Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1489: Bad news in the castle

Guan Heng and the manager went through the cloister and garden of the castle, and finally came to the huge living room. At this time, Yossi, who walked into the front door of the living room, suddenly took two steps forward and shouted loudly. Said: "Come! Quickly catch the spy--"

"Hula ---" In an instant, around the living room and inside and outside the door ambushing around, there suddenly appeared hundreds of magic guards holding swords and spears, surrounding Guan Hengtuan.

In fact, when he was walking on the road just now, Guan Heng felt that there were countless pairs of eyes around him, but he didn't care, he just wanted to see when the other party was going to have trouble.

Sure enough, the chief Yossarian was uneasy when he brought Guan to the castle horizontally. As soon as he entered the spacious and bright place of the living room, Yossarian immediately called the guards to arrest people.

"Hey, is this the first level of hospitality for the Lord's Castle in the Abyss?" Guan Heng smiled and hugged his shoulders at this time: "I am kind to report the funeral, how can you be so rude?"

"Stop!" Yossé Shen said at this moment: "I don't care where you come from, but I dare to come forward to spread rumors alone, and I am really brave enough, come here, get me!"

"Yes, Lord." A number of magic guards agreed, and when they showed their blades, they rushed towards Guan Heng.

"Hahaha, if you can't help yourself, even the recklessness is not my opponent here, let alone you, these miscellaneous fish!"

With a smile, Guan Henglang's body suddenly turned into a shadow, and the sound of the wind of the "唰 唰 唰" robe with the wind sounded. He had already passed by a hundred guards with a thunderbolt. These, The guard only felt that he was dizzy during a short time, his eyes turned white suddenly, and "plop through" lying on his back and fell down.

"Eh ?! This is ..." Before the blink of the eyelids of Governor Yoss, he found that all his guards had been killed instantly. Seeing this, he stuttered, "No, this is impossible , Even Lord Lord ’s mighty strength cannot defeat so many elite magic soldiers in an instant. How did you ...? "

"Hehehe, this is a secret." At this moment, Guan Hengquan appeared behind the general manager of Yossah, and then patted his shoulders, instantly frightening the other side.

In fact, the reason why Guan Heng can bring down so many people in an instant is not all his credit, because he has ordered the soul demon king to release countless avatars at the moment when those demon guards appeared, and those avatars passed by the demon in Guan Heng. At the side of the soldiers, while they were amazed, they had penetrated into the magic soldier's mind in a gap, leaving them instantly unconscious.

Guan Heng did nothing to deter the general manager Yossarian, and it turned out that his intention had been successful. Yossie saw that his men were all killed in seconds, and he had developed an extreme fear of Guan Heng.

At this moment, Guan Heng stunned and said overwhelmed, Yossarian said: "You guy is not brave. If anyone dares to sneak in on me, I will definitely break his neck, but You're lucky, I don't have that spare time today. "

Said, Guan Heng took out a small box and shook it in front of Yossarian: "I didn't lie to you. When I passed a forest, I found that the Yutian Ye Mozu people had killed many Mozu women. At that time, a woman who had not sighed said she was a daughter of the Lord's Castle and asked me to bring it back. "

"Uh ?! This is the savage demon heart that the savage masters have been struggling for from the Lord of Lords!"

After seeing this, Yossarian realized that what Heng Heng said was true. Suddenly, the face of the lord of the lord's castle changed drastically, and then turned into a dead gray color. He murmured to himself: "Only It's a pity that Master has no longer used this strong heart ... "

"Unused ?! I won't give it back to you." Hearing here, Guan Heng first put away the box and then asked: "Hey, what is this strong magic heart thing, what on earth is it?" usefulness?"

Knowing that Guan Heng only came to report and deliver things, and was not malicious, Yossarian sighed and said, "Well ... it's nothing to hide, I'll tell you."

It turns out that Xiaofei ’s only son—Xiao Fei is very sick and sick from childhood, especially his heart has a birth defect. According to doctors ’repeated diagnosis, the child simply ca n’t live to be 13 years old, and the young child faces the fate of premature death. Become the biggest heart disease of reckless.

But just a few days ago, the demon Lord Penn sent a letter from the devil palace on the mainland of St. Lomplund, saying that after years of research, he has developed a "strong "Magic Heart", as long as the weak and dying person is replaced, the patient's life can be saved.

Paine knew that Reckless would definitely need such a strong demon heart that could heal his child, but the demon proposed to his brothers: Reckless must immediately go to find Herkinson to go on the road together. Go to the bottom of the abyss with the fragment of the teleportation array that you keep, and guard the resting place of the ancient devil there for a hundred years without any approach.

If recklessly agreed to this condition, after he went to the bottom of the abyss, Pawn would send someone to send the "strong heart of the demon" over.

Although he hasn't been dealing with his elder brother Pawn for many years, and also feel that the other party has gradually indifferent to his brother's affection, Savior's earnest recklessness did not hesitate to agree to this condition. After he set off, the demon Lord Pawn really kept his word Promise, sent someone sent the best strong magic heart.

However, there are two major changes in this!

The first change was that since the reckless men had left the first abyss and went to the bottom, the matter of meeting the messenger sent by Pawn and receiving the heart of the strong demon was carried out by three wives of the reckless men.

However, after the unlucky Demon women got the strong demon heart, they did not go too far and were completely destroyed by the ambush of the Demon Demon Clan, which happened before encountering Guan Heng.

The second change ... happened in the first level of the Abyss Lord's Castle.

No one expected that the day after the reckless men left the first layer of the abyss, when his wife and concubine went to the agreed place to receive the heart of the strong demon, the condition of the only son of the reckless men suddenly deteriorated, and within two or three hours, it was completely Whimpered!

After telling the past, Yossarian said with a bitter face, "If a few ladies were not ambushed while escorting the strong demon heart, if time is delayed, you may have time to save Master Xiaofei's life. But now, the young master is ... dead ... "

—— [2016.7.24 second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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