Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1598: To find (first)

At that time, there were many wild Warcrafts around the Tirrell River, and they had reached the arrogant strength of the godlike period. If these guys flocked together to attack, even the newly grown dragons may not be able to retreat.

The Thunder Dragon God was just an ordinary dragon born of the Black Dragon tribe, but it liked to challenge the impossible. It took nearly a century to understand the talent skills of the flames, and then came to the Tirrell River, because here is accompanied by strong Thunderstorm weather, so the young black dragon intends to continue to train thunder magic power here.

The young black dragon lived on the Tirrell River for hundreds of years. Most of the World of Warcraft along the coast were defeated, but only a group of bone-eating blue crabs at the bottom of the river gave the young black dragon a headache.

The group of green crabs often rushed up and up, all of them were not afraid of death, and these guys had a little immunity to the fire-powered superpowers that the young black dragon was good at, which made it have to deal with it.

And the leader of this group of bone-eating blue crabs is a huge king of blue crabs. It has repeatedly played against the young black dragon, and it is unbeatable. Until one day, the dragon and the blue crab are on the water of the Tieler River. During the fighting, countless thunders suddenly dropped in the sky, hitting both of them at the same time!

After being hit by thunder, King Blue Crab was suddenly seriously injured, but the young black dragon took advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break through the bottleneck and realize the mystery of controlling the thunder.

The soaring young black dragon mastered the Thunder and Fire dual-powered magical power in a short time, and even defeated the severely injured King Blue Crab in one fell swoop. Weird.

That weird thing is invisible and innocent, but I really like to **** the undead soul fragments in the Tirrell River. When the blue crab king escaped, the weird thing was attached to it at once, and he wanted to use the blue crab body And soul to strengthen their own power.

The Thunder Black Dragon saw this scene and was shocked. In order to prevent the strange thing from threatening himself, the Black Dragon used the newly realized Thunder Fire Supernatural Power to create an energy sphere, and he stiffly closed the strange thing inside. Fortunately, the intangible thing was so afraid of the energy of the thunderfire that it was caught by the black dragon.

The king of blue crab was seriously injured, and the black dragon imprisoned it in the cave with a huge chain, and the energy ball was taken away by him for collection.

After hearing this, Guan Heng hurriedly asked, "Patriarch, the intangible body that you grabbed may be the spirit of the anti-horoscope. Where did you take it?"

"Uh, this ..." Thunderfire Dragon God thought for a moment, then raised his head and said, "I remember, after being the dragon patriarch, I threw that energy sphere in the corner of the dragon tomb and kept forgetting to take it you're back."

"It's at the Dragon Tomb of the Bright Dragon Clan ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng suddenly opened his eyes and smiled slightly: "Master Clan, if I told you that you want that invisible body, shouldn't it be okay?"

"Of course, of course, anyway, it's not a big deal." At this moment, the Thunder Dragon God laughed and said, "Let's go to the dragon tomb now, oh, by the way, I'll make my body smaller, and speak like this It seems convenient ... "

When the Thunder Dragon God said here, he suddenly shrank his huge dragon body and finally turned into a full-faced figure in a black robe. Then he continued: "I have a direct door to the dragon tomb in my room. The internal teleportation array, let the boy Kufa wait here, we can just go. "

"Okay, just do that." After Guan Heng slightly nodded his head, as the dragon patriarchs boarded the small teleportation array together, they shouted and disappeared in place, and came to the inside of the dragon tomb in a blink of an eye.

"This is the graveyard of the bright dragons in the Ashton continent ..." At this moment, Guan Heng looked up and saw the huge bones of dragons everywhere. He said casually: "Well, with Shenglong Pullen's tomb is very similar, and we can see that they have much in common. "

"Oh, you've been to the Dragon Tomb over there?" Lei Huolong Shenwen immediately became interested when he heard this. He said, "Let's go forward and tell me about things over there."

So, while Guan Heng and the Dragon patriarch walked forward, he told him what he had experienced there. "So, the kid from Kuffa actually got the inheritance of the Saint Lomplon dragon there, and also became a student of the ancient dragon god, hahaha, its luck is really good."

The Patriarch of the Dragons touched his jaw-filled jaw at this time, and then whispered, "I should consider training Kufa as my successor. I saw the kid fighting fiercely on the ring, and I was young It can be exactly the same, huh, huh. "

"Yeah, Kufa has been wandering in St. Lomprum for many years. Even after his death, he did not give up his hope of returning to Ashton. This attachment is very admirable."

Having said that, Guan Heng touched the double teeth of the dragon's teeth on the back, and he whispered, "When I leave, I will leave this weapon to Kufa, because after all this thing was cast out of its keel. "

"Ah, here we are. Below that dirt **** is a peculiar stone in a whole dragon tomb-'Dragon Heart Stone'."

The dragon patriarch who had been leading the way suddenly pointed to a place not far away and then exclaimed: "I carved a small stone prison with that dragon heart stone and threw the energy sphere imprisoned in the invisible body ..."

Seeing the Thunder Dragon God still going forward, Guan Heng suddenly pulled him and said, "Wait, patriarch."

The dragon chief looked at Guan Heng with a doubt: "What's wrong?" "Don't you think it's strange?"

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Guan Heng first looked up and looked around the tomb of the dragon, and then he said, "Let's walk in for a while, why haven't we found the dragon soul in the tomb? And I feel that in the dirt **** in front It seems that there is a surge of energy that is about to burst out! "

"It seems to be true after you reminded me so." Hearing Guan Guan's remarks, the patriarch of the Dragon clan frowned suddenly, and he whispered, "I also think something is wrong. If I change to the past, I just have to step in There will be countless dragon souls flying over the tomb of the dragon to say hello to Lao Tzu, and I really haven't seen any of them today. "

Speaking of which, the Thunder Dragon Dragon God contemplates the Tupo in front of him, and then the clan leader of the Dragon clan suddenly screams: "The energy breath of those Dragon Souls seems to be concentrated in the Dragon Heart Stone in Tupo!"

"Cpatriarch, please step back—" With a violent drink, Guan Heng had already pulled out the dragon's tooth blade on his back, and a sharp knife slashed to the front soil slope: "唰 ——"

"Bang--Boom!" Guan Heng's swift blade blasted the soil **** into pieces, and in the blink of an eye, the dust and dust rushed around, and the contents inside suddenly showed their true features.

"Ah !! This is ..." The Patriarch of the Dragon clan looked at the scene in front of him, and was instantly anxious: "Abominable--"

—— [2016.8.15 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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