Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1532: Successive wins (fifth more outbreak)

"I said to you long ago that in front of me who can absorb and use the black gas of the Demon Realm freely, you have no chance!" As soon as Ma Ze said, the keel spear in the palm immediately condensed the black gas around him. After reaching the gun point, he rolled out a random wind and pierced the wind.

"When-crack!" The tip of the keel spear hit the top of the three forks in an instant, and the fork was suddenly shattered by powerful forces. The gun was still powerful, and Ma Ze roared again: "Extend, Keel Spear! "


"Oh!" Bom's powerful gun smashed one of Boum's arms. Then, Boum fell out several meters away in his "erh" scream!

"Oh!" The keel spear in Ma Ze's palm suddenly turned around and retracted two meters in length. He strode in front of Boom and said, "You are a good opponent, but unfortunately I realized the new trick. In the face, it is destined to end in disastrous defeat. "

"Hehehe, you're right, I lost, and I completely lost." At this moment, Boom stood up staggeringly, covering the wound of the broken arm, and he suddenly called: "But I still have hope ... "

Just between the flashes of light, Bum suddenly fell to Maze, and Ma Ze reached out his hands subconsciously, stunned, Bum suddenly grabbed Maz's arm and shouted, "Enjoy it, my last dragon soul origin. ! "


A violent noise erupted near the gate of the Devil's Palace just now, and when the sound shook the Quartet, the transformation dragon warrior Leger suddenly became one of them. Imira took the opportunity to "bang" a heavy punch on his cheek.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The middle of the boxer yelled, and "Teng Teng Teng" took a few steps back, but he suddenly flung the thick chain in his hand, the hammer of the chain hammer screamed, and suddenly, She was so strong that she slammed Imeira's noodle door.

"Shield of Divine Light!"

"Oh!" It was late, then fast, and with a low snoring from nearby Zuo Wei, a thick, solid shield flashing with white light immediately blocked the offensive of the chain hammer.

"When 啷 ——" The chain hammer was shaken and flew in mid-air, and Leger yelled suddenly: "Damn, it's your girl again!"

"Now the young master must be fighting fiercely. I can't wait any longer with the two girls." Thinking of this, the determined Leger suddenly dragged the thick chain, and the hammer of the chain quickly flew down in the sound of "Wala", instantly Revolved around Leger's wrist.

"Uh yeah yeah-let's fight for your death and live!" LeJie, the blood-filled pupil, was screaming, and then slammed his fists, rushing to the nearest Iraq Myra: "The first one is you!"

"Sister Yimela, dangerous!" At the instant, Zuo Wei whispered, and suddenly dozens of sacred light arrows soared into the air, trying to stop him from moving forward!

"Oh!" The sharp arrow of sacred light continued to pierce Leger's stout body, making his wounds soaring in the wild, but Leger was now like a mad tiger, and he completely ignored his own Injury, waved a fierce fist in the fierce roar, "Bee" burst into the air in front of Yimera!

"Abominable, don't look down on girls!" Immediately, Yi Meila's face suddenly showed her fortitude. She suddenly burst out of the power of the whole body, and screamed angrily: "Ancient martial arts, the tiger king breaks the soul! "

Suddenly, a roaring tiger tiger virtual image appeared on the wrist of Imila's claw-type fist, and then banged against Leger's fist.

"Giggle, click! Click!" Leger's thick arm and Imila's slender arm burst into bones at the same time, smashing a large piece of flesh, and at this moment, a sacred arrow of light had also struck Le In front of Jie, he suddenly sprayed a mist of blood, and then fell to the ground.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" "Imira was covering her broken arm at this moment, and finally could not help but burst into a screaming sound. Zovi rushed over and used her recovery magic to help Yimira recover the wound.

"Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Yimera gasped and said, "We won, although it was ... hehe, it was just a terrible victory, but it was a win, right?"

"Oh, Sister Imira is right." Zuo Wei was tired enough at the moment, she smiled reluctantly: "I didn't expect that we could win this fierce hunk ..."

"Hahaha, you two little girls ... good job ..."

At this moment, no one expected that LeJie, who had been fatally injured, suddenly stood up. Suwei and Imila were startled. Suddenly, LeJi held the two girls lightningly. On the wrist, he laughed abruptly: "Tell me about my last strength, the origin of the burning dragon breath!"


"嗖-啪 pop——-" The sound of breaking sounds unceasingly, the keel whip of A Jin's hand has been wrapped in a strong wind, and the ground gravel has been pumped, her opponent Timi hastily left to hide Flashing to the right, he had no time to attack Dori, who was far away, and turned to a throbbing thumping Tomahawk to attack Akin: "Heck, I'll split you first!"

"Hahaha, just waiting for you to come to the door!" A Jin flickered for a moment, avoiding the Tomahawk wind, but pulled out the magic guide of the waist holster and aimed at the opposite side. A magic shot: "Bang!"

"Huh-huh!" It was late, mid-air, and then fast, and there appeared a roaring and roaring ice giant in mid-air. The magic stored in this magic shot was actually Bory's best. "Ice God's Indifference"!

"Hoo--" For a while, the air around it was already filled with bone chill. The indifference of the ice **** as the most advanced ice-based mantra was second only to the power of the curse.

In an instant, the giant snow and ice swept down from the midst of the wind, and it was a fierce frozen punch aimed at the dam in front of him.

"Uh, ah!" In the hissing roar, Dyme was forced to wave the tomahawk to shake the fist of the Ice Giant. Just after the bang, the ice giant's fist was cut and flattened by the tomahawk. Dyme So powerful that he shouted with axe: "Just cut you in half like this ..."

"唰-嗤!" Timmy's voice didn't fall, but there was a keel arrow that came without a shadow and flew to the sky. It was precisely by the ice giant that blocked Timmy's sight for a moment.

"Ah ?!" Just screaming in excitement, Timmy had no time to respond, and the arrow slammed into his own heart, directly smashing the strong demon heart that provided the black gas of the demon realm!

"Well ... uh uh ..."

"When it was ————" Di Mai's huge tomahawk fell to the ground, blood dripped from his mouth, and whispered, "Ha ha ha, you did a good job, and I did my best, but I failed In the hands of women and children, but after the full battle, I can go without words! "

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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