Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1587: Visit the Ape King (fifth outbreak)

"Oh, poor young master, how long haven't you eaten?" Seeing Guan Heng's gobbling, Xiao Baifuer sighed bitterly: "It seems that this trip to St. Lomplon's mainland, You really have suffered a lot. "

"Well ... okay ... Randy, don't grab the fattest barbecue, it's mine!"

Guan Heng snatched half of the meat legs from Landi, and said with a smile: "In fact, this time I met a lot of new friends in St. Lompland, but most of the time in this month They are taking risks and fighting the enemy. There is really no chance to have a good meal and rest. "

"Oh, pitiful, you look hungry and thin ..." As soon as Merty's words fell, everyone heard that the pool of rebirth pond was shaking strongly in a sudden, and then it was stirred up by a towering wave.

"Boom-wow!" In the sky of water, a roaring pure white bone dragon suddenly jumped out of the water, and then "pong" fell in front of everyone.

"Haha, it feels really good to have a new body again, although it's just a skeleton ... why? Why are you glaring at me?" At this moment, Kuffa, who was just born as a bone dragon, suddenly found Guan Heng and Lan Di's eyes. He shot at Mars, glaring at himself, and the guy suddenly felt a little guilty.

"Jumbo, I haven't finished it yet. All these foods have been smashed by the pool water you splashed out." Guan Heng growled angrily at this time: "The hatred of food is bigger than the sky, I killed you!"

In the next few minutes, Guan Heng cursed Kufa fiercely. Kufa knew that he was in a bad position, but just sat there with his head scratched and did not dare to squeak, and finally Mertie persuaded: "Brother, do It matters, don't embarrass it. "

"Fucking Kufa, if it weren't for the face of Sister Merty, I would have strangled you." Guan Heng shouted with a fist at this time: "No such frizz, next time, you know?"

"Yes, I know I'm wrong. Let's get to the Ape King Tale here quickly." In order to divert Guan Heng's anger, he quickly said, "Didn't Xulun say that? The site of the Warcraft Grand Canyon Cemetery , Ask the King of the Apes. "

"Well, let's go," Guan Heng said, kicking the bone dragon Kufa: "Hey, slumped, Xiaobai, Landi, and Merty are going to ride you to find the ape king."

"He ... I ... Okay, who made me do something wrong?"

Kufa shook his head reluctantly and had to let Guan Heng ride a few of them on his own back. Don't look at Kufa just getting the bone dragon skeleton, but it flew quite smoothly. In an instant, they had already left the Grand Canyon. At the end of the island, he flew to the territory of the Demon Orcs.

The Grand Canyon of Warcraft is inhabited by several kinds of Warcraft, namely the four tribes of the Demon Orc, the Rhino Beast, the Raptor Beast, and the Python Beast.

The ape demon king Tale and the rhinoceros king, the eagle king, and the python king are all fatal friendships. Under the leadership of these four orcs, the Grand Canyon of Warcraft has not been poisoned by human hunters.

However, at that time, in order to control the black gas direction of the Demon Realm in the Warcraft Grand Canyon, and prevent the black gas from spreading outside the Grand Canyon, the Rhino King, the Eagle King, and the Python King sacrificed themselves, creating a huge The protective cover of the Grand Canyon delayed the flow of black gas.

Today's World of Warcraft Grand Canyon, in fact, there is only one Beastmaster, that is, the ape demon king Tale, Taleen and three good brothers made sacrifices for the Ashton continent and the World of Warcraft Canyon. There are plus.

It can be seen that the ape demon king is still a character with a sense of morality, and he is also a "fighting friend" of the beast **** brother Pinus. When these two guys meet, they only drink alcohol.

Recalling that the beast **** brother Pinus introduced himself to the situation of the Ape King, Guan Heng secretly thought at this time: "Are the Ape King Tale? It looks like he should be a better talking guy, asking information from his mouth, should Isn't it difficult? "

At this moment, Bone Dragon Kufa yelled suddenly and shouted, "Hey, Guanheng, it's somewhere, can I land now?"

"Well, remember to move lightly and don't alarm the residents of the ape tribe." Guan Heng then commanded: "We are here to visit our friends, but we are not here to fight."

"Huh, you are so mean, I don't bother to care about these mixed monkeys!" As soon as Kufa's words were out, he immediately tightened the bone wings, and he steadily landed in front of the ape tribe.

"Woo squeak ---" A few demon monkeys who sent whistle on the canopy of the jungle saw traces of bone dragons, they screamed in horror and rolled down the tree, and ran back to the gathering place of the community to report.

"Slap!" Guan Heng knocked on Kufa's head and said, "Look, you still frighten these guys, can't you converge yourself?"

"Oh, how can you blame me? The courage of these splashing monkeys is too small." Kufa just now justified a sentence and heard a sudden rush of drink from the entrance direction of the ape tribe: "Hello! Where did the winged lizard come from? How dare to scare my people here, I tore you! "

This sound was accompanied by a monstrous fierce momentum, and he slammed into the bone dragon Kufa, and Kufa actually "threw out" three steps in a hurry, and then he stood firm, although he was caught off guard It took a long time to lose, but this was enough to make Kufa's arrogant strength against the visitors three points.

"Ow -" This road movie disease in low roar moment sneaked in front of the dragon bone Kufa, wielded fist to beat the past.

Speaking late, then quickly, Guan Hengzhen suddenly poke out his head from the back of the bone dragon, he exclaimed: "Hey, King Ape, this is a misunderstanding, please stop first."

"Oh!" I was about to touch Bone Dragon's fist, and suddenly there was a "rapid brake". The ape demon king Tale looked intently at Guan Heng. It suddenly called: "Oh, you were not a month ago. Have the five main gods come to the Terran Imps of the Grand Canyon? "

"Haha, that's right, I'm Guan Heng." Upon hearing the name on the other side, Tale nodded his head and head slightly, and then asked with a little confusion: "I heard that Gopinus said you have gone to a different place. The world, why, has it returned? "

"Yes, everything is done over there, and the black hole in the space leading to the other world has been closed and sealed." Guan Heng said at this time: "In the future, Ashton will not have to worry about the invasion of the demon domain."

"Well, it must be all your credit, and I don't have to worry about the magic of Warcraft in the Grand Canyon in the future." Ape King Tale laughed with a big head at this time: "You are the Ashton continent and the Grand Canyon." The heroes here are also friends of my old ape. Walk around and talk to my place. "

The straight-hearted personality of the ape king made Guan Heng and everyone more relaxed, but when everyone walked in, Bone Dragon Kufa said: "I still won't go in, lest my body be too big to knock over something, it is not good La."

"Hahaha, this bone dragon is a bit interesting." At this moment, the ape demon king Talie laughed: "Then please take a rest outside my territory."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.8.12, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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