Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1427: Majestic intimidation (fifth more outbreak)

"Well ... it seems you've figured it all out."

The Queen of the Black Devil Wolf was gloomy but helpless. She immediately threw up a small bottle to Guan Heng, and Guan Heng reached out to catch it. Then the Queen said: "I can undo all the bite non-pure blood werewolf infections. Toxic, the bottle is a powder made of ashes from this mane, which can be detoxified after taking it. "

"Ting Si, eat the medicine powder in the bottle." Guan Heng was handed Ting Si by the antidote. At this time, Seraki said uneasily: "Guan Heng, do you believe this is the real antidote? Will there be no fraud?"

"Rest assured, unless this wolf girl is impatient, she dare not cheat!" Guan Heng said with confidence, and then signaled Ting Si to take the medicine powder. After a few seconds, the three looked at Ting Si The wolf teeth marks on the calves had disappeared, and everyone was relieved.

"Do you have anything else? It's best to make it clear once." The black devil wolf queen felt Guan Heng's fierce murderousness still lingering beside her, and she only had one thought in her heart, which was to quickly pass Guan Heng away. , Let yourself be safe here before talking.

"I said it when I met you just now." Guan Heng smiled with his shoulders at this moment: "The method and path to the sixth abyss, and getting the teleportation debris, as long as these two things If we do, we will leave immediately. "

"Uh, the way to the sixth floor, this is simple ... but the fragment ..."

The queen thought of this, and her face suddenly appeared difficult, but in the next moment, she took a glance at Guanheng with a glance of her eyes, and found that the other person's face was gloomy, her eyes became worse, and she suddenly took her heart and decided to take out something. Send these evil stars away quickly.

So, the black devil wolf hurriedly said, "Well, things are stored in the cave I healed, you and I can pick them up." With this, she twisted her figure and staggered to the distance.

"That's the solution ?!" Seraki and Ting Si thought that Guan Henghui would fight a fierce battle with the Devil Wolf Queen, but he did not expect that Guan Heng only scared the other two words, and forced the Dark Devil Wolf Queen to submit.

But Guan Heng looked at the back of the devil wolf and said, "I always don't like women who are too embarrassed, even if the other party is the enemy. As long as she doesn't play tricks, we can just leave, as for you ..."

Guan Heng glanced again at the Elder Wolfgang who was struggling to get up. He said, "You can also get out of it, remember, don't move any crooked eyes, the little spirit monster in your body, I haven't recovered it yet. "

"Yes, yes, I'll get out of here immediately." The elder had never thought that he could escape the misfortune of his heart, and he was alive. As if he was pardoned by heaven, he fled away in a rush to the distance, as if it were only a clip. Mourning dog with tail.

"Well, Bai ate two Elder Werewolf hearts, but let go of the last one." At this moment, Ting Si suddenly licked her red lips and murmured to herself: "I don't know what the elder's heart is. What smell? "

"Eh ?!" Guan Heng and Seraki heard this and accidentally hit a shiver. They thought tremblingly: "Well, shouldn't Ting Si be addicted to eating werewolves?"


After a short while, you are about a few kilometers from the mountain of Molangbao.

The black devil wolf took Guan Heng and others to the cave where he was healed. She activated the mechanism to open the entrance, and everyone rushed in. Next, the queen looked west in her bedroom and groaned: "Where did that **** teleportation fragment go?"

At this time, Guan Heng saw a huge painting hanging on the rock wall. The painting depicts a man and a woman. They are all the appearance of the demons. The two hug and laugh, their intimate and ambiguous behavior, but Guan When he saw the man's face, he was shocked inside, and suddenly hesitated: "Is he ?! I don't think the Queen of the Black Devil wore this guy ..."

At this moment, the Queen yelled, "Finally found, the fragments are here."

The next moment, the Queen of the Dark Lord threw a fragment of the teleportation array to Guan Heng, and said, "The thing is here. As for the transfer teleportation group to the sixth floor, just behind my stone cave, you follow me. Right. "

When Guan Heng and others followed the queen to the transfer teleportation, Guan Heng said to Seraki and Ting Si: "You go first, I have two more words to talk to the Wolf King alone." Two companions He nodded, walked forward, and stood on the teleportation array.

At this time, the Queen of the Black Devil stared at Guan Heng with a wary expression on his face and said, "I have completely fulfilled your request. What else does Zunjia want to do? Don't you want to regret it?"

"No, I just have an insignificant thing to ask you." Guan Heng asked with a low voice at this time: "I saw the painting in your room. What's the relationship between you ... and Pang ...?" Seeing a sudden panic in the eyes of the black devil wolf queen, Guan Heng seemed to have his own answer.

But the wolf queen smiled bitterly at this time: "Since he transferred the 'palace' to St. Lomplon, we have been missing for many years. Presumably, he has lost interest in my old lady, so I ordered my ethnic Bit people everywhere and increase the number of wolf slaves. "

Speaking of which, the queen saw the cross-section with confusion, and she simply did not hide it: "Because our dark wolf people have a secret technique, after consuming 100,000 wolf slave hearts, they can live forever ... … If I can return to my youth, the man might return to me. "

"That's the case, I understand." Guan Heng turned around and stepped into the transfer teleportation at this time, he suddenly said to the Dark Lord Wolf Queen: "If you haven't given up your feelings for 'that person', it is best to go now Look for him, otherwise he would probably die ... "

Guan Heng's voice did not fall, and he and Seraki and Tings disappeared into the transfer teleportation array.


The next moment, three people have come to the sixth layer of the abyss of the fierce wind roaring and the cold smashing through the bones.

"It's so cold, I'm afraid it's the coldest place in the abyss of the Demon Realm." At this time, Ting Si shook her hands with her weak and thin shoulders, and her brother Seraki quickly took off her robe and put on Ting. Silk shoulder: "Come on, warm it up."

At this moment, Guan Heng was still thinking about what had happened just now, and Seraki cried, "Guan Heng, where shall we go next?"

"Eh?" He heard the other person shouting to himself, and Guan Heng just woke up. He hurriedly called up the multi-headed basilisk: "Hey, immediately turn into three avatars, and help us to block the snow with the aura shield."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.11, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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