Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1616: Shitai Wellhead (third more)

Upon hearing this, the lingering ghost of the girl in the black coffin trembled slightly, but there was no further action. In the midst of the air, Guan Heng suddenly yelled, suddenly stretched his arm over, and tried to stretch the soul group. Stiffly pressed into the gap in the middle of the eyebrow of the black coffin girl.

However, the surging swirling vortex air flow suddenly accelerated, and the wind pressure brought by them was like sharp blades, wrapping the sound of breaking air across the horizontal arms.

"噗 —— 嗤嗤嗤 ——" Suddenly, Guan Heng's arm had been wiped with flesh and blood, and rain-like blood spots kept falling on the head and face of the girl in the black coffin, even the Qinghuang The residual soul also splashed into contact with Guan Heng's blood.

Suddenly, the entangled remnant of red and black exploded suddenly, and the red and black were distinct at the same time, each accounting for half, because the remnant had been nourished by Guan Heng ’s heart blood before. Only gradually returned to life, over time, Guan Heng's blood and aura also had a nourishing effect on Qinghuang's residual soul.

At this moment, the imperial spirit of Qinghuang, who was about to be expelled from the skin of the black coffin girl's skin, was rushed into the slit in the middle of the physical eyebrows after receiving the help of Guan Hengling.

After just listening to the rush of wind, the vortex rushing in mid-air disappeared instantly, and Guan Heng's body fell to the ground first: "Stop!"

At this moment, the unfortunate sister next to herself looked up, but noticed that the figure of the black coffin girl turned sharply in the air, and produced a rapid ripple of wind pressure: "Woohoo! -Wow!"

In the middle of this sudden core of wind pressure, the flesh of the pair of skins suddenly burst into a bright light, and sister Sister involuntarily shouted, "Okay, the residual soul is beginning to blend with the flesh! Look at me--"

As soon as this sentence came out, my sister hurriedly pinched the tactics, couldn't stop chanting, and then one after another amazing and clear rune inscriptions were stamped on the flesh, and in time, those runes were like countless ribbons, wrapping the other party around among them.

"Hoo-- 噗通!" The next moment, the flesh flickered into a volley and fell into the dark crystal coffin. Then, sister Xie shook her sleeves, and an invisible wind lifted the lid. A "snap" covered the crystal coffin tightly.

"Huh, it's finally flat." At this moment, the disintegration slowly sat cross-legged, and after a short while, she opened her eyes and said to Guan Heng and Cheng Ying who were waiting beside her, "Okay, this time it's let Qing The lingering soul of Phoenix blended with that physical body, this time it was really ... it was amazing, it was so exciting! "

"Great, thank you sister-in-law." Guan Heng said with a fist at this time: "You are really a benefactor of my fiancee and I really appreciate it."

"Hehehe, who makes me like to gossip, this is also a fate."

Having said this, the sister-in-law who had finished adjusting her breath stood up and said to Guan Heng: "Now your fiance's remnant soul also has physical protection. Are you planning to leave Shanhai Street and continue to search for the remaining remnant soul? Where is it? "

"Yes, according to the hint of the Astral Disc Spirit, a large part of my fiancee's remnant soul was involved in the 'time period' of some different worlds." Guan Heng said at this time: "It seems that I am next What I have to do is a 'travel time' trip. Fortunately, in my ability, I can barely do that. "

"Well, is that so? It seems that your ability can go back and forth in various 'time and history', but there are still some problems ..." Sister Xuan said here, and pointed fingers at Guan Heng: "You and Cheng Come with me to a place first, I have something to tell you. "

Guan Heng and Cheng Ying glanced at each other, and they could not help but a hint of confusion. The two said nothing and followed her sister to the attic behind the shop.

On the top floor of the attic, there is a small room. At this moment, sister-in-law has entered with the two and the swallowing beast. The room is sealed on all sides without windows, but there is a weird stone platform in the middle. They walked in and saw it clearly. It turned out to be a wellhead!

"You need to know that crossing or staying in a certain 'time' is completely different from the concept of crossing space."

At this time, Sister Xi stood quietly at the mouth of the well and said, "Crossing through space is nothing more than moving yourself from one position to another. You only need to cross the space barrier between the two or drill through the space gap. It can be done. "

Speaking of this, Sister Ji paused for a moment, and then she said, "But passing through time is different. A person may pass accidents or use special abilities to travel to different worlds. First, it will change what happens there. To distort the original history will definitely affect some people or things. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng's eyebrows frowned tightly, and he muttered to himself: "Well, it seems that this is indeed an unpredictable problem ..."

"In fact, it slightly affects the direction of history or personal life and death. It is not the most serious problem." At the moment, sister Xie slowly shook her head and said, "The most important thing is that people who pass through time cannot keep their bodies always with them. In that case, repeated marks on the skin will cause the body to collapse! "

"What ?!" Hearing this, Guan Heng realized the seriousness of the matter, and he cried out, "Crossing time and time again, he couldn't bring his own body?"

"Yes, and this intractable problem cannot be solved even by the flesh skins made by our Dai people."

Taking a look at Guan Heng, whose expression was gradually dignified, Sister Xi continued to explain: "First of all, not all of the produced flesh can fit the soul body, plus the fusion with the flesh flesh body has a maximum number of times. In that case, The soul will be severely damaged by constantly replacing the container, which will cause it to collapse. "

Speaking of which, Sister Xi stretched out **** and shook in front of Guan Heng: "Just because of these two ills, you can't use your own body or the skin bag I provided for time traversal."

Hearing Sister-in-law saying this, Guan Heng's heart twitched a little, and he whispered subconsciously, "So, what should I do to make time travel foolproof?"

"Well ... there is only one way," said Sister Guan Heng, who said, "That is, for the time being, when the soul travels out of the body temporarily, the time travel has the least impact on the soul alone. If you want to protect your physical body and soul from damage, you can only escape from your skin and go through the soul. "

"That was the case." After listening to her sister's explanation, Guan Heng frowned and said, "That being the case, I really have to abandon my flesh for the time being. Otherwise, it will be impossible to move in the process of time travel. "

—— [2016.8.18 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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