Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1349: Mystery of Dragon Transformation

In fact, the descendants of the Dark Dragon Lord did not die at that time. The only remaining blood is Urtero. The young Dragon Master has a different talent. At a young age, he opened the talent magic power and was demonized by the devil. In his opinion, he was promoted to form six dragon clan regiments, serving as a **** for the abyss demons to occupy the land of St. Lomplon.

However, Utro's heart was clear that Pawn did not trust himself at all, and even arranged for his followers--Kou Han came to monitor the actions of himself and other Dark Dragons nearby.

The thought of these humiliating humiliations, Urtro is full of the desire for strength, he wanted to make himself stronger, Urtro knew that with his talent, if he wanted to become stronger by hard training, he needed It took too long and was not cost-effective, so he sent people to study the "dragon transformation experiment" over a long period of time. Slowly, the transformation of various experimental articles of the pseudo-dragon monster was finally completed.

The next experiments were all about the physical transformation of the elites of the Dark Dragons, first of all the diehards around Otero.

Those loyal dragon fighters who were willing to give everything to him were all transformed into stronger forms and possessed far more fighting power than in the past, for example, transforming the Dragon Magician Cancun.

The last person who received the physical transformation and debugging was Utro himself. His physical transformation process was long and arduous, but just when the work was about to be completed, the news of the defeat of the six major legions in the front of St. Lomprum.

Demon Lord Pawn sent Cohan to issue a strict order to let Otero quickly destroy the human race, Guan Heng and his party. Otero had to give up his final physical transformation and go to the Dark Dragon Valley to meet.

Who knew that when he fought, Guan Heng ’s strong fighting power and the crimson dragon ’s breath crystallized, and he immediately caused Utro's soldiers to fall down. At this time, Yu Yu returned, and the name “Kuan Heng” has become Otro's brain. The lingering fear nightmare.

"Guan Heng's strength is too strong. In addition to the power of the crystal red dragon breath, I feel that there is another strong breath in him, no less inferior to the Lord of the Dark Dragon that year, no, even stronger."

At this moment, Urterol remembered the moment when Guan Heng's momentum broke out in the gorge, his body was still shaking slightly, and he murmured to himself: "Why? Guan Heng has so many unknown forces in his hands? Damn !!! "

"If I only rely on physical transformation at this stage, I will not be a competitor of Guan Heng, unless I can become stronger!" Although the proud owner of the dragon clan is unwilling to admit this, the fact is already in front of him.

Huo stood up and Urtero began to pace back and forth in the room. He murmured in his heart: "Many years ago, Lord Paine taught me how to use the black gas of the Demon Realm, so that my strength reached the current state, but This progress is too slow, so I thought about changing my dragon's physique and integrating the powerful characteristics of other creatures. "

Looking at his own palm, Urtero's teeth clucked, and he muttered to himself: "I originally thought that after accepting the ultimate transformation of the Dragon Race, my strength would soar further, even ... Paine, I can also challenge him. Huh, I'm still too naive. Guan Heng, this guy who suddenly appeared, is like a towering mountain standing in front of me. This guy is my nightmare! "

"I have integrated all the cells and flesh of the ancient beasts into my body, but these are obviously not enough to win the battle!"

Urtro's mood to improve his strength at this time is very urgent, because Guan Heng only gave him a day and a night. At that time, the terrible battle between the two is inevitable, and Urtro's strength obviously needs It's a lot worse than Guanheng.

Just then, suddenly someone whispered outside the door: "His High Utro, excuse you, that ... Tivelo."

"What? It's him." Utero heard Tivilo's name as though he was swallowing a fly. Although Tivilo was also a member of the Dark Dragon Clan, this guy has been with the Demon Special Envoy Kou He had a close relationship and often quietly reported the internal news of the dragon group to the demon Lord Pawn. To put it bluntly, Tivilo was a shameful spy.

Because he has always been afraid of demon Lord Pawn, Ottro has never killed Tillero, but he has always been disgusted with this demon dragon.

But now ... Uttro suddenly thought that Tivelo had been doing research on the abyss demon creatures secretly, so he suddenly thought: "If you want to improve your strength, Tivelo seems to be able to use it!"


At the same time, Borui and Zuo Wei returned to Mrs. Jiang Ge's unknown island.

"Well, I'll go to Mr. Shaharu and see you later." Zuo Wei turned and left, and Borui walked on the beach for a while, and met the rain-seeking beast who was walking.

"Ah, boy, Borui, even saw you here." Qi Yu beast said with a grin, "How are you? How are you doing?"

"Pray for the rain beast ?!" Borui's eyes turned, and he laughed: "I was looking for you."

"Are you looking for me?" Qi Yushou suddenly realized something, and immediately turned around and left. It said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to water Mrs. Jiang Ge's flowers. I'll be out of love ..."

"Stop, you unbelievable guy." Borui said, flinging forward, grabbing the rain beast's tail, he shouted, "This time I will never let you make excuses to slip away. You say it, when will it happen? "

"Uh, uh, let me go." Qi Yubei called in panic: "Do you want to indecently me?"

"Shut up, you liar and beast." Borui dragged his tail and did not let go, and cursed: "You guy, when I promised to perform ice magic for you and condense the essence of Shenshui, but said Okay, you're going to teach me a magic forbidden spell that has been passed down from ancient times. Wouldn't it be tempting to speak now? "

"Hey, you give up your hand first, it hurts my tail." After praying for the beast to break free of Borui's "claw", Qi Yushou said, "Boru, I do n’t want to teach you magic forbidden spells. Things will do a lot of damage to the caster. I don't want to watch you reduce your life after you cast the curse, do you understand? "

"Nonsense, as a magician, who wouldn't know that the curse hurts itself?"

Borui held his shoulders and said, "But I encountered a strong enemy before and found that my advanced ice-based spells could not do anything to the other side. You said that besides learning the forbidden spell, what other killer can I use to defeat him? "

"You have encountered a tough enemy that can't be defeated?" Qi Yushou is a guy who likes gossip very much. When he heard this, he immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "Hey, tell me what happened."

—— [2016.6.26 Second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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