Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1509: Fight against the enemy

"Hell, this trick is not easy to deal with at first glance." Wu Xueshou had already recovered the scales flying around him at this time, and he whispered to Tingsi: "Is Yabuna awake? Really a waste Egg, I just fell asleep at this time, if we cooperate with it, we can be less stressed. "

"Yabu ... it's not awake yet." Tings almost cried at this time, she said: "It's all my fault. If I don't touch the flower, Abu won't become This looks. "

It turned out that when Guan Heng approached, Yabu and Yuxue the soul-sucking beasts were left to protect the safety of brothers and sisters of Seraki, but this girl Ting and Yabu were too playful, taking advantage of Seraki Without paying attention, these two living treasures ran to the flowers and grass at the end of the canyon.

At that time, Ting Si suddenly became interested in a weird and huge red flower, so she reached out to touch the flower core. Who knew that in a split second, the huge red flower suddenly sprayed a faint blue mist, Yabulda With a roar of "carefulness", he immediately knocked Ting Si out far away, but he was exposed to the blue mist, and then fell asleep with a snoring noise.

When Tingsi wailed and ran to Alabu in front of Seraki and Xunxue Beast, she was loudly scolded by her brother, but no matter what method was used, soaking water, burying her head in the soil, repeatedly slapping, etc. Yabu, the sleepy guy, just doesn't wake up.

Now it's time to be in danger, and without the superpower of Abu, Seraki they can't seem to be capable. At this time, the bloodthirsty demon crow keeps flapping and hissing in mid-air, and the virtual image of the giant demon bird they gathered is already in Instantly solidified, dived down suddenly in the horrifying roar.

"Dangerous, it's all behind me." Wu Xueshou stepped forward with a mighty look at this moment, and then roared: "Ting Si, use the roar of the ice **** to strengthen the power of my ice crystal cannon, Seraki, cover me with all my strength! "

The three of them knew that it was time for life and death, and they had to fight against this move with all their strength, otherwise, everyone would be in danger of being bombarded to the slag.

Finally, in the frenzied sound of his head, the snow beast shouted his best efforts, and the ice **** roar of Ting Si immediately increased the power of the ice crystal cannon. This was the most powerful ice crystal cannon game ever. Giant magic bird ghost.

I saw the extremely cold air that can be frozen even in the midst of the air, and rushed outward in a ripple-like manner, and all the bloodthirsty crows around it were frozen and smashed in the sound of "cracking", and instantly In the air, "Bang Bang" exploded, and then turned into a sky full of ice crystals.

But even with such a strong freeze, it has not been able to completely stop the speedy dive of the giant magic bird's shadow. This evil abyss power is about to devour the exhausted snowy beasts and sierra siblings in an instant. !!

Suddenly, everyone was as dead as a face, and their hearts were secretly crying: "It's over!" But at this moment, Ting Si suddenly felt that something was moving in her arms, and the soul-absorbing beast Yabuya suddenly fluttered out with her big ears fluttering: "噗 hum I woke up— "

"Ah? That's ..." Just after Abu's work was a little stunned, Wu Xuebei roared with a throat and yelled, "Dead pig, don't hurry to stop the magic bird with all your strength, otherwise everyone will be finished!"

"Yes!" Hearing Xue Xueshou's words, Yabu also dared to hesitate again. He suddenly encouraged his cheeks and uttered an orange and yellow mist, which was not ordinary. Bone fog, but the attack method of the bottom of the pressure tank that Yabu stomped his full strength-the fog of soul burning!

"Bang!" The Fog of Soul Burning and the giant ghost bird's shadow entangled in the air again, but at this moment, Yabu suddenly fell into the ground with an upside-down onion, it screamed, and suddenly shouted in a crying face: "Well, my power is completely ... exhausted and my body can't move."

"Bang bang bang ——" At this moment, the victory and defeat in the sky have been divided. The giant ghost bird ghost was previously blocked by the ice crystal cannon, and then entangled with the fierce collision of the Fog of Soul Burning, and finally couldn't hold the pressure. It burst in the air, but at this moment, the brothers and sisters of Seraki and Yuxue beast collapsed at the same time at the same time. Obviously, everyone's strength is the same as that of Abu, and they have already consumed seven hundred seventy-eight. .

"Well, even though my bloodthirsty crow is dead and wounded, you **** things are on the verge of death."

At this moment, the bald old man kept smirking and laughing, he waved to the hired killers and said, "All back, I want to kill these **** with my own hands and let them pay for my baby devil!"

Those killers looked at each other and naturally relaxed, so they all stepped back, holding their shoulders to watch the excitement, and at this moment, the smirking old bald stepped towards Ting Si who fell to the ground: "You girl, you kill me! I have a lot of baby magic birds, I will charge you a little interest first! "

"Don't, don't touch Tingsi!" At this time, Yabuya, who roared loudly, slammed at the bald old man, and slammed into the calf of the other side. Cloth is a few big mouths: "Papapapap!"

"Damn dude, dare to offend Uncle Ben, I'll kill you first." The irritated bald old man said he was going to push Yabu to the ground. Who knew that at this time, Yabu suddenly stared and bite the old guy with a bite On the hand: "click!"

"Uh? Ah ah-my hand!" The bald old man was leaping with pain. He kept shaking his wrist bitten by Yabu, and his whole body flickered in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and pulled the short blade from the boot barrel, and fiercely toward Yabu's body.

"Yabu, don't--" Tingsi saw that Aabu was in danger and was so frightened that she was struggling to pass by, but it was too late, but at this moment, an oblique scream flew over something, "Wow In the sound, the bald old man clasped his short-edged wrist.

"Hey, I just walked for a while, but you have such a big change here ?!" At this moment, Guan Heng, who threw a binding cable to stop the other side, said with a smile: "However, it's time to come back in time, you said is not it?"

"Brother Guanheng, you're finally back." Ting Si was crying at this time, and she shouted at the bald old man: "It's this old thing that bullies us and wants to kill Yabu. You have to learn he!"

"Uh ?!" The bald old man squinted to see Guan Heng, his back was suddenly scared with a thick layer of cold sweat, wet his clothes for a while, and his heart was crying bitterly: "Well, why is this kid showing up again?"

"By the way, I still have a hired helper." Thinking of this, the bald old man threw away the faint Yabu, and then shouted, "Brothers, kill me ... huh ?!"

He just shouted half of this sentence, and the bald old man almost didn't bite his tongue. He suddenly realized that the monster killer that he had hired for remuneration was all caught alive by a huge nine-skull monster in the air.

—— [2016.7.28 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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