Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1681: Great Harvest (Third)

"Really? Are you sure?" At this moment, both Mo Jinzhi and Dou Wanxin were somewhat doubtful, but looked sweet at Guan Heng.

The two also had some forefingers, so they each picked up a cypress fruit, wiped it on the placket, and ate it.

"Yeah, it's delicious." Mo Jinzhi said as he ate, "I have been playing on this mountain since I was a child. I didn't expect to have such a delicious tree fruit, but I never tasted it. It's a pity. "

Dou Wanxin also ate with a smile on her face at this time: "Oh, Guan Heng said quite well, it was sour and sweet, and I wanted to eat one more."

"Of course I do, and my introduction will never be wrong." Guan Heng had already eaten three alder fruits at this time, and still had no idea. When he wanted to get it again, he found the dead alder tree. The tree fruit on the demon branch has been eaten by himself and the second daughter.

"Two sisters." Guan Heng turned his eyes at this moment, he asked with a slight smile: "Do you have the same thoughts as me now?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Jinzhi pouted and smiled, "Guan Heng, do you also want to find a few more cypress trees?"

"I'm going, I'm going to find it." Dou Wanxin said at the moment: "I just ate two alder fruits. Not only did I feel that my teeth and cheeks were fragrant, but I felt like I had endless strength at the moment, such a good thing. Of course I want to eat a few more. "

"Since everyone agrees at this time, let's go." Guan Heng shouted with a wave at this time: "Target, the cypress tree demon on the whole mountain, grabbed all the fruits from them, and gave them to Yanhe The villagers let them try something new. "

"Okay." The two daughters Dou and Mo agreed in unison, followed behind Guan Hengshen, and began to search around the mountainside area. Sure enough, the effort was worthy of everyone. After a while, they found a few Tochigi little tree demon The trail immediately surrounded with joy.

After a very light-hearted battle, all the little tree monsters were all stricken by them, but after adding dozens of alder tree fruits, everyone felt it was inconvenient to bring them, so Mo Jinzhi cut a dozen on the mountain wall. Root tree vine, hurriedly weave two rattan baskets, and put all the fruit into it.

All morning, Guan Heng, Mo Jinzhi, and Dou Wanxin wandered around this mountain. The alder tree demon here was a bad mold. Guan Heng and they collected hundreds of alder tree fruits and ate them. While continuing to find new starting targets.

Finally, in a mountain stream, Guan Heng met a powerful enemy, the Tochigi Giant Tree Demon!

This juniper giant tree demon is very different from those low, ugly, good and bad little tree demon. I saw the giant tree demon is about ten meters tall and leafy. The giant tree fruit on it is as big as a watermelon, but the quantity is not the same. Not many, at most there are only a dozen.

Seeing a watermelon-sized tree fruit, the three of them were ecstatic: "Eating the fruit of this giant tree demon, can each of us have a lot of strength?"

When they saw Guan Heng carrying two baskets of tree fruit on their backs, the Tochigi giant tree demon immediately realized that the three guys in front of him were the "Tochigi killer" who destroyed his own family. In a moment, this guy suddenly became furious. The trembling branches suddenly snarled at the three of them.

"It's so fierce--" Guan Heng chuckled at this moment: "Look at me sending you a carved arrow!"

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Hengyun took off the snow-like bow on his back, and carved the arrow to take a bow and lead the string. Aiming at the giant tree demon more than ten meters away was a lightning bolt: --laugh!"

Guan Heng ate some of the fruits of the Tochigi little tree demon this morning. The strength of his arms has doubled, so now it is not very laborious for the hand to open the bow like a snow bow. He slammed into the body of the giant tree demon, leaving an amazing hole directly on it.

"Let's get on—" Guan Heng took his back like a snow bow, pulled out the soft leaves of a green leaf, and fought a battle with Mo Jinzhi and Dou Wanxin around the Tochigi Giant Tree Demon. After the tree demon was wounded by an arrow, his body I ca n’t stop pouring the Yin Hong sap, which has been painful to death, and Guan Heng and others have continued to storm, and finally suddenly fell after a moment, so I do n’t move anymore!

"Hahaha, the harvest is huge—" Guan Heng and the two daughters were so happy that they jumped around, and they walked to the remains of the Tochigi giant tree demon, and picked up more than a dozen watermelon-like tree fruits. Into the rattan basket, but the last three can't fit.

Guan Heng, Dou Wanxin, and Mo Jinzhi each hugged one, and said to each other with a slight smile: "Let's be polite, and start eating!"

"Ka-cha, Ka-cha ..." The three men hugged the giant tree fruit without hesitation, and after a short time, they ate the whole tree fruit.

"Uh ?! Suddenly I feel hot ... and strength is constantly flowing." At this moment, Mo Jinzhi suddenly whispered, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"Hoo!" Suddenly, Mo Jinzhi burst into a strong aura of surge of energy. Her original degree of control was only the blue spirit. After eating the huge tree fruit, she suddenly surged to the end of the bottleneck. , "Beep" turned into orange aura!

"Yeah! Hahaha-my aura has evolved." Mo Jinzhi shouted excitedly: "You see, it is the orange strong one, this is the strong one, even the patriarch sister is so powerful, It was only after the age of thirty that he entered this realm. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng smiled and said, "Congratulations, Sister Jin Zhi, this time you have also become a strong man in charge of the orange aura."

"Yes, Sister Jinzhi, I'm really happy for you." Dou Wanxin said with a smile at the moment: "I didn't expect that we just went into the mountains and had some fun, and there was such an adventure, hehehe, lucky."

Mo Jinzhi then converged into the orange air of her body, and then incorporated it into the body. She said, "Thanks to Guan Heng's knowledge of this cypress demon, otherwise, if we see it, we will stop at those tree fruits. of."

"I just happened to know it." Guan Heng waved his hand and humbled at this moment, and then he said, "Now we can be regarded as returning with a load, should we go back to Yanzhai?"

"Well, let's go, I don't know how long these tree fruits can be kept fresh, and you must quickly take them back and give them to the people to taste." Mo Jinzhi said this sentence as soon as Guan Heng and Dou Wanxin agreed slightly.

The three picked up the rattan basket and hurriedly returned to Yanhezhai. When they arrived, they saw Monu's husband Liu Lang and several people passing by the gate of Zhaizi, so the three of them told the pass up the mountain and heard everyone. Flabbergasted, then overjoyed.

One tribe said happily: "Let ’s go and gather everyone right away and let them go to the open space at the gate of Zhaizi to divide the fruit. It seems that there are a lot of them, and they can be allocated to every household. Everyone will be very happy. . "

—— [2016.8.31 third change, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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