprised at this time. After putting on the black cloth cloak, he and Ruta turned into two rapid shadows, crossing the street and alley, at the fastest speed. Came near the King City Palace.

Under the towering palace wall, the two showed double short-edged blades, so that they quickly climbed up the city wall. After jumping over the wall, Ruta said to Guan Heng, "The palace's treasure house is divided into a bright library and a dark library. It is used to cover people's eyes and ears. It stores ordinary gold and silver jewelry, and the hidden treasures are the real treasures of this country's royal family. "

Guan Heng heard this, his eyes stunned slightly: "So ... the broken stone stele may be hidden in the dark library, right?"

"Yes, as a result of my previous investigation, the broken stone monument is hidden in the secret library." Ruta said softly, "Come with me, and take you to the entrance of the secret library."

Guan Heng followed Luta's lowered shape and dashed in the shadow of the city wall, and gently asked, "Where is the entrance to that dark library?"

"In a prominent place."

Ruta replied: "That's the banquet hall in the royal palace. That house is visited by countless ministers and servants every day. However, the designer used this blind spot of human psychology to build the entrance to the treasure house. Therefore, in these hundreds of years, the secret library has been safe and sound, and has never been stolen. "

The two said as they walked, the speed of the gallop was swift and inexorable, and they encountered two patrol teams of the palace guards along the way. They all escaped in shock, and in this way, they arrived at the banquet hall in a few minutes. Outside the door.

"Wait a minute." Ruta reached out to stop Guan Heng, who was about to break in, and then said, "The alert specifications here are loose inside and tight inside, so it's likely that a hidden stake will be set up to prevent intruders from entering. I want to check . "

Speaking of which, Ruta took off the small water bottle around his waist, took a sip and sprayed it at the door, then took a bottle out of his pocket and opened the mouth of the bottle. He blew out, and saw a large white powder falling in front of him In time, Guan Heng's eyes appeared countless thin lines, and the end of the line was a string of small bells to warn.

Because the water sprayed by Ruta was stained with the powder, they were clearly attached to the thin line, so that the two could see clearly. At this time, Ruta saw a corner on the side without a thin line to stop it. Guan Heng beckoned, and they just walked around and entered the banquet hall silently.

"Before I met you, I've been here to investigate twice and found that the security here at night is stricter."

Ruta was familiar with the environment in the house, and took three steps and two steps to walk under a column with a cross. He said: "The designer who built this dark library is really powerful. He designed it at the door and around the dark library. With the triple machine lock, the guards in the palace are not terrible, but I need a few minutes to crack the machine lock and open the door to the dark library. You are on guard near me. "

"I know, just according to our prior discussion, if there is a situation, immediately learn two meows gently." After the division of labor between Guan Heng and Ruta was clear, the latter immediately pried up the blue brick under the pillar and began to dismantle the organs below. .

Guan Heng paid close attention to the nearby movements. Time passed by one minute and one second, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and he only heard a clicking sound behind him. Ruta whispered softly: "The first lock was released, Guan Heng, You step back. "

—— [2016.6.16 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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