Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1698: Geng Shu struck (fifth more outbreak)

"It doesn't matter, brother Guan, I have heard that you have come all the way from the Molang tribe along the river, and have passed through the Wenlei Valley of the various Dais. This has been a hard work."

Just then, Rongzheng asked, "I don't know where you are going on the next trip?"

"That's it, Patriarch Rong."

Guan Heng thought for a while and said, "I plan to continue to travel north, but not long ago, my right brother A Gou got into the body by an ancient monster" 蛫 蛆 "while helping to capture the crazy long right. His condition is not so good now. I want to go to the territory of the Hu tribe to find a cure for the dog. "

Having said that, Guan Heng took out the bamboo tube containing the worm, and then continued to say to Rong: "And when I found you and Baitou Zhuyan, I caught another one that escaped from Zhu Yan's nostril. There is a monster, right here. "

"What ?!" Rong Zheng was so angry that his face was flushed, and he gritted his teeth. "It's the **** of Gengshu who led the Hu tribe. He hurt me two demon apes and severely wounded me. , This account, I must be clear with Geng Shu! "

As soon as Rong Zheng looked up, his decisive counterpart Guan Heng said: "Little brother, since you are going to the land where the Hu peoples live—Guinuma Forest, let me go with you. Let ’s join together and bring All the clutter of the Hu people are cleaned up. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng said in amazement: "Mr. Rong, your injury has just been dealt with, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to trek?"

"Hey, the little brothers don't know. The people of our Tianli tribe are all gifted and rough-skinned. Normal skin injuries can be better in a day or two."

Rong Zheng patted his chest at this moment, and he said like Hong Zhong: "Not to mention that I can't let the grievance out of my heart, and I can't rest assured. It's better to go to the ghost marsh forest with you to lead the Hu tribe, so It's a happy fight. "

Hearing this, Guan Heng smiled suddenly: "Hahaha, okay, the patriarch Rong is really proud, then we can get on the road as soon as possible, or just tomorrow."

"So good, my two apes, Changyou and Zhu Yan are almost as injured." Rong Zheng thought for a while and said, "I'm going with you to the Guinuma Forest this time. No one needs to take it, just take it. It's enough to get on these two demon apes, so that they can also exude the evil that Geng Shu calculated. "

Guan Heng slightly jaw head: "Well, so good, light and simple, all are a combination of elite and strong, enough to have a surprise effect."

Therefore, Guan Heng and Rong Zheng discussed the departure tomorrow morning. Immediately after the two had used dinner, Rong Zheng returned to the room to rest and recuperate, and Guan Heng went to Agou's room again. He found himself returning. Since then, Ago ’s spirit has been surprisingly much better. Now he can eat, drink, and sleep, which is a bit strange.

At this moment, when Guan Heng entered the room, the full-fledged A-dog had been snoring like thunder. Guan Heng Guan Heng sat by his sleeping bed for a while, taking a closer look at this silly man, Guan Heng couldn't help sighing. Tone: "Seriously, sometimes I still envy you guys, it's good to be stupid and sleepless, it's also good, at least there is nothing to worry about."

After a few sighs, Guan Heng stood up and returned to his room. After a night without incident, he blinked into the morning.

After the elders of the Tiansong tribe knew that Rong Zheng was going to lead the Linhu Ghost Marsh Forest with Guan Heng, he knew that this tolerant temper was irritable and irritable. Even if he dissuaded himself, it would certainly not help, so the elders only asked Rong Zheng Be careful all the way, and then send him on the road with Guan Heng.

Guan Heng is still riding a devouring tiger. A dog follows him like a leap, while Rong Zheng rides on a tall four-eared long right shoulder, letting him run forward with his own speed. No less than swallowing a ghost.

The white-headed Zhu Yan next to him followed closely. When Chang You was tired, he replaced it as a mount for Rong Zheng.

Guan Heng saw this scene in his eyes and said with a smile: "Brother Rong, it seems that it is really convenient for you to travel with two great apes. This long journey is almost effortless."

After hearing this sentence, Rong Zheng smiled suddenly: "Of course, these two demon monkeys grew up with me, except that they can't speak, they are no different from their brothers, and they are also to me. Extremely loyal. "

"Amazing ..." Guan Heng sighed sincerely. At this moment, their party had arrived in the virgin forest dozens of miles away from Huangluoling, and the white-headed Zhu Yan suddenly glared and suddenly issued " Howling "roar.

Immediately afterwards, Rong Zheng's four-eared long right shoulder also stopped for a moment, and then his body trembled. "Not right, Shuang Ape rarely has such an overwhelming reaction." Rong Zhengxi jumped from the long right back and immediately said to Guan Heng: "It seems like ..."

"Brother Rong, be careful behind you—" Guan Heng suddenly changed his face at this moment. In the roaring warning sound, his body was moving, and Rong had already rushed to his side in an instant, and a pair of eagle eagles cried wildly Next, six or seven narrow and triangular triangle head snakes were cut into pieces.

"These poisons? Are they from the Hu family?" Rong Zheng saw the poisonous snake suddenly explode his heart, lungs and lunges. He shouted, "Geng Shu, are you **** things nearby? Hurry up and die, otherwise Lao Tzu Going to the Ghost Marsh Forest will surely wipe you out of the Hu family! "


There was a squeak and a funny laugh, suddenly uploading from the canopy of the towering ancient tree, a "swish", a small figure standing on top of it, after the man landed, Guan Heng saw that the king had no flesh, a pair Snake eyes radiate cold light, flip-hole noses like garlic, countless pustules and freckles on the entire face, and two small yellow beaks on the lips, which is really ugly.

As soon as Rong Zheng saw him, he suddenly shouted: "Geng Shu is indeed a thief who killed thousands of swords. Today you have me without you, kill—" Rong Zheng shouted, and the two demon apes were even more It was irritable. Before that, they had both been attacked by Geng Shu and used ancient monsters. Of course, they could not wait to tear them to pieces.

But at this moment, Geng Shu suddenly fell into shape, and said in his mouth, "Stupid thing, do you think I appeared without any preparation? Now the Tianluodi net has been laid here, you are finished !!"

Speaking late, at that time, at the same time, while Geng Shu was falling down, a wrist flute turned out on his wrist and blew up on his lips. He only heard the sound of "wow" flutes being extremely harsh and unpleasant. The sound of Sosuo sounded in the surrounding grass, stone cracks.

Guan Heng suddenly cried at this time: "Oh, this may be surrounded by a lot of poisonous insects."

Upon hearing this, Geng Shuwei, who stood still, said with a smile: "Ha ha ha, very keen little ghost, but unfortunately, your response is also half a step slower."

—— [Fifth more in 2016.9.3, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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