Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1339: Rebirth

During the conversation, Cohen's skinny weird claw hidden behind the thick black mist shone out a token, and he shoved the token behind him, and the object was wrapped in a strong wind and leaned into a huge rock. s surface.

"Boy, your arrogance makes me ... very angry, so let's make a bet."

At this moment, Kou Han's entire body of black gas suddenly added a strange blood, his momentum suddenly surged more than ten times in an instant, Kou Han whispered: "As long as you can defeat me now, tokens Take it with you! "

"Kou Han, for a long time, I think you are fundamentally different from several other Dragon Chiefs." Guan Heng reached out at this time to recall the multi-headed Basilisk, he said slowly: "Your strength is definitely far better than the rest. Man, of course, except Ruta, am I right? "

"Well, you're right. I was a servant of Her Majesty Pawn, and I was in the position of chief of the legion just to monitor the unruly guys of the Dragon family. They were really not qualified to compare with me."

Kou Han sneered at this moment: "But I have been forbidden to use real strength to confront the enemy, otherwise ... I have long been unable to hold back the fighting intentions in my heart and fight with you, Guan Heng, you have repeatedly baded me, Today, I let the Sha people and the Titan runes run away from me. I must kill you! "

"Stop talking nonsense, let's do it if you want to kill each other." Guan Heng now had to take the lead as soon as he pressed the handle of the dragon's blade, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "This breath ... ... so familiar. "

"Dragon? Why did you suddenly wake up?" Guan Heng heard the voice of pure white dragon Gannisuo, and he hurriedly asked in his mind: "What are you talking about?" Gannisuo suddenly snarled: "Guan Heng, I'm familiar with the smell of the 'thing' on the opposite side, he is very dangerous and immediately killed the guy !!!

"What did you say ?!" After listening to Ganesha's words, Guan Heng was suddenly shocked. The guy who can alert the ancient dragon **** must be no small matter. Guan Heng's double-edged dragon blade suddenly emerged from the sheath, and he must grab it. Attack, but at this time, suddenly changed suddenly!

"Head of the Kouhan army, please stop now!" A black hole opened up in a different space suddenly appeared in the air, and Devil Dragon Tivilo scowled out of it with a face full of horror, followed by a dozen magic dragons behind him.

Tivilo hurriedly shouted: "Kou Han, His Majesty Otrow, Lord Dragon, and Her Majesty Pawn, summon you and me urgently, go quickly-"

"How can this be true!" Kou Hanwen heard the words, and his black body suddenly became uncontrollable. He whistled frantically, and he yelled, "Tivelo, today, even if I disobey His Majesty's orders ..."

Before Kou Han's words were finished, he saw a sudden "black cloud" flew over the northwest of the sky and slammed into the basin in a blink of an eye.

"Boom--" Everyone present felt that there was a tremor on the ground, and they almost stood unstable.

"Uh-huh, this is, this is a giant stone rune warrior of the Titans ?!" At this moment, Cohan saw the stone warrior fortress standing tens of meters across the towering tower, suddenly angrily: "Abominable, I have been occupying the Stone Demon Bastion for a long time, and I haven't found the treasure in front of me. I'm so angry! "

"I said why Guan Heng came so late. He turned out to be trying to take control of the Stone Demon Bastion, this **** kid!"

The more I thought about it, the more I was eager to get. Now everything fell into the hands of Guan Heng. This anger, like a surge of anger, had brought Cohan to the tipping point.

"Guan Heng, I vowed to smash your corpses and take back the treasures of the Stone Demon Citadel and the Titans."

At this point, Kou Han's two hands and one point in front of the demon domain black gas, will reveal the true appearance that has been covered up, but at this moment, next to Tivello showed something, he shouted: "Kou Hearing orders, 'The Demon Token' is here, in the name of Her Majesty Pawn, and obey you immediately! "

The demon dragon's voice had just fallen, and a sudden burst of black gas broke out from the demon token in his hand. "Oh!" A dozen black cloaked guys with huge black scythes that were several meters long, took Kou Han for a while. Surround.

"This is ... 'Devil's Death Scythe' ?!" When Cohen first saw these monsters, he hadn't even resisted yet. The other side's dozen or so huge black sickles were already on his body.

"Kouhan, use your true strengths automatically. Do you want to face the anger of Her Majesty?" Tivelo said at this time: "Come with me!"

"Tivelo. Don't say Cohan can't run, you just have to stay." Guan Heng saw the Demon Dragon immediately and was stunned, he yelled, "Leave your token and magic plate. Fragments, otherwise I'll break you to pieces! "

"Even if I leave things behind, I will be slaughtered by you!" Tivelo now saw Guan Heng like a mouse when he met a cat, and he quickly reached out and waved, "Today is not the time to entangle with you, you think If you want the Legion Token, go to Maze. "

Speaking of this, Tivilo's body around him appeared countless black flame spheres from front to back, left and right, and Tivilo immediately followed the opposite Guan Heng with a finger: "The black flame of the flame demon !!

"Woohoo-huh!" Hundreds of black fire **** slammed in the wind and slashed his head to face Heng Heng. Tivello took the opportunity to shout to his magic dragon: "Do our best to cover our retreat, Kouhan quickly go ! "

"Don't go!" Guan Heng saw that the Demon Dragon wanted to escape again, and his anger didn't hit him in one place, but those flames and black fireballs kept coming, Guan Heng had to wave his double blades and attack them. The materials were shredded with a knife wind.

"Boom-bang!" At this moment, the giant stone rune warrior who changed the stone magic fortress suddenly punched out, and hit a dozen magic dragons that flew over. It was a hit. There was nothing fancy about this punch. Speed ​​and strength are powerful and unmatched punches!

Under this punch, more than a dozen magic dragons were spared, their bodies burst into the air, and they were killed instantly! "so amazing!"

At this moment, the sand people in the general control room of the Stone Demon Bastion, as well as Borui and Ruta, were shocked, and Borui murmured to himself: "God, that's a dozen adults. Dragons, fortress runes of fortresses have all been reimbursed with one punch ?! "

"Okay, with such a mighty stone rune warrior, we can avenge the dragon clan!"

Ke Song and the rest of the Sha people were so excited that they couldn't speak. At this time, the elders of the Sha people suddenly shouted, "Don't be too happy, the battle is not over yet. All people should pay attention to vigilance. Go ahead and stand ready to support Mr. Seki. "

—— [2016.6.24 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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