Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1534: Proud of death

Winning and losing, we saw the difference in an instant!

"Snap--when shit!" The five-foot-long Entos steel sword in Utro's palm broke from it, and he suddenly fell to the ground with him, and for a while, blood, had already stained the gate of the demon palace.

"Hahaha-deserves to be Guan Heng, deserves to be my strongest enemy!" Otero, who couldn't stop bleeding, was lying on the ground laughing at the moment: "I can defeat you, I am dead Not wrong, it's worth it! "

Guan Heng slowly returned to the scabbard at this time, sighing, he walked beside Urtero, who was seriously injured, and asked, "How about this time, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, of course I'm satisfied ... uh ... um ..."

Utro's over-excited emotion caused him to spit out another mist of blood, and even his voice weakened a lot. He laughed abruptly: "In my life, I will either run away or keep killing, or I will be cheating. I spent time with tricks, and finally died as a Dragon Warrior. This is the best place to go. Thank you Guan Heng. Without you, I would always ... keke ... "

Urtero said that he suddenly coughed suddenly, and then his face changed greatly. Guan Heng hurried over and lifted his upper body, and then shouted, "Hey, your injury ... maybe there is still rescue, want me ... "

"Stop, it's my glory to be able to get the battle you want, and let me live, don't you always look down on me?" Speaking of this, Urtero's eyes were suddenly exposed, and he suddenly choked on the ground and broke. Entos steel sword with the blade, then roared, "Go to death, you jerk!"

The sword's edge was still three feet, and in the palm of Urterol, he wrapped his wind and straightened towards Guanheng's noodle door. Guanheng was holding Urterol at this time, but he did not expect that he would suddenly have a problem. Suddenly, Guan Heng tilted his head, and the sword rushed across his cheek with a "scream", and then a loud "snoring" came out, and Guan Heng turned his head and looked at: "Is it you ?!" "

It turned out that just now, a silent figure suddenly opened a gap in the space, aimed at the back of Heng Luo who was holding Utro, and slammed.

This sneak attack, Guan Heng didn't even realize it, but was stared at by the opposite Urtero, Urteror suffocated his final strength, and finally hit the opponent with the Entos steel sword!

"Uh-huh-huck!" An angry voice roared. "Damn Ottro, how dare you hurt me!"

"Hum, Cohan ... you idiot, always look down on me?" Urterol laughed at this moment: "Hahaha, you deserve it!"

"Huh, I don't care about people who are about to die. Guan Heng. I'm waiting for the drive at the Devil's Palace. There will be your grave!" I threw down a ruthless word, and slammed into the black hole of space to escape!

"Oh, I didn't expect that I would be saved once by you." Guan Heng watched Urtro slightly shake his head at this time, but the other party said, "Fart, I'll never help the enemy, but I, No dregs like Cohan are allowed to taint our duel, oh ... "

Urtero said, even with his eyes wide open, Guan Heng was pushed open. He stood on the ground with a three-foot broken blade in his hands and stood up. Guan Heng immediately called out: "Utero What are you doing? "

"I ... worked for Pawn for many years, but I did not expect, but he buried the deadly scourge of Starburst Demon Stone in me, and the guest and host for many years became enemies."

At this moment, Utro walked tremblingly to the gate of the devil's palace, and he stretched out a hand and said with a weak voice: "Originally this account, I'm going to find Paine personally, but now I'm dying, this thing can only be left to you. This 'Gate of the Demon Palace' is cast using the strongest Adamantite mine in the Demon Realm. Even if you have to spend your energy to break it, so ... Kekeke, let me do it for you! "

"Utero, don't you die?" Guan Heng advised at this time: "If you use your power to attack the gate of the palace, you will ..."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, Utero yelled at his teeth: "Stop, I'm already dying, where are there so many scruples ?! Avoid—"

Shouting this sentence, Urtero was like crazy, he waved the steel sword of Entos to open the side of the side, and then shouted: "Dark flame flame slash!"

In a short time, a black dragon shadow quickly coiled around the blade of Entos's steel sword, and the invisible sword's invincible gas suddenly surged to more than ten meters.

"Hahaha, eat me this last move-" In the stern air roar, Utero leaned over more than ten meters above the sky, the roar of the young master of the dragon race echoed the sky: "burn, my strongest dragon soul Origin, the gate of the magic palace, you give me-broken !!! "

Utero's last move was the dark dragon flame flame slashing. In the case of the crazy burning of the dragon soul's origin, the power directly chased the dragon demons to destroy the sky chop. At the top of the gate of the devil's palace, it fell down, and with a loud noise that spread throughout the entire palace, the gate of the devil's palace split into two in an instant, and it collapsed instantly, splashing countless dust and debris. .

"Uh ... Utro ..." Guan Heng looked up at this moment, and Utro in the air suddenly turned into gray and solitude, followed by a breeze, and turned his remains into The sky is full of powder, this proud dragon warrior finally implemented the belief of honoring the death of the war, and disappeared.

"Small-slap!" At this moment, the sword of Entos had fallen in the air, and slanted into the ground, seemingly to signal that its owner was gone.

"Farewell, Utero ..." Slowly said a word of mourning for the strong enemy, Guan Heng glanced again at the Entos steel sword slanting on the ground, he stepped forward and pulled it up, then muttered. Saying: "As for the grudge between you and Pawn, I will also end it for you, and then use this sword to give him a hard shot!"

Guan Henggang finished reading this sentence, and several people suddenly rushed from all directions. It turned out that he was a companion of Borui, Ruta, Maze, Zowei and Imira, Akin and Dorie. In addition, Borui Followed by the rain beast.

"Huh, huh, huh ..." Borui hurriedly ran to Guan Heng, and said with a grin, "You and Otero's battle is too loud and quiet, are we? Are we in the room? I heard the fight. "

"Hahaha, Guan Heng, it looks like you have won too." Ruta finished the sentence, and smiled at it leisurely: "How about, isn't it hard to deal with Ottro?"

"Nonsense, of course, we can easily win with our skill and strength." As soon as Guan Heng said this, Ma Ze said with a smile: "I think it should be the same, after all, you are the strongest of us. "

"What ?! Ruta, my demigod thief, expressed serious dissatisfaction!" Ruta smirked at this time: "Believe it or not, I can easily steal all his clothes while he works with Guan ..."

—— [Second more in 2016.8.2, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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