Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1456: Recast Giant Iron Cone

"Okay!" The Great Sky Monkey shouted at this moment, picked up a huge hammer in front of the foundry, and began to hit the giant iron vertebra in front of him. At the same time, he shouted: "Fire!"

"Oh!" Guan Heng's palms sucked forward, and suddenly a large group of fierce fire rushed out of the stove, and fell on the iron cone unbiasedly.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" The split-day giant ape focused on the hammer, repeatedly hitting the surface of the iron cone, and Guan Heng gradually controlled the flame of the dragon's breath to burn the iron cone.


It continued like this. After dozens of minutes, the split-day giant ape and Guan Heng's faces were already glowing red by the fire. The sweat on the two faces continued to drop, and they fell to the ground and rose up. Tiny white gas.

Suddenly, the Great Sky Ape lifted his hammer and shouted, "Okay, now, once again, the fiercest firepower!"

"Come here!" Guan Heng also gave a loud sigh, and with both palms, he sucked out all the flames of the dragon's breath in the furnace. The dragon flame's ball had a diameter of several feet at this time, and it slammed down while it was out of the furnace. Giant iron cone.

"Oh, ooh! Ka-ho!" The giant iron cone was slammed by the flames of dragon breath, and suddenly made a crisp sound, there were countless cracks on its surface.

"Boom-bang-boom-bang !!" The Giant Sky Ape exerted his whole body strength, slamming his hammer and pounding the giant iron cone.

At this moment, the surface of the giant iron cone finally could not withstand the power of the two flames of the dragon's breath and the hammer. In a loud noise, it cracked into countless fragments, "Oh!" These small irons The shards of cones smashed into the wind and burst into the air, with no less than the powerful firing power of a strong bow and crossbow.

"Oh!" The shard scratched the skin of the giant ape, but the thick-skinned ape-devil boss didn't care. His eyes bloomed and his palm stretched out and grabbed one of the fragments. Something!

At the same time, dozens of other pieces have already rushed close to Guan Heng, but at this moment, Guan Heng didn't even raise his eyelids, and the flames of the dragon's breath that fluttered and fluttered around him were already in front of him. With the squealing squeak, the flame of the dragon's breath has broken the iron cone into molten iron.

"Hey, great ape, have you succeeded?" At this time, Guan Heng turned to look at the stupid, stilted giant ape on the spot, the latter muttered to himself: "It seems to be successful, but Well ... something unexpected! "

"How do you support me and don't know what to say?" Guan Heng stepped in front of him and said, "Take it out and let me see."

"Well, after recasting, the iron cone has become like this pair." The giant sky ape opened his palm in front of Guan Heng, and it turned out to be Guan Heng's eyes. Compared with the original giant iron cone, the iron cone with a few inches in diameter is at most only a few hundredths the size.

If it is held in Guan Heng's hand, this size may be just right, but for a large block like the giant sky ape, the iron cone is too small now!

"Uh ... this ..." Guan Heng also sighed at this time: "Anyway, I feel that this iron cone is stronger than before, and your work is not a failure in the end."

"Well, your words of consolation are harsher than scolding me." With a sigh, the screaming giant ape said frowningly, "My great chief of the ape demon family, if you use this weapon, you will not be enemies Laugh big teeth? "

"I don't think you should worry about the size of the iron cone first," Guan Heng suggested. "It's better to go to the Black Fire Basin now and try to see if the iron cone can withstand your tricks. This is the most important thing." important."

"You're right. Despite the appearance of this little awl ... it feels like tears running, but we still have to solve the problem of transmitting debris."

At this moment, the split-day giant ape is not good at saying anything else. After all, Guan Heng is also working to help him cast iron cones, so even he himself is embarrassed to delay further.

After a while, on the edge of the Black Fire Basin below the desert hills, the Great Sky Ape and Guan Heng have already established their footing.

Looking at the Black Fire Basin in front of him, the giant ape said, "Guan Heng, please trouble me first, let me try a trick!"

"Okay." Guan Heng acted according to his words, and the time broke back several meters away. At the same time, the split-day giant ape shouted a roar, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly soared to the extreme. He concentrated all the energy that he could gather on the iron cone, and saw that the iron cone was already in an instant. Began to bloom extremely strange light.

"Oh!" The light mixed with the sharp sound that stimulated the eardrum gradually turned into a huge cone-shaped air mask phantom, just like the previous weapon of the Great Sky Ape.

At this time, the great ape suddenly showed a surprise, and he cried out, "I know, this little iron cone has reached the point where it can absorb my strength indefinitely, and then transformed into invisible energy. Spirit, I finally made this masterpiece! "

Guan Heng looked really well at the back, and nodded secretly: "Well, that's not bad."

Speaking late, at that time, the huge cone-shaped hood phantom was already filled with the mighty power of the giant sky ape, and he suddenly issued a terrifying roar, feeling the power in his palm unpleasant, "Oh!" The sky giant ape suddenly burst into the air, and then waved the cone-shaped energy in his hand violently: "The black fire in the basin, don't want to block my way, see the trick! The ape magic steel is sky-high!"

The sky-streaking giant ape's tricks are indeed full of domineering domineering. At this moment, the explosive cone-shaped energy quickly swept through, and the sea of ​​black fire in the basin below has been divided into two, and the middle is impressive There was a dark passage. The bottom of the basin was scorched black soil, and there were still many huge bones exposed. The most prominent one was an iron warehouse lying obliquely in the soil!

"That's the one. I lost this iron cast warehouse here many years ago, and Guan Heng's teleportation shards are inside." Thinking of his promise to Guan Heng, the split sky giant ape shouted on the black earth. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of Tiezhu Treasury, and the great ape raised the little house desperately and reached out.

"Dou la la ..." A smell of scorching smell penetrated into the nostrils, and then the heart from the palm of the hand hit the whole body of the Great Sky Monkey, because the iron foundry warehouse was baked in the Black Fire Basin for many years. Already burning red, at this moment, the giant ape raised his fists with his bare hands, and the flesh on his palm was almost stuck on it.

But the sky-splitting giant ape can't take care of that much, because the power of "ape magic steel blasts the sky" can only split the sea of ​​black fire for a while. If you don't hurry to leave, it will be completely swallowed by black fire, but Just before the split-day giant ape rushed one hundred steps, the sea of ​​black fire in the basin was quickly closed. Seeing that the split-day giant ape would be buried alive!

—— [2016.7.17 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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