Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1304: Operational deployment

"Yeah, why aren't I included in this Dragon Fighting Demon Fighting Team?"

At this moment, Xiang Hang, who was on Guan Heng's neck, heard an angry voice, "Oh!" The guardian elf Dove himself broke through the restraint of the branded stone and flew out, and Akin next to him was frightened. Jumped and hurriedly sat behind the crowd, for fear that this little guy would propose absurd things like proposal of marriage again.

"Did I say that you have straw in your ears?" Borui said angrily: "What I said just now was" Human ". You are a guardian elf and a wind-speaking dragon, can you be considered human? If you insist on If you make up the quota, both the soul-sucking beast and the rain-praying beast must be counted in, wouldn't it be a mess? "

"I don't care if I don't care, I'm going to join!" Doffer was wayward, and no one could stop that. At this moment, she pinched Borui's ears and screamed, and her tears were almost falling. He hurried for help: "Boss, save me."

"Duffel, don't make a fool, everyone is discussing serious business." To be honest, Guan Heng couldn't hesitate to reprimand this little thing. He turned his eyes and said, "So, you and Baru are both counted. The "non-members" of the combat team are treated the same as regular members. Are you satisfied? "

"Hmm, are you really telling me?" Dovre didn't believe it. She thought about it and reached out to Guan Heng. "What about my treatment?"

"Oh, fortunately I have been prepared for a long time, the props used to block your little guy's mouth at critical moments have been put on my body."

Guan Heng chuckled in his heart, and quickly took out a small bottle and set it aside. He said: "This is the specialty of the Koror Castle, the nectar of Haiyang flower. I know you like to eat this kind of thing, and specially brought it to Borui."

"Howling, Guan Heng is great." Dovre tied her head on the vial and ate her face in the blink of an eye. She ate while saying, "So sweet, if you are a beauty, I would like you to propose. "

"Excuse me, thank you for being insensitive." Guan Heng said this and turned to look at his poor Baru. He said, "My dear partner, we will not be wronged by you, and wait until the next town. , Just ask you to drink. "

"Well--following Master Guan Heng, it really has many benefits, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" As soon as he heard a drink, Balu's drunk dragon burst open and laughed.

At this time, Guan Heng has taken the time to start discussing the next battle plan with you.

"The Phantom Dragon Legion is the last fully formed Dragon Legion." Guan Heng said: "Although we have not confronted them, the head of the legion, Cohan, has already met with us, and the dragon attack of the Kingdom of Germany took place. The farce in the city is what it planned in order to test our strength. "

"I hate that guy in Cohan." Borui muttered at this moment: "That guy is so shabby that it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Zovi, Imira and Dorie nodded in agreement: "Well, we feel the same way."

"Unfortunately, all my memories when I became the head of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment under the pseudonym" Miluo "have all disappeared." Ruta said with some regret: "Otherwise, I can definitely give you some clues."

"Ruta, you don't have to say that."

Ma Ze said at this time: "Of the six army commanders, only Cohen's identity is the most mysterious. No one has seen his true face, and Cohen seems to have a special connection with the abyss Lord Pawn. He often goes around After crossing the dragon tribe Otero, he met with Paine directly, so Otero was very afraid of that guy, and he was at odds with both sides.

"Maze, I've always wanted to ask you, what is the strength of Utro's guy?" Guan Heng asked at this time: "Is there anything special about him?"

"To be honest, I don't know much about Otero. At first, he called our six chiefs once a year ago to arrange a mission to attack the northern part of St. Lomplund's mainland, and then even one He was unwilling to talk to us any more. He didn't take long to drop six tokens and said that when something happened, he used that thing to contact him, and then Utro left in a hurry. "

Ma Ze recalled the scene at the time and said: "Looking at his appearance, it is no different from ordinary humans. He is thin but strong, and the thing that makes me feel the most chill is the endless killing in his eyes."

Hearing this, Guan Heng's mouth flashed a sneer: "I don't know who I am compared to him, who is stronger and who is weaker ..."

"Would you like to hear my comment?" Ma Ze said suddenly, "I haven't worked with Urtro, and I know that I am not his opponent, but I have lost to you ... What surprised me most was not yours. Fighting power, but your unpredictable heritage. "

Having said that, Maze paused a little, and he continued: "Utro's strength, although strong, I can see the end, but you are full of infinite unknown possibilities, so I dare to assert that Ute Luo met you, it must have ended in a fiasco! "

"Oh, huh, that's all you need." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and he said, "If you can't ping Otero by two or three hem, then you can't deal with the abyss Lord Pawn, right, Rutta. ? "

"It makes sense that the biggest enemy hasn't appeared yet. That Utro is just a stone blocking the road, just kicking it away."

Ruta was also a proud man at this time. He said: "Guan Heng, you said, you must collect all six Legion Tokens to find Utro. How many are there now?"

"I have four in my hand." Guan Heng reached out and took out a few round tokens. When he threw them in front of everyone, he said: "One piece of the Slaughter Army Recamo, one of Maze, and the Ice and Fire Dragon Army. A piece of Zaviu, a piece of Ruta's hand, that's all. Now the tokens in the hands of the two guys Cohan and Tivelo are all collected. "

"So, as long as you find Cohan and Tivelo." Akin said at this time: "The last time you said, you already know the whereabouts of the Phantom Dragon Army station, where is that?"

At this moment, Guan Heng raised his eyes and looked at the crowd: "I ask, does any of you know the place of" Shi Mo Cheng "?"

"I know, just about seven hundred miles northwest of the city of Gageira, there is a grand canyon near the desert."

As Jin's eyes lighted up, he quickly said, "It is necessary to say that it was originally a territory of the" Sha people ", but most of the Sha people's civilization perished long ago hundreds of years ago. Now it is almost a no-man's land, only A few surviving Sha people live. "

"That's right, the message I got, the location of the Phantom Dragon Army is in the Grand Canyon of the Stone Demon City." Guan Heng said, "Our next goal is it."

—— [2016.6.17 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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