Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1596: Hit a shot

"Not only that, the habitat of the Dragons is also divided into five groups, namely the Golden Dragon, White Dragon, Red Dragon, Black Dragon, and Blue Dragon."

Bi Xiu, who was also next to him, said: "Our patriarch, originally from the Black Dragon tribe, realized the thunder and fire dual magical powers with his unremitting efforts, ascended to the patriarch throne, and led us to work brightly. Protoss, it has always been a role model and example for our younger generations to learn. "

"Oh, it sounds like a great patriarch." Guan Heng walked away, secretly whispering in his heart: "This patriarch, known as the Thunder Dragon God, should be able to provide me with some clues to the anti-horizontal spirit. That would be a worthwhile trip. "

When Bi Xiu took Bone Dragon Kufa and Guan Heng to the edge of a huge pool, an accident suddenly happened!

"Wow——" For a while, a tall white dragon jumped up from the water, and suddenly splashed with splashes of water, Guan walked behind, coupled with the speed of the machine, so dodge in time, but Kufa and Bixiu But all of a sudden it was turned into a soup chicken, ah no, it was "fall soup dragon".

"Hahaha-in such a hot day, I still take a bath to take a bath and relax ... huh ?!" When the white dragon turned his head, he suddenly saw the bone dragon beside Bi Xiu, and it cried suddenly: "Hey, blueskin boy Bi Xiu, why did you bring a monster into the dragon's territory? "

"Uh, the famous and overbearing guy, Nok of the White Dragon Tribe, you guys don't bother!" Bi Xiu shouted at this moment: "This is Kufa returning from another world, not a monster!"

"Kufa ?!" Bai Long's eyes flashed a little disdain: "It was the guy who became a deserter when his family attacked the Dark Dragons many years ago, did they still have a face back ?!"

"What are you talking about ?! Dare to look down on me if you have milky stuff?" When he heard the other person insulted him as a deserter, Kuffa was so angry that he shook his head and shouted, "Good boy, I remember you, aren't you special? Is the rogue boy of the Bailong tribe? Laozi hit your father and your brother, why did you want to fight? "

"Uh ah ah-damn rotten bones, you dare to insult the dignity of the White Dragons!" Pure White Dragon Knock shouted angrily at this time: "No matter who you are, you are dead!"

Speaking of which, Bailong Nuoke raised his head soaring into the sky and shouted, "Well! All the dragon companions listen to me. There is a guy named" Kufa "who has humiliated me, and I will now challenge it to death. If this kid dares not fight, he is a coward, a dreg! "

"What? This guy actually gave Kufa a challenge of life and death ..." At this moment, Bi Xiu's face was also ugly: "Nok is crazy!"

Dragon fighting is strictly forbidden, but as an extremely belligerent race, there are always conflicts of this kind and need to be resolved. Therefore, under the order of the patriarch, a ring for fair duel was set up in the territory to solve some inconsistencies. Contradictions.

The battle between life and death is the most serious form of confrontation, just like the literal meaning. Once you start to work, it is an endless situation. Therefore, the dragons who heard the news immediately surrounded them from all directions, intending to see Watch this rare duel.

"You dragons really like fighting, and you use force to solve the problem." Guan Heng whispered to Bi Xiu at the moment: "Hey, can you mediate for both parties, don't you do it?"

"That's not okay. For the Dragons, face is a very important thing." Bi Xiu explained with a bitter smile at this time: "Only one party raises the challenge of life and death, and the other party must be grilled on the fire, it must be Accept, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to raise your head in front of the clan, and you will be endlessly ridiculed and ridiculed wherever you go. "

"Fart ?! What a pity!" Guan Heng shook his head angrily at this moment. He bit his lower lip and hummed, "I'm here to do serious business. Whoever thinks of it is going to be in your shit. It's awful to lose time! "

At this moment, Guan Heng's violent anger erupted without hesitation, and saw that the five-star Divine Soul Armor flashed white light suddenly, and it was the power of the Bright Protoss that burst out.

"Boom——" With an inexplicable throbbing, the hundred dragons who surrounded them suddenly felt that the body was dazzling, because the dragons were a tributary of the bright **** Darakund, and there were bright gods in their souls. As long as there is a bright protoss nearby, all these dragons have to respectfully lie on the ground and dare not resist in the slightest.

Guan Heng's five-star **** soul armor contains the divine power given by the five main gods, and naturally also includes the light power. Once these dragons felt such coercion, they immediately began to tremble.

"Kufa, teach me this white dragon fiercely, as long as you don't kill it, you can toss!" At this time, Guan Heng roared, "I have something to do with you, let's go- "

"Uh, Guan Heng was really angry this time ..." At this moment, Kufa was also flexing his muscles, staring at Bai Longnock and firing out of anger, he yelled word by word: " Bailong tribe, you are so dead! "

"Ah ... this is awful. I didn't expect that this guy was also followed by the messenger of the **** of light." Bai Long Nuo Ke originally intended to challenge Kufa and take advantage, but he did not expect Kufa to be so hard. Backstage!

But Knock saw Kufa's aggressive gaze again, and he was immediately awakened by real fire: "Abominable, you die when you die, I just really stabbed you for half a death. This is the Dragon Territory, and how can the Angel of Light God treat me? kind?"

"嗷-trample on my dignity, only the final battle !!" After Bailong Nuoke struggling to make a roar, he opened his wings and flew into a large cymbal with a height of tens of meters, facing the audience. Kufa yelled provocatively: "Come on, bones, I can dismantle you now!"

"Mixed things, you are not too bad, let Laozi hold you until crying father and mother, kneeling down for mercy!" In a hurry, Kufa also unfolded a pair of bone wings and flew to the ring, and the two giant dragons were here. Started a terrible battle.

"Bang, bang!" Between the violent sound, Bailong Giant Claw and Kufa's bone claw have been shaken ten times in succession. The two figures are constantly wagging in the air, and then bang. However, in the loud noise, the four dragon claws were already clenched fiercely.

"Cracking--giggle--" The dragon claws are fighting each other desperately, and they want to suppress each other in an instant, but Kufa seems to be able to outperform it. After seeing it growl suddenly, it suddenly hardened. He slammed Bai Longnock's body unceasingly!

—— [Fourth more in 2016.8.14, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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