Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1550: Strange feeling (third more)

"The one obtained on the fifth floor is a winch, and the fourth floor is four giant chains." Guan Heng has now reached the entrance of the first floor with everyone, and he said in a deep voice: "The third floor and the On the second floor, we found four large iron cones. These are our current gains. "

Ruta raised his voice at this time and asked, "Guan Heng, is there anything to collect on the first floor?"

"I'll take a look at the map." Guan Heng opened the map and looked up, then said, "There is a device with a metal groove on the first floor, which is the necessary thing to connect the winch and the side gate. It's such a thing. "

"Boss, what are we waiting for?" Borui shouted at this moment: "Now hurry up and rush in."

"Okay." Guan Heng knew that now he could go one second faster than one second. He couldn't wait any longer, so he took everyone to break into the first floor entrance. At this moment, just listening to the continuous sound of "Woohoo" bursting into the air, closing in the air not far in front of them, suddenly gathered a large circle of flying monsters.

"This is ... a stone demon!" After glancing at the other side, Zuo Wei immediately pointed at those things and shouted, "We encountered these guys when we attacked the Phantom Dragon Army before."

But after seeing the guys in the air, Borui slowly shook his head and said, "How do I think this is not the same as the stone-devil seen before?"

Everyone at the scene has seen the previous stone demon, like their kind of thing, is a little monster that is constantly resurrected by the black gas of the magic domain, but now seeing those flying coiled things over the first floor, but a little different.

First of all, the stone demons they had seen before were either gray or dark in appearance, but all these things in front of them were red and dazzling.

Moreover, the size of ordinary stone carving demons is not very large, and even can be called short and insignificant. The stone demon is more terrifying and scary.

"Ha, guessing here is useless, let me kill them." Borui laughed with confidence and laughed at the moment: "You watch my performance."

"噌 噌 噌 ——" The voice didn't fall, and Borui rushed forward, speaking slowly and quickly, and he pulled out the dragon and magic wand around his waist in an instant, but Borui's speed was even faster , Slightly worse than the other party.

"Cuckoo-huh!" The crimson stone demons flying across the sky faced Borui together, and suddenly they started clamoring in unison, this piercing weird voice came so fast that it suddenly passed by Borui's body.

When Borui waved his staff to chant the magic spell, he found that he couldn't make any sound.

"Well, Borui is going to suffer a great deal this time, and quickly pull him back!" Ma Ze suddenly exclaimed: "Those redstone demons should use the weird spells transmitted from the demon domain, called 'Forbidden Curses. ', If you are hit directly, you cannot use magic attacks for a short time. "

"I'll save him!"

"唰 ——" Ma Ze's voice didn't fall, and the fastest Imira who was aware of it turned into a disease and rushed to Borui's side. At this moment, three or four redstone demons were rushing from the air. Next, launched a storm on Borui.

These stone-carved demons even held huge swords made of crimson rocks. At the moment, Borui was barely blocking dodging. At this moment, Imira, who was like an electric figure, ran to Borui.

"Bang!" Yimera fisted out, hitting one of the stone demon's great swords in the middle, and the monster snorted suddenly and exited a few meters away.

Inside the oblique stab was another raging shadow. It was Guan Heng, who was holding a broken sword. The Entos steel sword in his palm issued a breaking wind of "唰 —— 嚓嚓 嚓". Killed several roaring redstone demons!

"Let's go together—" As soon as Guan Heng's words came out, Ruta, Maze, Dorie, Akin, and Imira, plus Borui, who had finally disappeared from the curse of the curse of forbidden magic, invariably shot towards the rest. Red stone carving demon.

Everyone has come up with their true talents. How could these miscellaneous red-red stone carving demons be the opponents of everyone, especially Borui's fastest and most fierce shot, using ice and fire compound spells to kill most of the red-red stone demons, because this kid just now For a moment, I almost lost, and now is the time to avenge myself.

Ten or more seconds later, there were no more active redstone monsters in this first floor. At this time, Guan Heng stepped to the place where the stone monsters had just gathered. The rectangular, grooved metal block, he Hurry up and say, "Everything is in order, let's go quickly."

The five-story building you just passed connects a winding corridor in the demon palace. According to the map, as long as you go to the end of the corridor, it is the gate of the second side hall.

The crowd ran non-stop all the way, and just halfway through the corridor, the barrel of Bory's magic pet suddenly trembled. He immediately frowned and said, "Strange, the rain beast seems to want come out."

Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly slowed down, he said, "This guy is usually lazy and I don't know what it means. Now there must be a special reason to want to come out. Hurry up and release it."

Borui slightly twitched his head, then took out the tube of the magic pet and released it to pray for the rain beast. The guy slammed to the ground and suddenly exclaimed: "Well, it really feels like this."

"What feels right? You are inexplicable!" Borui said angrily at this time: "Did you see that we and the boss were on their way? What do you guys want to do?"

"Hey, don't be angry." The praying rain beast at this moment seemed to be asking for someone, and he whispered to everyone, "I just have a strong feeling. At the end of this corridor, there seems to be The surge of energy from the powerful water system of Warcraft ... "

Hearing here, Borui suddenly interrupted Qi Yushou's words: "Wait, what does this have to do with you?"

"I don't know what's going on, I just feel that the source of the water in my body and the seven-star sea snake king beast soul that has already absorbed have an urgent sense of fit with this power." Praying the beast said at this time: "So, I first I wo n’t return to the magic pet's tube, and go over with everyone to see it again. "

"Okay, let's go together." Guan Heng had no comment on this small request made by Qi Yushou. Everyone saw that he had agreed, so they all agreed, and everyone continued to walk through the palace corridor.

It didn't take long for Guan Heng to lead Borui and they came to the gate of the second side hall, where it was locked by a huge metal door without any gap.

Right now. Praying for the rain beast, he rushed closer to watch the metal gate. He looked left, sniffed right, and suddenly a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

—— [The third update of 2016.8.5, everyone is good at noon, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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