Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 2035: Malicious plan

"However, I think the identity of the assailant or those in black is extremely mysterious." Guan Heng said at this time, touching his chin. "That's fine, everything else is not important, since here except Di Hong There is no other living outside, so we should quickly **** her back to Sangzhu Village. "

Shang Tianlin quickly said, "Brother Guan's suggestion is good. Let's go, otherwise, it will change late."

But when Ruo Tao and Tian Lin helped Di Hong to step up and swallow the ghost tiger, the six ghosts suddenly gathered beside Guan Heng. Then, Guan Heng's ears suddenly moved, and he said suddenly, "Oh no good , I heard a lot of people coming over here! "

"I heard it too!" Ruotao whispered at this time: "My son, what shall we do?"

"I can clearly feel the murderousness of these people now, I'm afraid it's not good intentions." Guan Heng shouted at this time: "Swallow the ghost tiger to play the fastest speed, only three people can be stabbed at a time, so, you I rushed back to Sangzhu Village, and I tried to deal with these people before I went back. "

Shang Tianlin and Ruo Tao knew that Guan Heng had a lot of wisdom and he was surrounded by six ghosts to help him out, so he was quite assured of his decision, so he promised to let the devouring tiger hold the three of them and walk straight towards them. The mountain road leading to Sangzhuzhai rushed outside.

Speaking late, at that time, Guan Heng gently waved his hands, and several ghosts turned into six looming ghost figures with big fists, and began to wander around Guan Heng, while Guan Heng ducked and hid After the tree, watch it change.

At this moment, more than a dozen strong figures "噌 噌 噌" all entered the forest. One of them suddenly shouted, "Oh, we're late. Look, isn't Jiang Zhong and his men lying on the floor?"

"The cages holding the strange beasts are gone." Someone shouted, "As soon as the tribute is lost, we can't go back to the Lord, and once it's passed out, you and I will be negligent. No one can survive. "

These people are full of crimson aura. People with slight eyesight know that they are the strongest at a glance. But when it comes to life and death, they are all dignified and timid. You can see that the "lord "Upper" must be a very strict person who must be punished for mistakes.

Seeing the people around him getting anxious, the leader of the burly longbeard suddenly shouted: "If you want to stay alive, shut up Lao Tzu !!"

The old man burst out in a strong roar, and even Guan Guan, who was hiding not far away, felt a little palpitated. At this moment, the old man snorted coldly: "It is the idiot Jiang Zhong who lost the" Fantastic Tribute ", and Not us, what are you afraid of doing? "

Although the old man with a long beard shouted and deterred everyone from talking about it, some people boldly said, "But ... Jing Lao, lost the tribute, we all have the responsibility of sitting together."

"Stupid, this matter is easy to solve. Let's cleverly 'design' it.

At this moment, the elder bearded man "Jing Lao" saw fierce eyes, he said coldly: "First of all, we must find a scapegoat. Jiang Zhong and his men cannot lose their heads themselves. ... It's long gone now, so let's create a group of "killers". As long as the heads of these killers are presented to the Lord, you and I can get rid of the guilt of the tribute. "

With that said, Jing Lao shrugged his fist and said, "And maybe he will get extra rewards from the Lord because of" hunting and killing merit "!" Someone immediately asked: "Jing Lao, there are few people in this wild country. Where to look for the "murderer"? I'm afraid things are not easy to handle? "

"Well, how difficult is it to get an old man for such a trivial matter? As a murderer's candidate, the old man has already thought about it. Jiang Zhong once used a bird to tell us to meet in Sangzhu Village not far ahead."

Jing Lao held his three-foot long beard at this time and said, "In my opinion, the people in this mulberry village must be the" murderers ". They got upset, killed Jiang Zhong and his men in an ambush in the mountains, and put The strange tribute was stolen, and now it has been given away to ... the distant demons, yes, the people in Sangzhuzhai are the eyeliners of the demons! "

"Hey!" Jing Lao turned around at this time, and said to the men behind him: "The people in Sangzhuzhai killed Jiang Zhong, hijacked the tribute, and were still sitting on the demon tribe. Each of these three is a crime of death. Let ’s rush to Sangzhuzhai overnight, and after we call the Zhaizhai Gate, we will kill when we go in, that is, young men and women, old and young women will not let go, and we will kill them all! "

As soon as Jing Lao said this, those of his men were usually killing people without blinking, **** hands, but were shocked by his words.

Someone thought to himself, "Jing Lao, Jing Lao, this kind of beast is not as good as" killing good and bad ", and only you, a cold-blooded and ruthless old guy, can think of it. The whole people in a village, because of you. Then, all will die? "

At this time, Jing Lao said his plan and immediately saw someone with an intolerable face. He immediately said, "Of course, the idea was from my husband. I will definitely do this. You have followed me for many years and know that I am Jing Mou. People say no, if you do n’t want to do this with me, you can leave immediately, Jing will never stop, please! ”

When he heard Jing Lao say this, a strong man stepped out of the crowd. He arched his hand at Jing Lao and said with a sigh of sigh, "Jing Lao, I have no interest in your good idea. ! "

Although the king is a subordinate of Jing Lao in name, he is in a state of red spirit and he is not under Jing Lao. He is very dissatisfied with this old thing, and today he heard that Jing Lao, a beast, was inferior to "Destruction" The village slaughtering, killing good and taking advantage of the plan, has long been suffocated with anger, so immediately go away.

"Well, Brother Wang is a good man, dare to be brave, and unwilling to follow me to do things, understandable next time." At this time, Jing Laojun said in a pose: "Brother Wang will go to the high mountains and far away, there will be a lack of entanglement, I Here are some gold goods, please accept them! "

After saying this, Jing Lao didn't wait for the other party to refuse, and threw a cloth bag and threw it to Wang Xi's face door. Wang Qi saw his eyes wide open, and reached out unwillingly to meet, he knew that if he did n’t It is absolutely difficult to get out of the way to shock the opponent.

"Slap!" After Wang Yan caught the bag, he felt a surge of force, and he was not stable in time. "Teng, Teng, Teng" took three steps back.

"The strength of the old guy is really inestimable." Wang Yan cried inwardly: "I try my best to barely catch this bag. No, I have to go quickly, but late changes."

But before Wang Yan turned around, Jing Lao's mouth licked a vicious smile, and the next moment, Wang Yan suddenly felt a pinch-like pain in his wrist. He couldn't help but screamed: "Eh Yeah! "

—— [2016.11.10 Second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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