Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1591: Bone Bite Crab

The Tieler River is located in the central part of Ashton's mainland. It flows endlessly in countless mountains. It is one of the longest rivers in Ashton. However, this river will have floods and disasters at certain times of the year. when.

For thousands of years, the banks of the Tieler River have been swallowed up by the floods and innumerable houses and people's lives. Here, hundreds of miles have gradually become uninhabited dead places. Every dark and weird night, everywhere It is the wandering undead ghost fire, which is extremely terrifying.

Guan Heng and others rode the Bone Dragon Kufa to reach the area where the undead gathered in the Tieler River was already the evening of the day. Since everyone except Guan Heng could not swim, everyone went with Kuffa stayed, only Hengyi decided to dive into the bottom of the Tyrell River at night to search.

After a moment, Guan Heng had swimed to the deepest place at the bottom of the river. At this moment, he faintly found a long narrow ditch in front of him, and from there he wandered some small soul groups from time to time.

"Well, that gully seems to be the place where the dead souls gather around, and I should go and see."

Thinking of this, Guan Hengyu suddenly kicked and paddled the water, and swished past, as soon as Guan Heng was near the ditch, the rock hole near the bottom of his body suddenly burst into a loud noise, and then countless diseases The gush of water erupted constantly!

"This is ... the high-pressure water column produced by the undercurrent of the river ?!" My heart turned like electricity, Guan Heng rushed forward in the water, and Kankan escaped the direct attack of these water columns, but the next second, he had already The water rushing forward rushed into the narrow ditch.

"Coo ... coo ..." The water bubbling around swelled, and Guan Heng's feet suddenly stepped on the rock wall on the inside of the ditch, and swam toward the bottom of the ditch with this force.

Within a few seconds, Guan Heng had swam to a huge grotto at the bottom of the ditch. He saw those underwater soul groups coming in and out around the cave, so he slumped into the hole.

"Huh-huh!" Guan Heng, who jumped out of the water, suddenly spit out water, then turned over onto the shore, here is a mysterious place in the cave, with air flowing, so he can breathe freely and freely.

"Well, there are human bones all around. It looks like this is a natural tomb at the bottom of the river." At this moment, Guan Heng looked at the surrounding environment, took out the core spar, and finally shook his head in disappointment: " Alas, there is still no response, and it does not seem to be this ... "

But at this time, Guan Heng suddenly heard a weird noise from the grotto opposite the water's edge. It seemed that a large number of creatures were crawling quickly, and accompanied by the sound of "squeak".

"Whatever it is, hide first and talk about it." Guan Heng, who made up his mind, jumped up and down on a raised reef, then lowered his body and looked down.

I saw a group of blue-gray crabs coming out of the grotto across the cave. These creeping and creeping guys faced each other, and wherever they passed, the surrounding air exudes a clear surge of energy and a breath of death. It is dark at first glance Department of Warcraft.

"Do these guys live here?" When Guan Heng thought of this, he saw those blue crabs that were rushing out and suddenly waved their double chews, pinching the bones everywhere, and stuffed them into their mouths. The sound of chewing creaked. The sound is extremely unpleasant and harsh.

"These blue crabs are eating human bones. They usually live on this? They are so sick!"

Guan Heng just slandered in the abdomen, and suddenly heard the bad wind behind his head, it was clear that an unknown enemy came suddenly, just between the light and the flint, Guan Heng yanked out the dragon tooth blade on his back, and his head was not Sweeping back.

"Ka-cha-crack-" I saw the cold light flashing, two bone-eating blue crabs trying to sneak in Guan Heng were cut into four pieces in a short time, and the big, stinky red mist soared into the sky.

"Squeak ---" The bone-bone crabs who smelled the blood of their companions immediately surrounded them. Although these guys liked to chew human bones, they did not mislead their own flesh and blood, just listened to "click "Click" chewing sounds endlessly, two blue crab corpses were swept away in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, several observing sharp bone-eating crabs looked up and found the horizontal figures on the raised reefs. These guys suddenly froze with their mouths and moved their long and narrow crab legs to climb up towards the Guan Heng rushed over.

"You guys can't? Do you still want to think of my companion after eating?" Guan Heng smiled sharply at this moment: "The young master has to send you to heaven."

It ’s too late, then, the twin teeth of the dragon's teeth in Guan Hengzhang's cold flashes, and dozens of fierce chopped slashes were fired in succession. Where did these underwater Warcrafts ever see fire attacks? With death.

When I saw the sword rushing past, the bone-eating crab was smashed on the spot in a scream, and the rest of the crabs shook with shock, and then they all hurriedly walked towards the cave when they came. .

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly felt that the core spar of the inverse astrolabe flickered in his arms, but the different light just passed by and disappeared.

"Maybe there is a weirdness in the cave from the bone-eating crab. Hurry up and look at it." Guan Heng thought of this, and suddenly a ecstasy erupted in his heart: "After looking for so long, Qi Ling finally fell."

"噌 噌 噌 ——" I could only hear the wind from Yi Yi. Guan Wang was in the shape of electricity. He kept chasing the fleeing bone-eating crabs and finally came to another huge cave.

"唰! 噗 ——" I saw Dao Guang passing by, and the slowest running bone-eating crab was cut into pieces, and Guan Heng strode into the cave in front.

"Hoo--" At this moment, the cave suddenly rushed into the wind and rushed to Guan Heng.

"Dang !!!!"

"Squeak-" Guan Heng quickly blocked the opponent's offensive with two dragon tooth blades, only to realize that he was attacking in front of him. It turned out to be a huge crab claw, which belongs to a towering green Crab, this guy's body is so big that he has no borders. The wide grotto, which is more than ten meters high, is actually occupied by two thirds of his body.

"Huh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Fear, Longya Blade's double fronts swept across the cold, and in the slamming sound of "Bang Bang", Double Blade and Giant Chew continued to fiercely collide.

Suddenly, the giant cheer on the left of the giant blue crab slammed into the air and smashed out, attacking Guan Heng's body directly, but halfway through the offensive, the guy suddenly clashed, and the body suddenly rushed Stagnation, unable to move half a minute forward.

Guan Heng discovered at this time that the back of the original giant blue crab king was tied with numerous thick steel chains. As long as its range of motion exceeded the length of the chain, he would be dragged back.

—— [Fourth more of 2016.8.13, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets 月 | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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