Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1525: Absurdity (third more)

"Good opportunity, all the magicians attack the monster's head with me!" Ting Si's words came out, and she took the lead in wielding the staff at the head of the devouring mad dragon and whispered: "Dragon Spell-Ice Crystal Spin ! "

"Hoo--hhhhh!" In a hurry, hundreds of sharp ice crystal thorns quickly condensed and formed in the air. They were all wrapped in strong winds and swarmed towards the target, then, the warlock of the Gryphon Knights. They also used magical attacks to devour the mad dragon.

"Stupid human, do you think my devouring dragon will be afraid of magic attacks?" Tivilo laughed at this moment: "Mad dragon, use magic shield to rebound attack."

Tivello's voice just fell, devouring the mad dragon and his head screaming loudly. A large layer of dark-fog diamond-shaped shield suddenly appeared around its huge body. The magical attack issued by the Gryphon Knight Warlocks immediately hit the shield. Already bounced back, and then smashed around everyone, and everyone suffered a lot of damage when caught off guard.

However, Ting Si's ice crystal thorns issued by the first time, but suddenly bypassed the diamond-shaped shield, and finally all banged on the face of devouring mad dragon.

At this moment, I heard only a series of crisp and banging sounds. The devouring dragon immediately howled and shook his head violently. Although it was thick and thick enough to block Ting Si's ice-based magic, those ice crystal thorns were Impartiality smothered his mouth and nose, making this vicious guy breathless suddenly!

"Woo--wow!" The mad dragon growled and kept snarling, and clapping his face with his two claws, indignantly, Tivilo knocked his head angrily: "Stupid thing, sigh and blow those ice Will the pieces melt?

After being reminded by Tivolo, the mad dragon's brain turned around, and he slammed his gills, and then spewed two hot air currents through his nostrils, and immediately melted the frozen ice around the nostrils. !!

"Smelly girl, you have many things to do. I'll kill you, Mad Dragon, step on her!" Tivilo's most hated at this time was Ting Si, and under his command, devoured Mad Dragon's huge skull. He rushed to Ting Si.

"Oh, Tingsi is in danger!" Seraki and Edin were too far apart at this time to rescue them, but the oblique thorn suddenly flew to the long-headed Basilisk, who swiftly used a thick and long snake neck to turn Tingsi. Around his waist, he immediately took the opponent into the air, and avoided the pursuit of the mad dragon.

"Hum, don't bully Tingsi, I'll hit you—" Suddenly, Abu hurriedly fluttering his big ears, it screamed and flew near the head of devouring mad dragon, opened his mouth and turned a bone The mist sprayed on the opponent: "Mixed balls, try this!"

Tivilo had devoured the mad dragon next to him. Where would he put Yabu in his eyes? I saw the mad dragon's two claws waved his hands, not only dispelling the faint haze, but also hitting Abu's body with the trend: "Hum, stupid Dude, get out! "

"Oops--" Abu was severely hit in the air, and he could not help but scream and screamed and flew out. But it is also a long-time enemy's soul-sucking beast. It is no longer the coward who just knew how to escape.

When I saw Abu in the air, he flipped five or six times in quick succession, and then made a roundabout, and stopped in the air steadily.

"Hoo, if it weren't for my thick skin, I might have been smashed into a meat pie by a big monster." Yabu muttered at this moment, then glared and yelled: "Uh-ah- —I fight with you! "

In the next second, Yabu made a super bold move that no one could think of: it turned headless into a devouring mad dragon, and ran into the opponent's skull like this: "Big monster, Taste my iron skills of Abu! "

"I ate your little beast alive!" Yabu's words didn't fall, and the devastating thief, devouring the mad dragon in his eyes suddenly opened his mouth of blood, and he drew Yabu into his mouth.

"Ahhhh ... I've been eaten ..." Abu in Kuanglong's mouth only uttered a dull scream, and then there was no more sound!

"Yabu, how terrible you are!" At this moment, Ting Si, who was rescued by the multi-headed Basilisk, saw that Aabu was swallowed. She suddenly screamed sadly: "Damn, how dare you swallow it!" My friend, I will kill you! "

Although her mouth clamored to fight with each other to the end, Tingsi kept on retreating. In addition to her, Seraki and Edin and the people of the Gryphon Knights also gradually opened up with the devouring dragon. Distanced ...

At the same time, Abu was immediately sucked forward by the mad dragon, and finally escaped from the rows of fangs and teeth. Then, Abu only felt that his feet were slipping. Slippery, followed by a series of "bone hulu" sounds directly into the stomach of devouring mad dragon.

"Gee--" At this moment, Abu suddenly opened her mouth and spit out something. It was the embarrassed Dovre. She couldn't help screaming, "Pig head, your mouth smells so bad! "

"Well ... and the mad dragon's stomach is even more stinky." Doffer flew his wings and said to Yabu, "brother, spit out another thing!"

"Ah-oh!" Abu did as he said, spit out a round object from his mouth, and was immediately snapped by Doffer in his hand. It turned out to be a dark storage ring. .

"Hehehehe, it's finally here and now. Give Tirillo and his pet a gift."

Doffer and Abu glanced at each other, and immediately piled up a smirk on their faces. In the sound of "Wa La La", they poured all the contents of the storage ring into the stomach of the devouring mad dragon, and piled up time. It became a hill.

After doing all of this, Doffer flew and fell on Yabu's head: "Brother, quickly withdraw to the mouth of the crazy dragon, let's do it!"

"Yes, you're sitting firmly, Big Sister." Yabu said, and immediately fanned his ears and flew up, and flew straight towards the mouth of the mad dragon.

In the blink of an eye, Dovre and Yabu already came near the mouth of the mad dragon. At this moment, Dovre fluttered her wings, and her whole body flashed, followed by a low whisper: "Oh, the fire of the elves, Give me-- "


At the same time, people outside are being ruthlessly hunted down by the devouring mad dragon. This vicious behemoth is immune to magical attacks. The thick skin is thick and fearless, and it attacks the Seraki recklessly. Waiting, let the other side be exhausted, just fled around.

In this scene, Tivilohaha laughed on the head of the mad dragon: "Deserve it, where have you all the miscellaneous momentum just now? Wait, I will torture you one by one. Lethal is as easy as stepping on an ant! "

Speaking of this, Tivilo flashed through the severe and brutal cold mang, he smiled sharply: "But before that, let you taste the biggest trick to devour the mad dragon. This was originally intended for To deal with Guan Heng, but it is also a good choice to use your few cheap lives to try! "

—— [2016.7.31 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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