Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1546: Blocked road

"However, at this moment, the major event is not ready, and he must not turn his face with Pawn. Otherwise, even if he can tolerate me no matter how angry he is, he will get rid of me regardless of the consequences."

Deeply aware of Pawn's vicious and desolate personality, Kou Han stood still beside the throne at this time, but said nothing.

Not to mention how the pair of masters and servants, Penn and Cohen, did not agree with each other, let alone the situation on Guan Heng. At this time, Guan Heng had taken up behind the huge arch, and a series of winding up Spiral ladder.

The quicker the pace of the crowd, the more rugged and difficult the road ahead seems to be.

Suddenly, Guan Heng, who was walking in front, suddenly exclaimed: "Stop, everyone stops first!"

Ruta, just behind him, whispered, "Guan Heng, what's wrong?"

"Well, there are traps full of murder everywhere in this demon palace, but the ones in front are too pediatric, please wait for me." Guan Heng dropped this sentence, and suddenly, "蹭" jumped into the air. Then, he swept past the spiral staircase in front of him with dragon flying.

In the next second, I just heard countless tiny black holes suddenly appearing in the stone wall on the side of the staircase. "唰 唰 唰-嗤嗤嗤!" The tiny black arrows overwhelmingly burst out at the speed of tearing the air. , Shot towards Guan Hengyan!

"Oh, it's the raid trap of the small spring arrow ?!" But this is by no means a small arrow of ordinary material. Guan Heng has already felt a very familiar atmosphere on the overwhelming arrowhead-that's the magic explosion crystal Arrows made of stone!

"It turns out that if you do n’t know this thing, you will be smashed by a magic explosion spar when you block it." Guan Heng cursed in the heart: "The people in the designer's office are insidious!"

Speaking late, at that time, the dragon's double-edged blade on Guan Heng's back suddenly came out of the sheath, and then, in a split second, he slashed out dozens of sword-wrapped swords.

"Oh!" The cold air knife froze the air, and quickly formed a layer of "ice wall" in the air. The small arrows made by the magical spar trembled slightly, just like this. Instantly stagnates in mid-air.

"Hurry up and run to the upper tower now!" Guan Heng closed his sword at this time and suddenly fell in front of a group of his companions: "Hurry up, I do n’t know how long this round of firing small arrows is Short, everyone must hurry away from here. "

As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng rushed out himself, and everyone followed closely.

The rushing footsteps of "Da Da Da, 绎" were endless, and everyone rushed to the tower in an instant, three steps and two steps, and went directly to the opposite area.

"Okay, not far ahead is the first side hall." After saying this to the crowd, Guan Heng's feet had just stepped there, and he heard a roar of roaring voices not far from the opposite side: "Stop it. These guys, don't let them reach the side hall. "

Guan Heng waited for eight people to take a closer look, only to find a large group of demons with swords, swords, and spears wielding spears. At this moment, Imira and Maze rushed to grab the first few steps. Yelled, "I'll take care of these miscellaneous soldiers!"

Speaking late, at that time, the keel spear suddenly increased by more than ten meters in length, and immediately penetrated more than a dozen magic soldiers on the left. Imira's chain hammer also smashed out instantly, smashing many magicians. At the head of the soldier, these two men were murderous with their faces, as if they were a tiger into a wolves. In less than ten seconds, the entire group of magic soldiers had been completely killed.

This is similar to a small episode of blocking roads. It did not stop the steps of Guan Heng and others. They have already reached the gate of the first side hall.

"That's it, get in. Hurry up." Ruta, Maze, Borui, Dorie, Imira, and Zuowei rushed quickly, and suddenly entered the gate of the side hall, Guan Heng suddenly called: "Be careful, beware of fraud."

But Guan Heng's warning sounded a little slower. When the six people stepped into the side hall, a sudden change occurred in their bodies.

Because Borui's six were running too fast, when they ran about six or seven steps, they stunned and fell to the ground.

"Ajin, stop now." At the very moment of his death, Guan Heng could only pull Ajin who ran last out of the gate.

When the two looked at the six people who ran in first, they were startled, and saw Bory, Maze, Dorie, and Ruta all turning into baby babies, and Zowei and Imila It turned into a gray-haired old man. These six people were old, small, and all lost their ability to act.

"Well, this must be a weird enchantment." Guan Heng said with a frown on his eyes at this time. "It should be a man who walks into the door of the temple into a child according to the type of men and women, and girls He was taken away from his youth and turned into an old man. "

"What then?" Akin had never encountered such an inexplicable thing, she was obviously helpless and had to rely on Guan Heng to find a way.

"Whether the enchantment here is phantom or real, we have to bite the bullet and walk in."

At this moment, Guan Heng tried to put one of his arms into the side door, and in an instant, his hand became thin and small, like a small hand like a child. Then, Guan Placed his hand on the ground horizontally, and immediately noticed that the speed of his arm contraction increased.

"Oh!" He retracted the arm horizontally, and found that his arm had recovered its youthful luster after a short time. He nodded slowly: "So, it seems that the change only occurs in the side hall, and if it touches the ground, it changes. Speeds up. "

"Guan Heng, look at the center of the hall." Akin suddenly pointed in front of her, she cried, "There seems to be a sign there with a word on it."

"I'll take a look ..." Guan Heng's eyes were sharp and his eyesight was excellent. He could barely see the words on the sign from a long distance. It said: "Walk in and destroy this wooden sign with your hand. It can solve the effect of aging and rejuvenation, but can you go so far? "

"Eh ?! This is obviously the trick of Pang to stay here and delay our time." Guan Heng now looked at the door of the temple and reached the position of the wooden sign. By six or seven steps, it was no longer on the ground.

"Run ?! By the way, if you walk slowly, you should be able to slow down the effects of aging and return to children." Guan Heng thought of this, suddenly gritted his teeth and yelled, "No matter what, even if you die, you have to Try it. "

"Akin, I think of a way, and now I need your assistance." As soon as this sentence came out, Guan Heng suddenly unexpectedly held Akin with both hands, and the other side suddenly shouted in fright: "Hey, you want to do what?!"

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.4, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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