Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1577: Imprisoned Lord (fifth more outbreak)

"This is a cage made by the demon gold ore mine. I got it in the hands of the Heart Eater patriarch Karupa." Guan Heng then took out four stone control stones and arranged them around the cage, he continued. : "The Sibei sleepy array will keep you locked up all the time, hum, you are here to be honest."

"Abominable ... very different, I still make a mistake." At this moment, Pawn in the cage struggled to get up, and he hissed: "Because I can't completely control the body of the ancient god, Will lose to you. "

At this point, Pawn was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face was whispered pale: "If, if I can return to Ashton continent, recover those fragments to form a complete inverse disk, and find the" spirit " , Must be able to perfectly control the body of this ancient god, hate !!! I hate it-- "

"What this guy said seems to have something to do with the" inverse astrolabe ... "After hearing Peng's words, Guan Hengji frowned suddenly, but he sneered calmly:" Now there is something about this Use? Failure is defeat, don't use your incompetence to make excuses, in this case, even Lao Tzu will look down on you. "

"Incompetent ?! You said I'm incompetent?" Upon hearing this, Pawn suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Guan Heng, don't think you agreed to this seat, you can safely leave the land of St. Lomplund. Even if Lao Tzu is going to die, he will pull you to the bottom of the body with everyone! "

Pawn's words let Guan Heng's heart "sudder" suddenly. He knew that the other party never said a big word, so he shouted calmly: "Pang, what have you done?"

"Hahaha, in fact, this seat has long been expected to be defeated in your hands, but it does not matter, what I can't get, just destroy it completely!"

Pawn laughed hysterically at this time: "Did you know? Just when you were desperately heading for the main palace side of the demon palace, I had sent Cohan to the four edges of the southeast, northwest, and southwest of St. Lomplun, let He buried some 'surprises' in those places. "

Speaking of which, Paine's mouth flickered with a strange bloodthirsty bloodthirsty and weird smile: "Remember the 'Starburst Demon Stone' I left in Utro's heart? It was this thing that I asked Cohan to bury, If the starburst magic stone of the southeast and northwest explodes with energy at the same time, the entire land of St. Lomplon will be completely destroyed! "

"What did you say?" Guan Heng was holding the fence of the iron cage with his hands at this moment, and he yelled angrily: "Miscellaneous things, how can you be so vicious ?! I ..."

"Why? You want to kill me?" Pang said brazenly, "You kill me now, let me tell you. The location of the starburst magic stone is only known to me and Cohan, Cohan It's already farting, if I die, these starburst magic stones that are activated at any time will always threaten the lives of all of you. "

"Right now, I would rather die with you guys than let you return to Ashton."

At this point, Pawn smiled viciously, and then he took an object from his body and shook it in front of Guan Heng: "See? This is the starting device of the starburst magic stone. As long as I gently crush it, ten Within minutes, the entire continent of St. Lomplon will completely disappear !!! "

By the way, Paine has suddenly crushed the starter in a giggle: "Ha ha ha ha, let's die together!"

"Dash, I killed you—" In the fury, Guan Heng wanted to pull out the dragon's toothblade, but his conviction suddenly changed: "Wait, Pawn said that the person who buried the starburst demon stone was ... Cohan? ! "

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly remembered something. He suddenly took two steps back, reached out and touched him ... Just a few seconds later, Guan Heng slowly raised his head to look at Pawn, on his face. A strange flash of light flashed, and then he said, "Idiot, this time you're shooting yourself in the foot!"

"What did you say ?!" Upon hearing this, Pawn's face suddenly changed: "Huan Heng, what does your kid mean?"

"Well, Cohen and you are not in the same heart. How do you know that he will do what you tell him to do?" At this moment, Guan Heng sneered at a soulstone and said, "Thanks to what I just caught Cohan's ghost now knows something interesting. "

"After learning that you are burying a large number of starburst demons and trying to destroy the land of Saint-Lombon, the guy Cohan also began to worry about the safety of his small life."

At this time, Guan Heng said: "So, this guy defy the order secretly, instead of burying the starburst magic stone in the four directions of Saint LP, but hiding those things ... directly under the devil's palace !!"

"You, you nonsense!" Pang suddenly heard the words of Guan Heng and fell and sat in the cage. He murmured, "How is this possible? Could I really be defeated by Kou Han who killed thousands of swords? ? "

"Of course the answer is yes," said Guan Heng, holding his shoulders at this time. "Otherwise, after you activate the starburst magic stone device, why is there no response at all?"

"Uh ah-I'm so mad!" Guan Heng's words were like passing ten thousand sharp blades through his heart, so angry that Pannwa's "squirt" spit out inverse blood.

At this moment, the dragon **** Ganesha shouted, "Guan Heng, the consciousness of the devil and the evil spirit and the residual soul have all been wiped out. Let's retreat."

"Okay, but before that, I'm going to deal with this vicious guy!" After saying this, Guan Heng's face suddenly pulled out the dragon's blade, and then pointed to Pawn and said, "The matter of the starburst magic stone Teach me a truth, keep you, is always the greatest threat to the good people on the land of St. Lomplon, so I will kill ... "

"Mr. Guan Heng, please wait a moment--" Ji Di, a familiar female voice sounded behind him, Guan Heng suddenly looked back, but found a woman in black with seven people: Borui, Maze, Ruta, and Akin. Hurrying to the ruins of the main hall.

"Everyone is here?" Guan Heng was extremely pleased at this time, he exclaimed ecstatically: "How did you break into the strongest realm?"

"It was this woman who brought us in." At this moment, Ma Ze whispered with vigilance on his face: "She seems to be using the secret method of breaking the enchantment, and leads us to meet Ruta and Akin. "

At this time, Ruta whispered to Guan Heng, "My eyeballs ... have been recovered ... thanks to your earring of the Enjia **** stone."

It turned out that while Akin was in the hospitality bottle of the Pon's meditation room, the eyes were injured by a rack, and Ruta was dying because of an inexplicable curse in her eyes.

It was a very powerful curse of the demon domain set by Pawn. If Ruta was too close to his eyeball, he would automatically fall into the dying state.

However, at the very moment of death, Guan Heng's Enjia Divine Stone, which was the earring, burst and shattered in an instant, so that Ruta was awakened from the dying state.

Because ordinary Enjia Divine Stone can help wearers to eliminate the chance of minor illnesses and minor disasters, but Ruta wears the Enjia Divine Stone blessed by humans, which can help the holder to withstand a major crisis, such as dying Thanks to Guan Heng's foresight, he was lucky to be rescued.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.10, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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