Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1665: Fighting

"Daddy, how can you do this?" At this moment, Dou Wan bit her lower lip tightly and thought angrily: "Is it necessary to sacrifice my daughter's happiness in order to form an alliance, is it worth it? Or, you didn't even take me to heart on?"

Seeing that the other party and the great ape were in the first place, Guan Heng was afraid to relax his vigilance. He yelled, "It's about to go, swallow the ghost!"

Suddenly, Guan Heng also called out the dark blue air in his body to cover the whole body. Although he didn't know how to use the aura to soar his power with the devouring tiger, but no one could think of it. There was still between Guan Heng and the devouring tiger. The existence of the third force, that is-the big miser.

As long as the big gangster gives a helping hand in secret, Guan Heng will have another layer of chance, but he will not use this last killer 未 until the last resort.

This battle of dragons and tigers is bound to be extremely exciting. Rong Teng and the giant ape, Guan Heng and the devouring tiger can be said to be a two-on-two matchup!


At the same time, fifty miles outside the city, a certain ancient tree was densely packed, and in the dark valley of the sun, two leading messengers of the Hu nationality had long lost their breath in the pool of blood.

Standing next to the two corpses, a pig monster full of sharp and hairless hair, which was the only one who had previously run through the main house of Yucheng City-Tianxieyu, this guy is ugly and looks ominous. The strong, enchanting, faint orange.

"Hum ... Damn Dou Tianwei, not only refuses to marry my daughter, but also hurts the king. How can I easily let you go." At this moment, Tian Xieyu shook her strong body, even a slow person. Standing up, and his forelegs suddenly turned into thick arms.

This pig demon has a unique talent and is far more intelligent than other monsters. Not only that, it also carries a spiritual bead in the body, which can automatically absorb the heaven and earth aura. The spiritual bead is a rare treasure between heaven and earth. Leapfrogs challenge opponents who are stronger than themselves, and if necessary, they can bomb their enemies by self-detonation. In the future, as long as they absorb a large amount of aura, they will slowly and automatically generate again.

With this treasure, Tian Xie can easily hurt Dou Tianwei who owns the same level of orange aura. Otherwise, he would not be hurt by Dou Tianwei ’s "Juhuang Strike".

The love of beauty is not only for everyone, but even for monsters. With the power of Lingzhu, Tian Xieyu unexpectedly transformed himself into a human form, although he did not increase much combat power. The beautiful human woman became sorrowful, so Tianxie sacrifice Dou Wanxin, the niece of the master Yu Chengcheng, who was so famous.

The pig demon Tian went to life Yucheng shamelessly to propose a marriage, and ended up losing both to Dou Tianwei. When he left, he had uttered a harsh word: "Three months later, when he recovered and returned, he must let Dou Tianwei regret it!"

Just a few days ago, it was the end of the three-month period, and the evil spirits also led countless demon pigs, porcupines, and wild boars in this part of the tribe. They were about to attack Yucheng, the main city of Bloodwashing, and report that they were injured that day. Revenge, but at this time, someone got the news and came to the door automatically.

The guy who came to the door was two messengers who led the Hu tribe. They brought the secret letter of their patriarch Geng Shu, and proposed to join the pig demon tribe to capture Yu Yucheng, and then share the fruits of victory.

After listening to this suggestion, Tian Xieyu was quite emotional and agreed to this matter casually, but after the two messengers departed, the pig demon immediately thought of going back and forth.

Tian Xieyu thought very simple: "I can defeat Dou Tianwei directly, I don't need to cooperate with any shit-leaders and Hus, and give them half of the benefits? Dream!"

So when the two Hu messengers came to report for the second time, the evil spirits were so fierce that they slaughtered them on the spot. At this moment, the pig demon leader screamed “嗷嗷 嗷”, and borrowed This message to the pig monsters behind him, let them attack Yucheng together with themselves after night!

In this way, the bleak clouds of the beasts attacking the city have slowly flew towards the direction of Mingyu City. At this time, the people of Mingyu City and the people of the Lord ’s Mansion are still watching the final battle of the contest. !!


At the beginning of the competition, the golden retriever kept waving his fists during high-speed movement, attacking the devouring tiger madly. At this moment, the devouring tiger was hiding from the left and right, and couldn't help escaping its edge, not the strength of the devouring tiger. Not as good as the other party, but because at this time, it had just thrown the black crystal coffin to Guan Heng, so he could not find a chance to fight back.

Guan Heng immediately placed the crystal coffin in the open space on the edge of the platform, and let the big goblin be responsible for guarding. He pulled out the soft green sword of his waist and slammed straight, and suddenly stabbed the oncoming enemy. .

"唰 ——" A long, narrow soft sword struck through the air, and Rong Teng sidled his face abruptly, then swung the bronze heavy stick and swept towards Guan Heng's waist.

"Good strength, avoid--" Guan Heng saw this scene, his body turned sharply, and shouted in his mouth, "Swallow the ghost tiger, exchange the opponent!"

In a short time, the figures of Guan Heng and Swallowing Ghost Tiger made a mistake in the air, the tiger's claws suddenly shot towards Rong Teng's face door, and Guan Heng's soft sword straightly curled up the left eye of the golden ape.

"Bang!" The bronze stick and the tiger claw slammed into one, swallowing the ghosts and tigers, and then "Teng Teng Teng" hurriedly retreated. However, Guan Heng's sword was unbiased and pierced the eyes of the giant ape. The vicious beast suddenly raised his head and made a terrible scream, and screamed wildly, covering his blindness: "叽叽 叽 ——"

When the blind-eye drama hit the whole body of the giant ape and Guan Heng secretly succeeded, the ghost-swallowing tiger suddenly roared, and Guan Heng suddenly felt this time that Rong Teng banged his copper rod towards the back of his head. Then, in anxiety, he twisted his toes on the tip of his toe to avoid this stick, but did not expect that when the man went backwards, the whole man ran into the arms of the blind giant ape.

"叽叽 叽 ——" The enemies came to the door automatically, and the angered golden-haired great ape immediately opened his arms and slammed Guan Heng, only to hear the fierce beast's arms twitched in the moment of anger, and he turned to sway. Rattle.

"Hugging him like this—" At this moment, Rong Teng yelled loudly and gathered all the dark blue aura gathered on his body over the copper stick. The sight of Guan Heng's head was the fiercest blow of his life: "Hu ! "

The strength of the copper stick that was swept down by the wind is really amazing, and the air around it was almost torn apart. At the moment of death, the swallowing tiger swooped in the oblique stab in the roar, which blocked the deadly one. stick.

"Bang !!" Just listening to the sound of "cracked" bone cracking, the swallowing ghost's body tumbling in the air and falling to the ground, the red blood mist in his mouth sprayed out a few meters away.

"Swallowing a ghost tiger?" Guan Heng suddenly felt stunned, and suddenly he shouted with all his strength: "Damn splash monkey, you let me go!"

—— [2016.8.28 second change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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