Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1409: Subordinates like dogs

"Your son has caused a lot of trouble, and it's in my hands ..." Guan Heng said here, intercepting his words on purpose, he said casually: "This is not the place to speak, let's Find a quiet place to talk. "

"Well ... well, please follow me." Perhaps it was the invisible pressure emanating from Guan Heng who was vague. Old Capone didn't dare to say anything. He immediately made a "please" gesture and took With brothers and sisters Guan Heng and Seraki walk to the tribal village in the mountains.

In the old patriarch's room, Opal was crying and embarrassed, and met himself with Guan Heng. After talking to his father, Old Kai Peng looked at Guan Heng, who was sitting in a big chair in front of him, and there was nothing behind him The standing patriarch Seraki and Ting Si, the old patriarch's face is getting ugly.

"Mr. Guan Heng, what do you want?" He repeatedly said, cautiously, finally, "If my children and those people offend you, I am really sorry ..."

"Old Cappen, please wait a moment."

At this moment, Guan Heng waved casually, he said, "Your unsmiling tribe harassed my companions, and I was furious so I shot them off the road, but now I think about it, my decision is somewhat I did n’t think about it, so I showed mercy to the chief of the clan. I think we will expose it here, and I wo n’t hurt any of you in the ancient skeletons because of this incident. ”

"Uh ?! Is that so? Thank you so much."

After listening to Guan Heng's words, the old Capen was secretly relieved, because a strong person like Guan Heng who can instantly kill many ancient skeleton people can not afford to offend an ancient skeleton, but there is something in his heart Confused, he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Guan Heng, now that the misunderstanding has been lifted, what's the matter with you when you come to the village of our ancient skeletons?"

At this time, Guan Heng first smiled and said nothing. He secretly observed the room of the old Captain, and found that the house was simple. Before coming here, Guan Heng found that the hardships of the people of the ancient skeletons here were comparable. Pigs and dogs might as well describe it, so he already had a mind in his mind.

"Old Cappen, it seems that you people of the ancient skeletons ... it's really difficult to live." Guan Heng slowly raised Erlang's legs at this time, and then said: "Have you ever thought about letting your own people pass More comfortable and richer? "

"This ... oh, how easy it is!" Although I do n’t know why Guan Heng asked so, the old Capen's wrinkled face involuntarily revealed a hint of embarrassment and helplessness, he said subconsciously: "In our On the heads of the descendants, there are two mountains under pressure. "

"Well, is it the ancient skull and tribe, right? For specific things, I also heard Chief Opo said a few words."

Guan Heng said at this time: "The upper and middle ethnic groups hold the 'Evil God's Soul Sacrifice Festival' every year. They must contribute to the lives of many blood descent people, but the two ethnic groups are not outstanding. They only contribute. It is really unfair to fall on your tribe. "

"Oh ... this ..." Hearing Guan Heng's words, the cold sweat on the forehead of the old Cappen clan suddenly appeared endlessly. He stunned and said, "Mr. Guan Heng, what do you mean by so much?"

"In a nutshell, I came to Bone Devil Ridge this time. I did n’t visit your place for anything else, but I wanted to take something in the sleeping place of the ancient skull and evil god. But, I do n’t know what the item is. Where I put it, so I thought of a way that would benefit you and us. "

Speaking of this, Guan Heng's mouth suddenly passed a smile, he said, "I intend to help you ascend to the position of the sole patriarch of the Ancient Skull, and you must give me that thing!"

"Help me get on the seat of the only patriarch ?!" Old Capone heard Guan Heng's words, and a pair of eyes suddenly began to chatter, panic, fear and a little greedy expression, constantly changing back and forth on his face, apparently Guan Heng was talking about a very bold and even crazy method, but it is undeniable that old Capone ... his heart was moving!

Over the years, under the oppression of the upper and middle ethnic groups, the Guxiaxia tribe has had an extremely difficult time, saying that it is not as good as pigs and dogs, not to mention how the two ethnic groups draw heavy taxes on the tribe ’s people. Just holding the "Evil God's Soul Sacrifice Festival" every year, there are no fewer than dozens of people who have been forcibly taken down and sacrificed, and sometimes even more than a hundred people.

However, the ancient skeletons did not dare, nor could they resist, because the most elite and brave warriors of the ancient skeletons were cultivated by the upper and middle ethnic groups. If the lower ethnic groups resisted, they would suffer in an instant. To the disaster.

If the lower race is still squeezed by the other two races, it is equivalent to chronic suicide. The whole race will die in a hundred years, but they have only one life, less than a last resort. Unwilling to gather courage to resist, most people choose this way.

However, the long-pressed emotion is a hidden dangerous agitation. Maybe it should explode, but it is just a fuse. At this moment, Guan Heng's word is a lighted fuse!

"Old Captain, you should understand that what I say is definitely not a request or a discussion with you."

Guan Heng stared at the old Cappen who was shaking in the opposite body at this time and said, "If you don't agree with my 'suggestion', then it is useless for me to keep you people of the ancient tribe, instead of letting you be taken up, The guys of the two races were tortured to death, and it would be better for me to kill you! ''

"Tongtong!" Old Cappen hasn't responded yet, but his son Oppowen heard this, but he was scared and stunned, because Ouppo remembered Guan Heng's brutal means of killing dozens of people , I'm still scared!

"Father, father, you promise Mr. Guan Heng !!" Opo hugged Old Capone's leg, he exclaimed with astonishment: "I beg you, instead of dying like that, I Rather take up arms and fight desperately with the superior and the middle! "

At this point, Opo's face was full of tears, and he sobbed and said, "Have you forgotten how my three elder brothers died? They were killed alive during the Sacrifice Sacrifice Ceremony, A sacrifice ... "

"Shut up, Opo! Damn things, do you think I don't want to resist and kill all the beasts of the upper and middle clan?"

Old Cappen, when he heard these words from his son, was anxious and upset in heart, he yelled, "But we can't beat others, we can only treat ourselves as animals to be slaughtered. Do you understand? Do you understand the child? Think of the 'bone armor fighters' and hundreds of evil bones in their hands, which are all big killers that can destroy our entire family every second! "

—— [Second more in 2016.7.8, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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