Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1331: Super Stone Rune Warrior

"Squeak --- Dang!" The door to the only room on the mysterious fifteenth floor finally opened the next moment.

At this point, Dovrehu flew in first, and then Guan Heng led the elders of the Sha clan to march in, and it was a huge room that caught everyone's eyes.

The top of the wall is inlaid with numerous large shiny crystal spheres, which are used as lighting tools to make the whole room look like daylight. There are countless large and small workbenches in the room with various bottles and jars and various The most striking thing about this kind of appliances is that in one corner of the room, there are black stones piled up like mountains, that is, control stones, in an amazing amount.

"Ah, here it is ..." The elders of the Sha clan were shocked when they walked into this place, Guan Heng explained next: "This is the place where the Sha clan moved to the stone magic fortress for thousands of years. The Titan researcher's secret laboratory, which has not been found, is also the central control tower of the entire Stone Demon Bastion. When the multi-headed basilisk read the internal memory of the stone rune statue, I also knew where this place was and how to open it. Method."

At this moment, the elders of the Sha clan realized suddenly, he said, "It is now the Shifu dobby monster driven by my stone spirit power to open here, right? Mr. Guan Heng?"

"Yes," Guan Heng said slightly at this moment, and then said, "And there is one of the biggest secrets in the Stone Demon Bastion, you never know."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, immediately elicited the curiosity of the Elder Sha, he hurriedly asked, "What is the secret?"

"It is well known that the research direction of the magic science of the Titans has always been known as 'huge'." Guan Heng laughed at this time: "In fact, the development of the stone run warrior and the study of the god-controlling stone are all for the Titans. An 'ultimate weapon' is experimenting with debugging and evolution. "

Speaking of which, Guan Heng paused, and he looked around and said with emotion: "According to the information I got from the initial launch of the Shifu Dobby, the Titans have actually been making some super huge stone. Fu warrior, trying to use this invention to load all the Titan elite, and to cross the land of St. Lomplon. "

"Super huge stone warrior ?!" Dovre flying in the air fell on Guan Heng's head, she said quite surprised: "If you want to control such a giant monster, then the core power source required ——The **** of control, don't you want astronomical figures? "

"That's right. Even the Titans, the direct descendants of the ancient Protoss, cannot have unlimited materials such as God Control Stone, so they can only invent small stone rune warriors to test the damage of the Black Stone."

Guan Heng said here, stepping to a workbench, he tapped on the table and said, "On the eve of the Titan's demise, this giant stone rune warrior was finally developed."

Upon hearing Guan Heng's words, Doffer and the elders of the Sha clan were taken aback by surprise. They asked in unison: "It's finished, where is it?"

Guan Heng did not directly answer the other's question at this time, but then said to himself: "But the completion of the giant stone rune warrior did not stop the Titans from dying. Titan researchers and even It's too late to use the most powerful invention for the first time, and we have to evacuate. "

At this point, Guan Heng passed a hint of mysterious smile. He stared at the Shifu dobby monster driven by the elders of the Sha clan and said, "In this way, the supreme magic science invention of the Titans was buried in the loess. Until one day, thousands of years later, the sand people who migrated to the Grand Canyon found the trace of 'it' by accident. "

"Uh ?! Mr. Guan Heng, you, you mean ... this ..." The Elder Sha was shocked at this moment, because he could hardly believe what Guan Heng said, but Dovre on Guan Heng's shoulder had already taken the lead. Asked, "Guan Heng, do you mean that this entire stone monster fortress is the giant stone rune warrior invented by a Titan researcher?"

"Yes, that's it. Here, here is the room on the top floor of the fifteenth floor, the general control room of the giant stone rune warrior."

Guan Heng stretched out his hands and waved to the left and right at this time, he said, "Look, all the work tables here are driven by small stone runes, responsible for the body movements and limbs of the" Stone Demon Warrior ". Activities, and the Shifu dobby is the chief commander here. "

"Oh my god, this invention of the Titans is really shocking." Doffer said at a loss of voice at this time: "Although I heard that the Titans guys like to develop huge things, they did not expect their writing. It really surprised me. "

"Huh, huh, huh ... this is so, this is so." At this moment, the elders of the Sha ethnic group were trembling in shock. He murmured to himself: "I did not expect the stone demons that have been in my family for more than a thousand years. The fortress turned out to be a huge weapon. It was so funny that so many generations of ancestors could not find any clues. "

"It's no wonder that the researchers of the Sha people in the past did not understand the mystery." Guan Heng said at this time, holding his shoulders together, "Because you can't open the central control room on the fifteenth floor, so you don't understand the real stone fortress. The use is not surprising. Now, it is time for us to start the stone monster fortress, because to deal with the phantom dragon army, the first battle of the stone monster fortress soldiers.

"Yes, the benefactor is right." The elders of the Sha clan said excitedly, "Since we have mastered the giant stone rune warrior, we must kill the dragon clan alone and turn it over to let the abominable invaders. There is no place to die! "

"Guan Heng, if you want to start the Stone Demon Fortress, you must have a large amount of God Control Stone." Doffer thought of the energy problem at this moment, she said with some doubts: "Do you think the black stones here are enough?"

"Haha, look at the god-controlling stones stacked here in the corner, like a mountain, which should be enough to move the stone magic fortress warrior." Guan Heng smiled indifferently: "Moreover, we don't have a whole god-controlling stone. Mine? I can go back and forth with my space stone carving fragments at any time, and energy is not a problem at all. "

"Uh-huh, I just remembered what you said." Doffer sneered at this time: "I almost forgot about it."

"DaDa Da ..." At this moment, the Elder Sha drove the Shifu dobby monster in front of the largest workbench, constantly tapping the button above, and pulling the joystick from time to time, for a few seconds, I heard a loud noise in the middle of the room, the stone floor split in a short time, and a huge power stove rose slowly.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.6.22, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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