Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1553: Crazy Knight (first)

"Oh-oh-oh-" All of the death knights sang in unison, and then, taking off the huge tower shield from the saddle, they swept across in front of them.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" The giant punch of the Snow Giant fell suddenly, but was blocked by a dozen tower shields, leaving those knights unharmed.

"What? Damn it!" When Borui saw that his attack was invalid and was about to intensify his attack again, these death knights began to fight back in an instant.

"Prepare, fire--" Under the command of the Grand Commander, a pair of death knights flickered between the lights and flints, showing the strangely shining lances, and then rushed forward in the direction of Borui.

"Borui, leave these guys to me!" As soon as the words fell, Ma Zeyi next stepped forward, and saw the keel spear in his palm in the blink of an eye. Strike away.

"Uh-huh!" The death knights who rushed to the front were unaware that they were hit by shots.

But Ma Ze suddenly glanced at the tip of his gun, his face suddenly a little cloudy: "Strange, there is no blood on it, can you say ..."

At this moment, those Pegasus horses with no knights on their backs flew over, and suddenly rushed to Ma Ze, and these guys even showed their fangs and teeth, biting them fiercely.

However, when Ma Ze saw this situation, he was not afraid. With a bang, he quickly twisted the keel spear and stabbed into the mouth of a Pegasus, not only smashing each other's fangs, but also Pegasus. The skull instantly “drilled” into flesh!

"Oh!" I saw several speeding figures coming to Ma Ze in an instant, it was Guan Heng, Ruta and Imira who each stopped the Pegasus who flew over to choose someone to eat.

"唰! 噗 ——" Guan Hengzhang interrupted the sword 倏 suddenly slashed down, and immediately split the front half of a Pegasus into two sections. In the next second, Yimera fisted out and hit another. Pegasus's door was stunned and the bone cracked, and the horse fell to the ground in wailing.

"Hoo-oh!" I saw Ruta's figure suddenly passing by the side of several other Pegasus. These guys suddenly had narrow bloodlines on their abdomen. After the sound of "噗" sounded, it was red. The fog soared, this is the masterpiece of Ruta's double short-edged sword!

"Everyone pays attention to those death knights!" At this moment, Ma Ze suddenly raised his alarm to look at everyone who knocked down Pegasus. The original black knights who had fallen horses to the ground all stood up slowly, then held the hands in their hands. The soldier's edge rushed forward.

The first person who came face to face was the chief of the death knight. He yelled with his epee and yelled: "Long live His Majesty Pawn, kill and kill--"

The black armored knights behind the leader also shouted in unison: "Long live Your Majesty Pawn, kill and kill —" This roar was deafening, full of the pathological worship of these bloodthirsty lunatics to the protagonist, and it was also frightening. Role.

"Well, you can use the powdered bones to die to repay Pawn's dog thing!" Guan Heng's voice had not fallen, and the flame of dragon breath had been quickly attached to the broken sword of Entos. The roar cried out: "The one who blocks me is dead !!!"

"Hoo--" The slash of the flame of dragon's breath swept through the air, turning into a mad dragon flying in the air, devouring the body of the death knight's chief in no time.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." The Grand Commander screamed aloud in the burning flames of fire: "Your Majesty Pawn ... I'll be faithful for you ..."

"Huh, enthusiastic lunatic, only death is your best destination."

Ruta, who spoke this sentence, used a pair of short blades to split the slash in an instant, and "slap", the slash quickly passed the remaining black armored knights, just listening to "click, click" The sound was endless. The black armor on these knights was cracked and shattered in an instant, and the knights fell down, and they couldn't die anymore.

The crowd then saw clearly that it turned out that the bodies of these guys in the armor had already changed their appearance, and their entire body shrunk and looked like a living corpse!

"This is the zeal of the guy who follows Pawn, the true face of the death knight." Guan Heng slowly shook his head at this moment, he said: "In fact, these guys have long been like dead bodies, no wonder they would call themselves death knights. "

"Let's move on." Guan Heng said this, and already led everyone to run forward. After rushing forward for a few minutes, they suddenly noticed that there was a black squinting figure on the opposite side, which made a heavy footstep sound, and rushed forward in a frenzy.

"Huh? This is ... a big group of monsters in the monster realm!" Guan Heng yelled suddenly and suddenly shouted, "All dodge to the side, these guys are coming too fast!"

After hearing this, everyone looked slightly changed, only to hear the sound of the “唰 唰 唰” 袂, and they all leaped towards the side, but only about turning their eyes and suddenly remembering something So he rushed towards the herd.

"Guan Heng, what do you want to do?" Ruta was shocked when he saw the scene, but when he yelled and asked, Guan Heng had jumped up into the air, so he flew by using the dragon technique, and in his mouth Shouted: "I'll go and catch a few guys who can be mounts for you."

Speaking late, then, the beasts of the Demon Realm were rushing in an instant, and Ruta and the others had to retreat quickly and watch the next move quietly.

At the next moment, Guan Heng's figure suddenly fell on the back of a dashing unicorn. The unicorn colossus is reckless by nature. It has been running wildly on the outermost side of the herd.

"Slap!" At this moment, Guan Hengzhang suddenly punched his fist in the eye of the unicorn: "Big guy, give me a bit honest!"

No matter how big your body is, there is always a weak area around your eyes. When the unicorn giant is hurting, it suddenly makes a scream of "嗷". This sound is so shocking that even the rest of the beasts are scared. For a jump, they saw the unicorn giant go mad, and suddenly fled away.

At this moment, Guan Heng's second punch had already slammed down: "I'm telling you to be quiet, haven't you heard?"

"Bang, bang!" It's another trivial punch, Rao is so, already hitting a unicorn giant with pain and turning dizzy, it suddenly wailed, and the two front hoofs suddenly fell down and fell to the ground. At this moment, Guan Hengyang shouted, "Okay, tame this unicorn giant. Let's go up. Let it take its place this time. Let's rest."

After hearing this, everyone in Boruiluta immediately smiled at each other, and then “噌 噌 噌” jumped onto the wide back of the unicorn giant. Guan Heng sat on the giant elephant's head at this time and shouted loudly: “Hey, immediately Go towards the four arches, hurry up! "

—— [The first change in 2016.8.6, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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