Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1384: Life-saving stunt

"If we continue like this, we will all die here !!" At this time, Urtero, who could not move, suddenly called out, "Guan Heng, this duel is not fair. I accepted the strong magic hearts of those mixed balls, sorry. You are first, so let me bear the consequences of conceit! "

"Utero, what do you want to do?" Guan Heng saw the decisive color appearing in the eyes of the dark dragon clan master, suddenly screaming badly, and with a tense face, he suddenly exclaimed: "Don't do anything adventurous, you ... "

"Shut up, I didn't do it for you. My five good brothers who live and die are still here, and I can't let them be buried for myself!" Urtero said suddenly, "You can't absorb Is it dark? Get out of your hand to absorb the twelve **** of energy light! "

Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly raised a hand subconsciously, driving Dragon's Breath crystals to gradually exhaust the energy of the fighting spirit that gradually came over!

But just at the moment of the moment, Utero flew up and kicked Guan Heng away from him, and then he shouted, "The starburst magic stone is handed to me, and you will roll me soon-"

After all, Urtero suddenly rolled out a scroll in his sleeve and was ripped open by him. There was a black hole in the place immediately, and then Urteror entered it without hesitation.

At the same time, the fierce roar of the master of the Dark Dragon tribe kept echoing in the air: "Guan Heng, take care, my only regret in this life is that I can't fight against you decently, remember ... the palace of the demon **** ... Yan Gulun ... ... the teleportation array ... "

"Utro !!!!" Guan Heng saw his opponent plunged into a different space, knowing that Utro's move was tantamount to suicide. He was in order to protect all the companions in the Dark Dragon Valley, that is, those who transformed the dragon fighters. This was done, but both Utro and Guan Heng ignored one thing: the power of the starburst magic stone was far beyond their imagination!

The moment Mozart rushed into another space, forgetting to die, the power of the magic stone broke out completely!

"Boom-boom-boom!" It was a kind of spatial vibration that could not be described in words. The initial explosion power around it forcibly ripped numerous space gaps, even the difference that Ottro opened with the space scroll just now. The entrance to the space was also propped up by the cracks of the cracks, and there were signs of complete collapse!

"Well, the space that Urtero enters must not be broken!" Guan Heng roared loudly: "Ganeisso, give me all the power of the dragon god, I want to block this strange space door!"

"Guan Heng, you have been using the power of the dragon **** for more than fifteen minutes, you can't ..." Ganniso said in a hurry, Guan Heng shouted: "Everything is to keep everyone alive, you must not Hesitate !! "

"Wh-woohoo!" After saying this, Guan Heng has taken the lead to mobilize the red dragon dragon crystal that is already in control, and let it wrap around his left arm as the source of energy. He shouted: "Quickly consolidate the power of the Dragon God to my right arm. I have gained a chance from the experience of suppressing the Starburst Demon Stone just now, and may wish to merge the two original powers of the Dragon family of light and darkness!"

"Well, okay!" Ganniso saw Guan Heng's adventure, but his heart was full of helplessness, but he couldn't stop it, so he had to let all the power of the dragon and God rush out, all attached to Guan Heng's right arm.

"Uh uh uh-well, hurt, ah!" At that moment, Guan Heng only felt that the arm covered by the power of the dragon **** was as severe as a thunderclap. This is the time after the use of the dragon god. The sequelae brought by Guan Li for Guan Heng. If Guan Heng's body was far more ten times stronger than the average person, he would have died suddenly.

"Excessively using the power of the Dragon God, it was a heavy burden, but in order to support everyone to evacuate safely, I must stick to it!" At this moment, Guan Heng saw a long, cracked space gap not far away, on the opposite side It is the scene of the Dark Dragon Valley, but the gap is about to close.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Hengyan suddenly pulled off the "guardian elven brand stone" on his neck, and flew towards the dark dragon valley outside the gap, meanwhile, Guan Heng shouted with all his strength. "Doffer, go and tell everyone to evacuate here as soon as possible, and the farther the better, tell Borui and Ruta them, I will, will, will, come back, come!"

"Oh!" Just as Guan Heng wished, the elven branded stone was thrown to the other end of the gap in the space, and fell to the ground in the valley of the dark dragon.

At this time, Guan Heng watched the countless manic starburst demon stone energy rushing towards himself, and murmured in his mouth, "Come on, let me see. It is a fusion of light and dark dragon origins. Power, can I stop you !!! "

"Pop!" The left and right hands clasped together, and the two energies attached to it instantly melted together. The power of the red dragon's breath changed from blood to black as ink, and the incandescent light shining with the power of the **** Ganeso quickly gathered. Suddenly twisted into a stream of energy spheres with red and white wind.

"Uh ... the arm muscles torn by the power of the dragon **** seem to be slowly repaired by this energy ?!"

The doubts in Guan Heng's brain flashed. At this time, he couldn't hesitate any more, so Guan Heng's palms suddenly stretched forward, spit out the light and dark dragon source energy ball quickly: "The power of the starburst magic stone Come and fight it! "

Suddenly, two cosmic-level destruction forces collided violently, but did not have the violent outbreak of imagination, because people's thinking is far from keeping up with this extreme speed.

At this moment, Guan Heng only felt that his body was under a powerful impact, and suddenly retreated 100 meters ... kilometers ... 10,000 meters ... until the endless distant land.

At the same time when his body retreated sharply, Guan Heng heard Ganesha screaming in his mind, suddenly regaining his consciousness. Suddenly, Guan Heng remembered his last killer, he suddenly reached out his hand, In a flash, a few crystal-clear "beads with visible text" suddenly appeared between the fingers!

The four inlaid texts in the current beads are "empty", "between", "turn" and "shift"!

This is the first time Guan Heng entered the other world and began to search for Qing Feng's residual soul. He used his final hole card for the first time, because he did feel that the shadow of death was coming towards himself, so the knowledge in his head was forcibly removed. With the severe pain of the present Wenzhu, Guan Heng used this trick. As a price, some of the knowledge in Guan Heng's brain in another world, including vindictiveness and magic, would disappear!

"Bang bang bang!" Gu Xianwenzhu exploded in succession in the order of the four words "space transfer", and Guan Heng's figure suddenly disappeared into place, followed by the powerful power of the starburst magic stone, Sweeping the place where Guan Heng is ...

—— [Second more in 2016.7.3, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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