Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1673: Sudden arrow (fifth more outbreak)

"Abominable, all with lower defenses step back and avoid arrows!" Tian Xieyu yelled loudly at this time: "Stupid, don't think that only you will shoot Feiya!"

Speaking, the vicious pig demon leader suddenly tightened his body, his sharp hair growing several feet on the wall suddenly aimed at the soil soldiers on the city wall, Dou Tianwei's eyes were like a torch, and he roared immediately: "Let's hide- "

But the sound of the warning was slightly slower for a while, and in an instant, I only heard the continuous burst of air bursting in the air, and the body of the soldiers on the city wall was instantly penetrated by sharp hairs. These pitiful After Zhongzhao's move, all the onions fell down directly on the tower, not only the powder and bones, but even the pig monsters who were quickly surrounded by the wreckage were completely eaten!

"Uh ah ah-my eyes!" A small chief of the earth soldier nearest to Dou Cheng was penetrated by his sharp pupil with a sharp spear. Suddenly he was alive and alive, and out of control frenzy, this person jumped out of the tower and went straight. Put himself into the mouth of the pig demon.

Dou Tianwei didn't hold his confidant, at this moment lamely resentment, he shouted loudly: "Take the shield, quickly get the shield—"

In a blink of an eye, the rapid footsteps sounded, and a large number of shield players rushed to the tower with a thick log shield. This was worthy of blocking the sharp evil shots of Tian Xieyu who were soaring and taking human lives instantly!

But at this time, dozens of local soldiers have been killed and injured, and morale is constantly falling. Tian Xieyu is still laughing under the city and said, "What is the life of Yucheng, it's almost like a pinch, come on, all can shoot Come back with all the spiky kinsmen, and attack me in the city, kill— "

The porcupine monsters heard the command of the leader, snarled and rushed down to the city, aiming the spikes on their backs and shooting wildly at the city.

In fact, to elaborate, the spikes of the pig monsters may not be comparable to the penetrating power of strong bows and arrows, but these spikes that are constantly firing between the electric light and flint are faster and faster, and they are not given to the archer archer at all. Breathing opportunities, the fate of these archers is to keep wailing and fall to the Bloody Tower.

"Abominable, in the end, I can only face the **** of Tian Xieyu alone!" Thinking of this, Dou Tianwei suddenly snatched the shield from the soil soldier from the outstretched arm, and then turned and shouted: "Come, open the city gate and let I will go out, I will personally kill the pig demon, and show the public the evil spirit! "

"Citylord, it's so impulsive to do this!" Chief Zhu, who followed him, shook his head and said, "You are the leader of this city, so you can't be dangerous!"

"Stop, wait until my soldiers are dead, and the pig monsters will be too late to kill in again." At this time, the master of the sinus shouted with the bronze giant blade in one hand and shouted with the shield in one hand: "Don't choke anymore, quickly open City gate! "

President Zhu couldn't persuade him. Dou Tianwei had already made great strides towards the gate of the city at this time. The next moment, the Dou Cheng Lord, who saw the sword and shield, had yelled and stood up against the enemy. "Hum, the Lord Dou Cheng came out to die, then I will complete you."

At this moment, Tian Xie took off from his back a giant stick made of a whole thick tree, and rushed toward Dou Tianwei in front of him.

"Bang bang-Dang dang dang!" For a while, Dou Tianwei's bronze blade and the opponent's thick wood giant rod shocked ten times in succession, the momentum of the two erupted throughout the body are orange aura, comparable to each other.

But at this moment, Dou Tianwei's anger was difficult to vent, because his daughter left the city, and she may hate herself. When you think of it, the owner of Dou Cheng keeps attacking, it seems to be in her heart. The bitterness and anger were all scattered on the evil spirits.

The pig demon leader saw this situation but couldn't help going backwards. Maybe in Dou Tianwei's view, it was already the end of a strong crossbow, but the pig demon actually concealed a trick. Drop the shield from the other hand, hold the handle with both palms, and split the bronze giant blade crazyly: "Heaven evil, you go to death-"

When the sound came and the blade approached, Tian Xieyu only felt the cold wind blowing towards him. In sneer, he not only hid, but greeted him with a great stick: "On!"

"Dang—click!" The bronze blade's blade suddenly caught on the top of the thick wood stick, and Dou Tianwei's arms pushed hard: "Yeah!"

But Dou Tianwei did his best, but he could n’t let the blade pull away from the giant stick. He said that it was late, then, when the evil spirit smirked, and suddenly opened his mouth and squirted. He only heard the sound of “snoring”, a fist the size of which The earthy beads of the stink wind slammed into the heart nest of Dou Tianwei!

"噗 ——" Suddenly, Dou Tianwei's blood spurted against his wounds. His body was directly hit by a huge force, and "Dangdang" hit the wall.

"Hoo--suck!" In an instant, Tianxie Yan opened his mouth and sucked again, and the earth yellow bead was suddenly taken in by him again.

At this moment, Tian Xieyu raised his head and laughed wildly: "Dou Tianwei, what can you do with the strength of the orange strong man? Under the slam of my Yunzhu, you have ten lives that are not enough to die! Come on! Right-- "

As soon as this sentence came out, Tian Xieyu once again held up the thick wooden stick, and according to Dou Tianwei's Tian Linghu's shot, he was about to kill the life of Yu Chengcheng.

However, at this critical moment, a weird arrow suddenly shot in the oblique spur. The arrow not only disappeared without trace, the speed was extremely fast, and it was shot without any broken air. The sound, in an instant, has soared to the back of Tian Xieyu with a thunderbolt.

Suddenly, the long-time enemy's pig demon leader suddenly felt the cold hair standing upright behind him, and the shadow of death rushed from time to time. If the evil spirits avoided, ten or nine would inevitably lose their lives. "Oh!" The leader rolled forward instantly, and the arrow flew past its scalp.

However, even if the pig demon hides for the first time, he did not expect the arrow to make a sudden turn in the air after falling into the pig devil's eye socket with a bang! "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Tian Xie screamed with a scream of pain. He stretched out his front paw and suddenly pulled out the arrow that had been pushed into his eye socket. Then he roared, "Who is it? Who hurt me?"

But at this moment, Dou Tianwei, who was unconscious after being conspired by Tian Xieyu with the "Inner Spirit Pearl," struck up. He grabbed his bronze giant blade in one hand, and rushed to the back of Tian Xieyu with red eyes. .

"唰 —— 噗嗤!" It was late, fast, and the blade was passing by. Xia Xie's forearm suddenly fell to the ground while holding the arrow, and the red mist suddenly rushed out of the wound. This pig monster knew in his heart Not good: "Oops, I ca n’t stay here for a long time, or I will lose my life!"

"Ehhhhhhh! Kill!" Dou Tianwei dragged his severely wounded body to the pig demon, and was about to kill the enemy of the demon clan under his own blade!

—— [Fifth more on 2016.8.29, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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