Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1506: Capture the evil spirit

"Unfortunately, don't look at the Dragon God's soul form now, but I must not be his opponent because of this monstrous and ferocious momentum."

Thinking of this, the evil spirits of the demon spirit suddenly retreated, trying to find a chance to slip away, but at this time, Guan Heng deliberately poured oil on the fire and shouted, "Ganiso, don't go with this kind of mess Sorrow, kill him! "

"Eh ?! Even you little bug is coming to insult me!" Hearing the ridiculous words of the other side, the evil thoughts and remnants couldn't wait to seize the violence, but he thought it was not the time, so he hurried to the dragon Shouted, "Ganesha, don't hurt me by making a bad idea, otherwise, the soul of goodwill will disappear together!"

"Ganesha, don't listen to his confusion." At this moment, the old man in black robe shouted out, that is, the soul of goodwill, shouted, "In the past, I have hurt everyone because of that evil thought. You Except for him, I would rather die with the other side! "

"Uh, this ... it really embarrassed me," muttered Ganiso's huge shadow floating in the air. "I want to destroy the miscellaneous thoughts, but this way I put in the good-willed demon soul, Isn't it worth it? "

At this time, Guan Heng suddenly shouted, "Oh, don't hesitate anymore, look! That guy has already taken the opportunity to escape."

Hearing Guan Heng's shouts, Goodwill and Soul and Ganesha discovered that the evil thoughts had fled away in the scarlet mist, and Guan Heng took a sip to the ground: "You two guys are really waste. I have to take a shot. "

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng suddenly jumped up to the sky, driving Long Xiangshu to chase after the evil thoughts and remnants, and he shouted, "Isn't that just a messy relic?" I'll take you from time to time! "

Guan Heng's unspoken voice passed directly into the ears of the evil thoughts and remnants, and suddenly he was angry with each other: "You little bug, if you were not afraid of the Dragon God coming, I would have slaughtered you already!"

But at this moment, the evil thoughts and residual spirits looked at Guan Heng who was chasing after him suddenly, and suddenly he had a clever idea. He was secretly thinking: "The waste is dead, I am worried that I ca n’t find a suitable skin bag. This boy It's a container delivered to the door, why should I avoid him? Besides, with his body attached, the dragon **** didn't dare to hurt me, this is a good idea! "

Thinking of this, the evil thoughts not only stopped running, but also made a big roundabout in the air, soaring straight towards Guan Hengji, he laughed proudly: "Boy, from now on, you are my demon **** New skin container. "

"Stupid thing, go for your daydream!" At this moment, Guan Heng not only did not hide, but instead lightened the back of his hand, and suddenly let go of the ghostly beast!

"If you are a complete demon soul, it will be more difficult for my family to swallow the ghosts and monsters. A cluttered and remnant soul is really a killing chicken with a bull knife, hahaha-up !!"

Guan Heng laughed a long time, and the devouring beast immediately wrapped in the evil wind and roared. It was originally a spirit that specifically restrained the evil spirits. Hearing the roar of the devouring beast, the evil thoughts and the ghosts suddenly scared the spirits to fight a cold war. "Well, I'm fooled. This kid is harder to deal with than Dragon God !!"

Thinking of this, the evil thoughts and souls were too late to hide, he had to bite his teeth, and rushed forward rashly: "You do n’t be crazy, I fight with you!"

"Hoo--" It was late, and then fast, the fierce demon evil spirit remnant suddenly split into two strands in mid-air, and instantly turned into a red chain, only to hear a loud noise "Dola", the chain was not impartial Turned around the neck and front paw of the devouring beast.

The personality of swallowing ghosts and monsters has always been fierce. Since following Guan Heng, he has hardly faced any serious resistance to the evil spirits and evil spirits, and the other party has been arrested. I did not expect that the evil spirits of the evil spirits are desperately desperate today. When he was caught, he swallowed the ghost and beast suddenly felt lightless.

"Oh!" At this moment, the devouring beast suddenly raised its head and shouted loudly, and then the endless momentum burst out. I saw that the scales on it suddenly shined together, blooming with stunning eyes!

"Kalie-嘣, 嘣, 嘣-bang !!"

The fierce and mighty devouring beast trembled, and he suddenly broke the red chain. At this time, he heard the evil soul that turned into a chain and said, "Eh!"

The sky full of red mist and mist suddenly turned into a bunch, and became a embarrassed old man in the red robe. At this moment, he was horrified: "This is not a powerful force derived from our world at all. Where are you from?"

"Hahaha, you're dying. You don't need to know so much. Swallow ghosts and teach me good lessons."

In Guan Heng's long laughter, while the devouring beast followed by the whole body's scale armor blooming suddenly, the sudden acceleration turned into a disease, and the hurricane soared to the opponent's near, opened his **** mouth and bit it down. Suddenly, he ripped off a nearly transparent arm of the old man in red robe.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at-go, it was so fast, two screams sounded almost at the same time, and the check was suddenly startled. He lifted his eyes and looked at it. In addition to the wounded old man in red robes, the soul was kind He screamed with arms around Ganiso's ghost.

"Stupid, don't you remember that both of them are demon ghosts? If one is hurt, the other will also suffer the same damage!" Ganezo cried angrily at this time: "Did you take this thing? Forget about it all? "

"Ah, that's bad!" Guan Heng patted his brain, and he secretly wiped a cold sweat in his heart: "I really forgot!"

But Guan Hengwu insisted: "Cut, you just missed, you don't have to scold me, right?" After a pause, Guan Heng shouted loudly: "Swallow the ghosts, be careful, just catch this guy."

"Woohoo!" Between the electric lights and flints, swallowing the ghost and beating his head rushed to the old man in the red robe of evil thoughts. First, he stretched out his two front paws and held each other forcibly, followed by a snap , And the situation came to Guan Heng.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng retracted the devouring beast in a split second, and used his destructive pupil power to turn the devil's evil thoughts into a soul stone. He snapped in his hand and said in his mouth: "Shit, this time I've caught you."

"Buzz--" At this moment, Guan Heng's demon remnant soul stone trembled in his hands. He seemed to want to forcibly break through. Guan Heng sneered: "Want to run? There is no door, tell You, unless Lao Tzu wants you to come out, be a soul stone prisoner obediently! "

When he said this, Guan Heng had already landed on the ground and met with the goodwill of the demon soul and Ganesha. Guan Heng threw the soul stone in his hand twice, and he asked casually: "What should we do? This guy? Definitely not the right way to destroy it, because it will also pay for the soul of goodwill. "

—— [2016.7.27 fourth more, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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