Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1676: Hexapod fish (third more)

After hearing this, all the people were embarrassed. Then, Liu Lang elaborated all the things carefully. It turned out that Mo Jinzhi and his sisters left the territory on the bank of the river and went to life. In Yucheng, she was carrying a sister who was more than nine months pregnant, that is, the patriarch Monu gave birth.

This is the first child of Monu and her husband Liu Lang. When the child was born, she cried loudly, looked very healthy, and was a lovely female doll.

According to the custom of the Moyu people living by the water, the first child of each family must "wash the baby" on the waterfall in nearby Yingjin Beach when it is the third day of birth. Give your child a cold bath for the first time in life.

It is a custom in the clan that as a mother, she cannot participate in the ritual of “washing the baby.” The father must take the child alone, because the cold water baths the bones. If the mother hears the cry of the baby, she will surely interrupt the ceremony. In this way, this child will inevitably be troubled in the future, and his life will not be safe.

In this way, Liu Lang took his newborn daughter alone to the waterfall in Yingjin Beach. Who knew that the child had just entered the water and heard the girl ’s weeping cry and a six-legged fish lurking under the water came out, this vicious guy not only bite Broken Liu Lang's arm, but also spit out a mucous membrane to wrap up the child and robbed him, and he was never seen again.

"The child just let the strange fish catch it, how could I explain to Monu ... uh ... huh!" Liu Lang said here, and a sudden burst of blood spurted under the rush of fire, and Jinzhi quickly hugged his "Sister-in-law, don't worry ... I, we try to save the child ..."

But as soon as this remark came out, Mo Jinzhi couldn't help crying. Everyone knew that the little girl who had just been born for three days and fell into the mouth of the six-legged fish was absolutely dead. It is estimated that now Swallowed by a strange fish!

But in such a time, Guan Heng suddenly found that the dark crystal coffin on the back of the devouring tiger suddenly flashed a strange light. Seeing this familiar scene, Guan Heng suddenly felt startled: "The black coffin girl's skin has a reaction Is there a trace of Qinghuang Residual Soul near here? Is it that ... the six-legged monster? "

"Brother Liu Lang, where is the waterfall at Yingjin Beach? Tell me now!" At this moment, Guan Heng couldn't explain anything to everyone, and saw that Liu Lang was struggling with his finger: "Just, then Not far to the left. "

"A dog, stay here with everyone, swallow the ghost tiger and follow me—" Guan Heng gave a command, ran away with the ghost tiger, rushed straight to the direction of Yingjintan Waterfall, and it did not go out Unexpectedly, the closer the devouring tiger approached the waterfall, the brighter the crystal coffin on his body would be.

Behind them, Dou Wanxin, Mo Jinzhi, Agou and others did not understand what was going on. One person and one tiger had disappeared. The crowd had no choice but to help Liu Lang, who had fewer arms, followed him.

At this moment, Guan Heng has let the swallowing tigers release the five ghosts, and let them search for the trail of the six-legged fish around the waterfall.

But the only thing is that the five ghosts are all souls that are extremely afraid of water. Before this, Guan Heng knew that as long as they were close to the water's edge, the spirit of the five ghosts would be greatly weakened. So at this time, the five ghosts Shadow can only keep searching around a distance of more than ten meters above the waterfall.

"Huh ... the six-footed monster might have something to do with Qing Huang's residual soul. I must find it!"

Guan Heng thought of it here, “噌 噌 噌” leaped up and down in succession, and continuously ran on the big rock next to the waterfall. The Ghost Tiger followed him like a gourd, and the light of the crystal coffin did not diminish. Instead, the surrounding area is getting brighter and brighter, which makes Guan Heng completely sure that there must be clues to the residual soul here.

Suddenly, a ghost suddenly fell in the wind. It swaggered in front of Guan Heng, then pointed at the direction of the waterfall curtain, and looked at Guan Heng, who looked like a torch, and finally found that there was a looming darkness. The green spine, with the fins swaying slightly, was obviously ambushing there waiting to move.

"This is the **** hexapod fish?" At this moment, Guan Heng's eyes flashed a hint of brilliance, and he immediately took off the snow-like bow, took a bow and tied a long arrow, and then ordered Says: "Big ghost attaches his ghost to the arrow shaft."

The big cricket ghost did what he said, and the "唰" shrank into the arrow shaft, and when Guan Heng suddenly burst out all his orange aura, he heard the tenacious bowstrings squeak and creak. Harsh.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng loosened his fingers momentarily, the bowstring trembled and hummed, and a flying Yaji turned into a blue rainbow, and the wind soared away. In the next moment, the sound of a "chirp" fell into the hexapod Strange fish's back!

"Oh!" A terrifying roar sounded, and the hexapod fish suddenly came out of the water. I saw that this guy really was a python head, a strange fish body, a pair of eyes that looked like straight horse ears, and six duck webs. Strange feet, a long arrow of Guan Heng just shot by the spine of a six-legged monster fish, all three feet of the arrow body got into the scales of the fish, leaving only the arrow left outside.

Blood, rushing out of the wound, the six-footed monster was so painful that it couldn't live on the water, and its strange foot had the strange power of sucking the water, so it would not sink to the bottom. At this moment, Guan Heng roared. A cry: "Swallow the ghost tiger, wait here, I'll come and go!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng had already jumped into the upper reaches of the waterfall, swimming frantically in front of the injured six-legged monster fish. He thought that Qing Huang's residual soul would probably stay in the body of the monster fish, as long as he killed him in time. This hexapod can recover the remnant soul.

But the six-legged monster suddenly awakened after running around the water for two laps. When he saw Guan Heng rushing into the water at this time, he was so frightened that he flew into the water and slammed into the water and fled. .

"Don't even want to slip away like this!" Guan Heng finally found the clue of Qing Huang's residual soul. He could easily let go of the strange fish. He was like crazy and plunged into the water!

The strange fish that continuously dived in the water suddenly felt that something had caught its two webbed feet. In panic, the strange fish kept twisting and struggling in the water. Guan Heng refused to let go, but in the water Guan Heng couldn't breathe, and took a breath to hold the dive. At this time, he had consumed seven or eighty-eight. Guan Heng's face turned blue, and he couldn't breathe ...

At the very moment of his death, Guan Heng suddenly vacated a hand, grabbed the eagle dart shaft, and clenched his teeth firmly. With a bang, he pulled out the whole arrow, and for a while, with the long arrow Pulling out, a swift bloodline burst out on the spine of the six-legged fish, and everything in the water was instantly red!

—— [2016.8.30 third more, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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