Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1555: Rampage (third more)

"Excellent, even then, the bug has been smashed."

At this moment, Borui's mouth was upturned, and a look of joy appeared on his face, but he had not waited for a few seconds. The unicorn fairy who had been smashed by the rain and hail storm shook his huge head. T-shaped tentacles began to wrap around the wind and constantly block the hailstones that had fallen.

"Abominable, even struggling to die?" Borui shouted at Shen Sishui at this moment: "That master made you completely desperate!"

"Rain hail, gather—" In a hurry, in the hail storm, those hail fists with big fists actually volleyed and flew wildly, then gathered together in one place, forming a huge "ice-made giant fist"!

"Uh-huh-the wrath of the fire demon, come on!" At this moment, Borui yelled like a thunder: "Take the move, the fire and ice compound curse magic-the fire hail fist of the fire demon!"

Just in an instant, the ice-made giant fist burning on the surface was blasting down from the air, and a "call" blasted directly into the tentacles of the giant unicorn.

"Bang--Boom!" A powerful energy surge erupted suddenly between the collision of the ice fist and the giant tentacles, and it spread rapidly in a ripple shape all around, even the running unicorn giant was suddenly 也是Back.

Just the next moment, just listening to the banging of "Kacha, Kacha", I saw countless huge cracks in the unicorn that was hit hard by the ice fist!

Speaking late, fast then, the huge unicorn suddenly felt an unbearable pain at the top of his head. It retreated suddenly again in the buzzing scream, but the ice-fisted giant fist did not let this quiet Green Giant, seeing the ice and fire's violent sky fist once again blasted forward, completely smashing the head of the giant unicorn with a tendency to destroy the dead.

"Bang-wow!" The giant insect's head and the ice-made giant fist shattered into powder at the same time. All the flying around the sky were the smelly flesh of the giant insect. At this time, the unicorn giant had trot all the way. Guanheng ran past the unicorn's corpse.

"Borui, you are really powerful in the magic of ice and fire." Guan Heng now heartily praised: "I didn't expect that the magic of ice and fire could be matched to such a degree."

The rest of the companions also laughed loudly: "Yeah, Borui, your trick is really amazing, we all look at you differently!"

"Hahaha, in fact, this is also thanks to the boss, he grabbed and gave me that elemental beast, so I can rely on the elemental beast to quickly add magic power after this trick."

Borui scratched his head and said with a smile: "In the beginning, after this show was done, I would definitely collapse and collapse, now it's much better."

The crowd was talking, and the unicorn giant had taken them to the gate of a palace. At this moment, Guan Heng shouted, "Here we are. This is the third side hall."

"Hey, the giant elephant, put us down." The unicorn giant heard Guan Heng's orders, immediately kneeled the four-hoof slowly, and sent Guan Heng and others down smoothly. After Guan Heng landed on the unicorn giant, Said: "For your dedication and hard work, I won't embarrass you, let's run away."

Upon hearing this, the unicorn giant heard his amnesty, raised his long nose immediately, raised his head to express his gratitude to Tian, ​​and then turned around and ran away.

"Haha, this mount is actually pretty good." Guan Heng smiled and said to everyone, "unfortunately we can only use it to get here."

After saying this, Guan Heng first walked to the door of the side hall, then looked inside: "Well, the teleportation array seems to be in the middle of the hall." At this moment, Akin asked: "Guan Heng There shouldn't be any traps here? "

"I think the traps should be on the road, such as the herd of beasts, rolling stones, giant unicorns, and so on." Guan Heng said at this time: "So there should be no place in this hall to be careful, let's hurry up Go inside. "

After listening to Guan Heng's careful analysis, everyone nodded slightly, and they all felt very reasonable, so they stepped into the third side hall with Guan Heng behind.

Sure enough, this is just a place with a clear view. At a glance, there is no place where there are no traps for organs. At the next moment, everyone has quickly stepped into the teleportation array and went to the fourth strange area together.


At the same time, outside the gate of the main palace hall, Kou Han was walking back and forth in anxiety. He murmured in his mouth: "The information just now said that Guan Heng and others passed three teleportation formations one after another The breakthrough speed of this group of guys is also quite amazing, but why ... Paine is not anxious about him at all? "

Thinking of this, Cohen suddenly stopped, and he glanced quietly at the direction of the throne in the main hall, and saw that the demon Pawn was still leisurely tasting the fine wine, and the old **** was in a calm and relaxed manner, as if there was nothing to make him Worrying things.

Seeing this scene, Cohan could not help but cursed in his heart: "Old fox, what arrangement do you have? I wouldn't even know, although according to your instructions, those things are arranged on all sides of the land of St. Lomplon, But that is also the last resort. You can only use it. Do n’t you be afraid to kill them ?! "

"Ah ..." Suddenly thought of an important question, Kou Han was startled: "Oh, I just can't understand why Her Majesty Pawn didn't care about the arrival of Guan Heng, but ignored the relationship between me and him. The most important thing. "

At the moment, Cohen was more and more scared. He knew that with Pang's vicious personality, he must not care about recovering something "something" from himself. In that case, Cohan may be seriously injured or even killed, as a last resort. Cohan must not let this happen.

So at this moment, Kou Han secretly gritted his teeth: "Abominable, if it doesn't work, I have to kill Guan Heng by myself. I must not let Paine take everything from me. The‘ thing ’is destined to belong to me!”

After making up his mind, Cohan thought, "Pawn is keeping a close eye on me right now. No, he can't leave yet. So, just send those people to ambush and cross them along the way. I will take the opportunity to find Excuse me to get out of here. "


At this time, Guan Heng and others had stepped into the fourth unknown area marked on the map of the Magic Palace. It turned out that this was a wide river with no visible end.

"There is a river ... what can I do?" Borui asked frowningly at this moment: "Boss, even a small boat is invisible here, do we want to swim over?"

—— [The third update of 2016.8.6, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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