Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1447: Leaving in chaos (fifth outbreak)

At the same time, Guan Heng has already stepped into the cell aisle of the basement. He had seen that the man he had just shot was an old man of the Dark Devil Serpent. He had been burned to ashes by his black rocket, and the other four were different. Degree of harm.

The old snake of the snake clan was a flame warlock, equivalent to a senior magician among human beings. He did not expect to be killed in the hands of Guan Heng in the face of a photo. The ghost's shadow had already surfaced, and fled away in the blink of an eye towards the distance.

"Want to run ?! Tell you, no ghost can slip away from me."

Guan Heng whispered coldly, and then threw a long, long-bound **** cable backhand. He immediately tied the ghost into a strong body, and immediately turned it into the soul stone of the soul, and at this moment, the four injured people shouted in unison. "The enemy is fierce. Quickly, take away the two important captives of the ape-devil tribe. Do not fall into his hands."

But at this time, it was harder for these people to get up to the sky. Guan Heng suddenly yelled, "Basilisk, the three puppets who control the patriarch slaughter these people, I'll go to the hostages."

The multi-headed Basilisk agreed, and immediately drove the Snake Chief and the two unfortunate bodyguards towards the four guards.

"Well, isn't this the chief patriarch? How did he do it to us? Is it the evil ..." The four guards and the dead elders were originally close guards of the patriarch Shi Yunsu, known as the "Five Snake Guards" , Strong ability, but did not dare to kill the patriarch's own son.

It was just a little hesitant to work. The chief of the clan who was controlled by the soul demon slain his hand and fell, and immediately killed one person!

"Uh-huh!" The screams of his companions sounded, and finally the three remaining men began to fight back, but at this moment they could not save the situation, because the patriarch and bodyguards controlled by the spirit demon were not afraid of injury. , Just wielding his blade arbitrarily and falling on the person in front of him ...

At this moment, Guan Heng had no time to watch the battle. He had already run to the end of the cellar in the basement. He looked at the cells on both sides of the aisle. The inside was dirty and smelly. All the prisoners were unkempt. Guan Heng walked in while shouting: "Who is Io of the Ape Demon, I'm here to save you, and answer quickly."

"I'm Io ... I'm here ..." At this time, a faint voice suddenly sounded on the left side of the front, and she asked, "Who are you?"

Guan Heng had already ran to the door of the prison at this time. A split fist smashed the door lock immediately. He said, "Don't stop again, go out with me first."

"Huh ... huh ... huh ... this kind gentleman, I can't leave now ..." The ape-devil woman with a sullen face and a scarred face was sitting crookedly at the corner of the cell. On the straw pile, she snorted and said, "My child ... Adan ... the nasty snake patriarch has been arrested. If I run away, the child will be in danger."

"Abominable, is it one step too late?" Upon hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly hesitated. He immediately realized that the cunning snake patriarch had separated the mother and the son, so that he didn't have to worry about Io running away, Guan Heng still said, "Follow me to get out of the underground city first, let me figure out a way to rescue the child."

Having said that, Heng Heng couldn't help but immediately said that Iao was on his back and ran out of the prison.

"Hey, brother, save us." Just as Guan Heng passed through the cells, the prisoners inside shouted, "You have saved one. Maybe raise your expensive hands, let us let go!" "

"Yes, brother, we are all caught here by the Dark Devil Serpents, forcing the ordinary ground Demons to do hard labor, all right, let us go."

"Huh?" Guan Heng heard them shout, and suddenly smiled slightly: "Hehe, this makes sense."

So Guan Heng threw the key in his palm to one of the prisoners who shouted by the fence: "The more people run out, the easier it will be for you to get out of trouble and understand what I mean?"

"I understand, I understand." The prisoner took the key in his hand, and he smiled, "After we went out, even the prisoners in the upper cell were released, and everyone rushed out!"

Guan Heng immediately smiled with a thumbs up: "Clever, don't let me save you a fight, goodbye."

"Basilisk, take back the spirit demon attached to the body of the clan leader, let's walk away." After saying this, Guan Heng had ran out of the arrow with Iosa's legs on his back, and rushed on. The stairs to the outside ...

A few minutes later, the underground prison in the underground city was completely out of order, and almost all prisoners had smashed their cages and ran out.

Most of these people were the single demon clan who were captured by the Dark Devil Snake from the surface of the fourth layer of the abyss. They suffered in this underground city and were forced to do hard work. Many companions have died. Now once they are out of trouble, they immediately look for it. Weapons and jailers slaughtered, and a shout of screams and screams were heard in the jail.

"How can this be the case, what is going on here?" At this time, Shi Ma Sucai, the patriarch of the Dark Devil snake tribe, and Anledo, the special envoy of the mouse tribe, hurried to them, but they were blocked by the sudden fire on the street. I didn't expect such a big change here.

At this time, the jailer who hurriedly escaped from the gate of the prison saw Shi Yingsu, and came to me with a sad face and reported: "Patriarch, the big thing is bad, the prisoners and prisoners have run out. Our tribe and guards have been killed and wounded. ... "

"Dash things, don't tell me these things now." Shi Minsu was uneasy at this moment, and she hurriedly said, "I ask you, have the Ape Demon prisoners in the basement prison run away?"

"Uh, this ..." Hearing Shi Yingsu's question about the prisoners of the Ape Demon Clan, the jailer's face changed drastically, and he became like a piece of paper. He said, "Report to the patriarch, in fact, he was the first to be robbed. It's the woman of the Ape Demon race ... "

"I'm so mad! You group of **** wastes!" Shi Su Suwen heard the words, and suddenly burst into tears, she waved a wave suddenly, and the sky full of black magic gas suddenly gathered around: "Black devil snake Gobble !!! "

The big group of black gas had shrouded the unfortunate jailer's head in a short time, only to hear a click, and the mad snake turned into a black snake with a huge mouth to smash the jailer's head!

"Huh ... huh ..." At this moment, Shi Yansu's mouth gasped, and the fury in her heart was hard to calm down, while the envoy of the mouse, Anledo, was admonishing to dissuade him: "Master Clan Calm down first. Didn't you say that Io ’s little cub, Adan, has been transferred and detained? What we have to do now is to immediately control the little cub in my palm. ”

—— [Fifth more in 2016.7.15, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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