Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1318: Completely surrender (first)

"Glittering, flustered--" The chain repeatedly squirmed and rubbed on the Basilisk, and the more it became tighter, the pain almost fainted, and the long Basilisk shouted at this time: "Master, master! Forgive me Come on, the servant will not dare to rebel! "

"Wow, you guy is capricious, I can't believe you easily." Guan Heng was outside the circle, so he asked Dovre and Abu seriously: "You said, should I spare it?"

"Absolutely no way!" Said the guardian elves and soul-sucking beasts together. "At the very least, we should make it more bitter."

"Well, I think so." Guan Heng turned his head away now, no longer paying attention to the screaming of the long-headed Basilisk, he whispered, "Doffer, what should we do next?"

"You now drive the flames inside it, and attack the inside and outside of the" Control God Black Cable "in the circle, just toss it for a few minutes."

Doffer sat with a smile on Guan Heng's shoulder and said, "Wait until the physical strength of the Basilisk pet is almost exhausted. I will use it to teach you how to keep the spirit mark in this guy, so that you can control it to be honest. Now. "

In the next few minutes, Guan Heng acted according to his words. He used the poisonous flames of the dragon heart to cooperate with the "Control God Black Cable" in the circle to torture the multi-headed basilisk. The guy kept begging for mercy, but Guan Heng was indifferent.

In the end, the multi-headed Basilisk in the circle was tortured to the point where only one breath remained, and it has also changed from an entity that has been realized to the original invisible soul.

"Good opportunity, Guan Heng," Doffer said at this time: "while rushing now, leave a mental imprint on that guy."

"Understood." Guan Heng agreed, and according to the mantra taught to Doffer, he muttered a word to the multi-headed basilisk, and suddenly, a white light shot from Guan Heng's forehead. .

"Doffer, leave your own spirit in this guy." Guan Heng suddenly said, "Aren't you trying to take this Basilisk as the second brother? Let's get started now!"

Although I don't know why Guan Heng called himself to do this, Dovf did it as he did, leaving his spiritual imprint in the multi-headed basilisk.

"I told you to do this for a reason." Guan Heng whispered to Dovre at this time: "After half a month, I will leave the land of St. Lomplun, when no one suppressed the multi-headed basilisk But it ’s bad, so after I leave, you have to take control of this guy, you see? "

"That's the case, people understand." Dovre smiled badly: "You can rest assured that I will take good care of this second brother."

"Now I'll teach you a way to come and spread out the palm of your right hand."

Guan Heng did exactly the same, and Dovre flew into Guan Heng's palm. She bit her finger and drew a singular pattern with equilateral triangles in the circle in Guan Heng's palm. To himself: "Take care of the blood of the elves, take my master's palm as a prisoner, imprison the soul demon king, and open-"

"Oh!" In the middle of time, the darkening of the Shenshen Stone Formation appeared, and the multi-headed snake dwindled continuously in the scream, finally shrinking into a spherical soul body only the size of a walnut. Palms.

At this moment, Guan Heng's palm had an imprint of a monster with a long head. Suddenly, Guan Heng patted his palm. He shouted, "Basilisk, give me out!"

"Oh!" The serpent's imprint on the palm suddenly disappeared, but the invisible soul of the long serpent had floated in midair.

At this time, the soul demon king had no rebellious color in his eyes, but turned into a completely obedient attitude. The multi-headed basilisk said softly at this time: "My master, do you have any instructions?"

"Well, let's try your ability." Guan Heng thought for a while and said, "Attach it to the surface of my body immediately to form a" spirit shield "!"

"Observe, my master, willing to work for you." The voice didn't fall, and the multi-headed snake monster demon king turned into a dark light, covering Guan Guan with impartiality, in order to set off Guan horizontal body, this layer Wu Guang even vaguely turned into an armor, and the appearance looked very good.

Guan Heng glanced at Abu next to him, and then waved and instructed: "By the way, part of it will form a shield on the soul-absorbing beast."

"Oh!" The black light hood on Guan Heng's body suddenly parted, wrapping Yabu's body surface, and even holding it gently, Yabu laughed: "Haha, it's really interesting. "

"Well, the experiment is finished, Basilisk, lift the spirit shield." Guan Heng commanded, the multi-headed Basilisk suddenly restored the appearance of the soul, emerged in the air, and asked: "Master, do you have any orders? ? "

"Basilisk, I want to remind you." Guan Heng pointed to the guardian elf on his shoulder and said, "For Dove's order, you must execute it faithfully without hesitation. If I am gone later, Dove Is your second owner. "

"Yes, master, I understand." The Basilisk nodded obediently, and Doffer smiled at this moment: "Basilisk pet, you only need to call my elder sister, do you understand?" "Yes Sister head. "Soul demon king honestly said:" I obey everything you ask. "

After a pause, the multi-headed Basilisk Demon King proactively said to Guan Heng: "Master, I also have the ability to float and fly in the air. These can help you when they form an aura shield on you."

"Very well, thank you for reminding me, I know." Guan Heng slightly raised his head and said with open palms, "You come back first."

The multi-headed Basilisk stunned into a ball of light, retracted into the palm of Guan Heng and turned into a multi-headed snake mark, then disappeared on the surface of the skin.

At this moment, Guan Heng laughed and asked, "Doffer, this time I have collected a second brother for you, are you satisfied?"

"Well, it's okay." Doffer smiled and flew down on the head of Yabu, a soul-sucking beast, and reached out and patted Yabu's head. "But Pet No. 2 is too ugly. The number one brother looks good. "

"Well, sister, are you complimenting me?" Yabu smiled stupidly: "So happy."

"Oh, this is a silly little brother, but it is so silly." Doffer shook his head, and then said to Guan Heng: "The control of the quarry here is very precious. You might as well take away as much as possible. , And then I leave the coordinates, so I can come here later to dig. "

"Well, it makes sense. Let's pick up and take away a batch of black stones. I think the Sha people will definitely like this kind of thing." How much can you take away. "

—— [2016.6.20 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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